Σ(oДo”You, what do you mean? Why do you carry the magic crystal with you? And you just recorded what I said. Are we really going to fight the devil’s heart later?”

Xiao Yang shrugged.”Who knows? Maybe we will fight”

“Xiaoyang, you look so familiar to me,” Lucy suddenly thought of the bet from last time.

At this moment, Laxus suddenly leaned close to Xiaoyang’s ear and whispered,”Xiaoyang, did you receive any information?”

Xiaoyang looked puzzled,”What information?”

“Suddenly a voice in your head said, Congratulations on accepting the mission to defeat the six demon generals”


Xiao Yang quickly checked the system information and found that there was indeed this prompt in the system.

Ding, congratulations on accepting the mission to defeat the six demon generals. After completing this mission, you will receive a large amount of magic power and skill rewards. Please sign for it.

“System, what’s going on, why didn’t we have this function before?”

【This function was enabled after the Tower of Paradise ended. Since there has been no large-scale mission, it has not been triggered. The Six Demon Generals belong to a large guild and are involved in many events, so the mission will be triggered this time.】

“Then why did Laxus receive the message??”

【The system will automatically select members who are suitable for this mission, and after the selection is completed, a reminder will be sent directly to their minds】

“”I see.”

Makarov was about to choose the members to go on the mission, but Xiao Yang interrupted him and shouted to everyone,”Who has the prompt to accept the mission in their mind?”

Makarov looked at Xiao Yang with a puzzled look on his face.

“President, let me decide the members this time. I have a way to automatically select those who are suitable for this mission 910″.

Makarov pondered for a while and nodded in agreement. Seeing that the president agreed, those who had just heard the reminder in their minds raised their hands one after another.




Lucy raised her hand slowly,”Me, why was I chosen among so many powerful people”.

Happy walked to Lucy.

“Oh, Lucy is scared, someone just said she wants to fight six people alone, who was it?”Habib has an expression that says I am thinking seriously.

“Don’t complain about me now. I was just talking nonsense. Who would have thought that I would really attack those people?”

Just then, Gerard’s voice suddenly came from the door:”And me.”

He came in from the door and walked to the crowd.

“I just came back from the Council, and this voice came to my mind.”

Xiao Yang looked at everyone,”Okay, everyone who raised their hands just now is a member of this expedition against the six demon generals. Everyone pack up and get ready to go.”

After a while:

“Isn’t it time yet? I can’t stand it anymore, Xiaoyang, help me!” Naz was lying in a puddle of mud, speaking intermittently on the pig cart.

“Natsu, I suspect your dizziness with transportation is a psychological effect. You don’t get dizzy when being carried by a harpy because he is your partner, right??”

“Um, ugh”

“Then if you imagine the pig in front of you as a companion, will you not get carsick?”

“No, it’s impossible. It’s not a partner. Why doesn’t Laxus get dizzy when he’s a dragon slayer? Ugh.”

“Laxus, maybe it’s because his dragon-slaying magic comes from the magic crystal?” Xiaoyang looked at Natsu who was lying on the ground and cast a purification spell on him.

After Natsu’s negative state was purified, he immediately jumped up and down:”Hahaha, resurrection!”

Erza looked at Xiaoyang in confusion:”Xiaoyang, this mission is said to have magic rewards, what will the rewards be?”

“I’m not sure either. This is the first time I’ve encountered this. It could be the magic of this world, or it could be the power of other worlds.”

Lucy fell into fantasy after hearing Xiaoyang’s words,”Wow, magic from other worlds, what kind of magic is there! I’m looking forward to it, will it be very powerful magic? After I get it, I can destroy the six demon generals with one blow.”

Happy waved his hand,”Lucy, it’s better to have sweet dreams when you sleep. Dreaming now is just daydreaming.”

“” Hobby, what do you mean? What do you mean by daydreaming? Can’t I just think about it? What if it comes true? You are just jealous.”

Hobby spread his hands helplessly and said,”Okay, okay, I am jealous of Lucy. How about it, are you satisfied?”

Lucy was not comforted by Hobby’s words, but became even angrier.

“”Happy, you are just trying to be perfunctory.”

Happy sighed,”Lucy is so hard to please, she is never satisfied no matter what you say.”

Elsa looked at the building in front of them and said to everyone,”We can see it now, it is the meeting place.”

Everyone walked into the meeting place, it was pitch black inside, after sensing someone coming in, the lights in the venue slowly lit up.

Lucy looked at the surrounding environment and complained,”This place has really bad taste.”

Elsa:”This is the villa of President Aoki Pegasus Bob.”

Gray got goose bumps when he heard the name,”Yes, is it that guy? I am really afraid of him.” (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Although Elsa agreed in her heart, as a mature S-class wizard, she still had to put on some superficial work.

“(; 一一) No, don’t say that, don’t look at him like that, he is a master that even our president can’t do anything to”.

At this time, a voice came from above the house:”Welcome everyone from Fairy Tail”.

As soon as the voice fell, a beam of light shone in front of me, and three more figures appeared under the light.

“We have been waiting for a long time.”[]

“we are…”

“Blue Pegasus…”

Chorus:”TriMen”. The handsome guy with brown and yellow hair:”Hiroya no Hibiki”.

The young man with yellow hair:”Holy Night’s Eve”.

The dark-skinned and black-haired man covered half of his face with his left hand:”Lotus of the Sky Night”.

What happened next was exactly the same as the original. The leader of the three, Yi Ye, appeared and was beaten away.

The beaten Yi Ye flew towards the door in a parabola and was caught by a hand. The hand emitted a burst of cold air the moment it caught him, and in the blink of an eye, Yi Ye was frozen in ice.

“This is really a polite greeting. You actually dare to look down on the Scales of the Snake Queen. You are so brave.”

Gray saw the owner of this hand and shouted in surprise:”Leo”

Leo was also very surprised:”Gray”

He looked around and said disappointedly:”Why are you here to participate in the expedition? I thought it was Uru. There is such a strong Uru, but only Gray is allowed to come. What a pity.”

Leo said while throwing the night in his hand into the distance.

Gray couldn’t help hearing this,”Ha! You, the defeated general, know my strength best. As for Uru,.()Uru is still on a mission and can’t come over, but I will go back and tell her, tell her (emphasis added) Leo misses you very much but is too embarrassed to come over to see you”.

Leo shouted angrily:”Gray, what did you say, do you want to fight?”

The three people behind him were also angry and said:”You little bastard, how dare you treat our boss like this, it’s too much, all the men can go back”.

A female voice came from behind Leo:”Oh, there are women here too”

【[Puppet hits carpet puppet]

As soon as the voice fell, the carpet not far from Lucy turned into a monster with a bow ribbon and attacked Lucy. Before Lucy’s brain could react, her body, which had been beaten for four weeks, automatically reacted.

She stepped back instantly, pulled out the whip at her waist and hit the carpet monster, and the carpet was instantly shattered. After the carpet was shattered, Lucy reacted.

“No, I remember this magic seemed to be…”

A pink-haired woman appeared beside Leo with a smile.

Lucy was surprised:”Shirley, you have also joined the Snake Scales.”

Shirley chuckled:”Well, I won’t allow you to say forget me, and please forget the old me.”

“Which one do you want?”

Shirley looked up and down at her former opponent:”I didn’t expect your strength to grow so fast, it’s like you’ve become a completely different person.”

Lucy heard the praise and said proudly:”Of course, I have undergone intensive training. I am no longer the same person. Now I can easily beat ten of you.”

Shirley was very angry when she heard that she looked down on herself:”I am no longer the same person before. I have changed my appearance for love.”

The scene was very chaotic for a while, and magic circles appeared in everyone’s hands, as if they were going to fight in the next second.

Xiaoyang on the side ate popcorn in his hand and watched these things happen as if he was watching a movie.

Laxus:”Xiaoyang, don’t we have to stop them?”

Xiaoyang waved his hand,”Someone will come to stop them in a while.”

As soon as Xiaoyang finished speaking, a very steady voice came from the door:”Assistant General, we are going to form a joint army to jointly defeat the Six Demon Generals. Now is your time to make a fuss.”

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