After hearing what Xiao Yang said, Lucy was surprised and said,”Xiao Yang, do you have any plans? Wait, you already knew that the Council would be a drag and ruin it. What about the previous bet?……”

Xiao Yang looked at her with a smile,”Lucy, I will only bet with others if I am 100% sure. It is not easy to catch a pie in the sky. This incident teaches you not to bet with others casually.”

After hearing what Xiao Yang said, Lucy put her head in her hands and fell into despair. She turned gray and muttered something in a low voice as if she was petrified. If you listen closely, you can hear:

“3 years, 3 years, 3 years, Mira Elsa!”

As they were talking, a group of people came to the edge of the island. Xiaoyang raised his claws, and a white light emanated from his hands. After the white light came on, the huge magic crystal in front of him began to glow, like a soft light bulb.

Habib looked at the magic crystal in front of him and was a little confused,”What? Is it my illusion? Why do I feel that this magic crystal is getting smaller and smaller?”

Elsa:”This is not your illusion, this magic crystal is getting smaller and smaller.”

Half an hour later, the huge magic crystal had disappeared, and it was replaced by a diamond-shaped crystal that could be held in one hand. Xiaoyang walked forward and took the crystal in his hand. He took out a bottle of liquid from the space and dripped a drop on the magic crystal. After 3 minutes, the crystal in his hand turned from one to two.

Lucy rubbed her eyes after seeing it and shouted in disbelief:”You are kidding, it actually turned from one to two.”

Xiao Yang raised the bottle in his hand and shook it,”This is called Double Liquid, it can copy an object infinitely. The one I have in my hand is a castrated version, which can only copy the original, and the copy cannot be copied again. If it is a complete version, even the copy can be copied.” After listening to what Xiao Yang said, Habib had crystal liquid at the corner of his mouth. He wiped his saliva and said:

“Well (slurp), if you drop it on a fish, wouldn’t there be countless fish (slurp), hehe, Xiaoyang, can you use it on me?”

Xiaoyang rolled his eyes,”This thing is rare, only one drop is produced in 10 years, otherwise I would have become rich a long time ago.”

Happy fell into depression after hearing what Xiaoyang said,”What, what! I thought I could eat fish unlimitedly.”

After Xiaoyang put the crystal into the space, he cast a purification spell on Jellal. Jellal, who was cast with the purification spell, rolled left and right on the ground in pain, and his body was like a chimney, spewing black smoke continuously.

Erza looked at Jellal and asked hurriedly:”Xiaoyang, what’s wrong with him, didn’t you cast the purification spell before and it was healed immediately, why is he in so much pain?”.?”

Xiao Yang touched his chin,”Hmm… maybe it’s because I controlled it for too long, the evil spirit merged with my body, so it took so much effort.”

Although he said this, he actually did it on purpose. He used the purification technique little by little. Seeing Jellal like this, the hatred, pain and fear in everyone’s heart slowly dissipated, just like the black mist on Jellal. After

5 minutes, Jellal calmed down. He sat up and looked at Erza in front of him with an apologetic face.

“”I’m sorry, Erza, I treated you like that before, I never thought I would become like that.”

Erza hugged Jellal after hearing what he said,”It’s okay, Jellal, it’s because you were controlled that it became like that, you didn’t mean it, did you.”

Jellal wanted to hug Erza back with both hands, but he hesitated for a moment and finally didn’t hug her.

“”In the final analysis, it is because of the evil thoughts in my heart that I was controlled.”

After saying this, he looked at Simon and the other four not far away.

“”I’m sorry, it’s all because of me that you’ve been through these 8 years of pain. If you want revenge, come on, I won’t resist.”

Simon and the others clenched their fists, loosened them, and clenched them again. In the end, it was Millianna who spoke first:

“Ah! What a trouble! Although you can’t lie to us, you are also helpless like us.”

“Also, what I said doesn’t mean I forgive you, I still hate you meow.”

Wally and the others had the same idea after hearing what Millianna said, and the three of them spoke together:

“Yes, although you deceived us, you are also controlled. From now on, we will have nothing to do with each other.”

Gerard smiled after hearing what they said,”It’s okay. If you need help in the future, feel free to contact me. I will be happy to help you.”

“Don’t wait until later, there is something I need your help with right now.” After hearing Xiaoyang’s words, Gerard walked to him and said seriously:”If you need any help from me, just tell me, I will do my best to help you”

“I want you to return to the Council again and make the Council your power”.

Everyone was stunned when they heard Xiaoyang’s words. Jellal smiled bitterly and said,”Although I also want to help, it is highly unlikely”.

Happy:”Yes, Jellal has destroyed the Council, how could they still want him, it’s good enough that the Council doesn’t want him”.

Xiaoyang spread his hands,”It was Ziklaine who destroyed the Council before, what does it have to do with Jellal? Besides, this time it was thanks to Jellal and Ulu who stopped Ziklaine, otherwise Zeref would have been resurrected. With such a great achievement, shouldn’t he be named Speaker?”

Ulu pointed at himself in disbelief when he heard Xiaoyang’s words,”Me? When did I stop Ziklaine! ?”

Xiao Yang waved his hand,”Uru, don’t care so much. You are about to become the Speaker of the Council and reach the peak of your life. You will be the envied rich and beautiful woman. You should be excited now.”

Lucy was speechless,”There is so much information. I don’t know what to complain. It is impossible that the people in the Council didn’t see anything. You let them have such a high position just based on your words.”

“.~ Not necessarily”, Xiao Yang took out a machine from the space with a mysterious look on his face. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【Common sense confusion machine】

“This machine is a prop that can confuse people’s common sense. As long as you put the written note in it, people will subconsciously think that what is written on it is correct.”

Lucy was surprised to hear the function of the prop,”Then you can write whatever you want, even if I write that I am the most powerful wizard in the world.”

Xiaoyang showed a sly smile on his face,”Of course you can, but if you don’t live up to your reputation and can’t beat the enemy in battle, it will not only be embarrassing but also dangerous to your life.”

“- -Yes, yes, you need to have the ability to deserve this title.”[]

“Not only that, this is also limited like the previous one. If I write that Lucy defeated Zekelein and became the speaker, it won’t work. It’s not realistic.”

“I’m so sorry that my ability is so low.”

Xiaoyang gave a thumbs up and smiled brightly.

“It doesn’t matter, I believe your strength will have a qualitative leap soon”.

When Lucy heard this, she remembered the special training of Mira and the others, and her head ached.

After Xiaoyang finished explaining (the money is good), he took out a piece of paper and wrote a string of words on the paper:

Jellal and Uru, with the help of Natsu and others, successfully defeated Zekrein and prevented Zeref from resurrecting.

He was about to put it in after he finished writing, when he suddenly thought of an idea and added another sentence on the paper:

After the wanted person is stamped with the Fairy Tail emblem, everyone will think that he is not the wanted person, except for his relatives.

Xiaoyang put the paper into the machine, and the machine shook left and right, making a”booming” sound. After a while, the machine stopped making a”ding” sound and pulled out the puller.

“Well, it won’t be long before the council members come to find Jellal and the others”, Xiao Yang put the machine back into the space.

Happy:”Hey! That’s it, but I feel no different from before, Natsu, do you feel anything?”

Natsu recalled what happened just now and shook his head,”No, I still remember that it was Erza who defeated Jellal.”

“Because I explained the principle of this machine to you, your memory has not been changed. You will see this thing next.”

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