
Xiao Yang said hello to the others and went to the corner with Lucy.

When they got to the corner, Lucy looked around cautiously. She was relieved when she found that there was no one around. She carefully took out a few pages of paper from behind and handed them to Xiao Yang.

[Lucy didn’t steal Elsa’s diary, why is she so…guilty?

Xiao Yang took the paper and looked at the contents with such doubts. After reading three pages, he praised:”Not bad, Lucy, you actually wrote……”

Before she could finish her words, Lucy covered Xiaoyang’s mouth with her hand and looked around in panic. She breathed a sigh of relief when she found that no one was around and made a hush gesture.

“Shh, Xiaoyang, other people don’t know that I write novels. You are the first person besides Leibi to know. This is a novel based on the horror movie you showed me last time. What do you think of my writing?”

Xiaoyang thought for three seconds.

“I should be the second one to know besides Leibi, right?”

Lucy yelled:”Don’t complain about this now, I asked you to read a novel.”

Xiaoyang thought about the plot of the novel he had just read,”Well, it’s pretty good, the plot development, characters, plot, and personality are all online, do you need some more inspiration?”

Hearing this, Lucy’s face turned pale and she shook her head frantically,”No, no, that experience is enough once, I will die if it happens again.”

“Okay, so when will you publish?”

“Σ(oДO Publishing? Me” Lucy pointed at herself with a suspicious look on her face

“~~I don’t know what name to publish it under, and what if no one accepts it?”

“You are a Star Spirit Mage, so why not just call your author Star Spirit Envoy? As for publishing, don’t be afraid. If no one wants it now, when you become powerful, you can directly take a 100-year mission, and the money will come in a rush. After you make enough money, you can start your own publishing house to publish your novels.”

Lucy was shocked,”Huh! Is this still possible? Okay, then I will go back and continue writing. Thank you, Xiaoyang.”

“It doesn’t matter, let’s go, we still have to go to the casino after dinner”


It was almost eight o’clock in the evening when everyone finished dinner. Since it was their first time to visit a casino, the others went downstairs to play first. Only Xiao Yang was not very interested so he walked at the end. Halfway through, he suddenly ran into Laxus who was also walking.

Xiao Yang asked in confusion:”Didn’t you leave first?”

Laxus raised his mobile phone and said,”I forgot to take my phone, so I went back to look for it.”

The two walked into the lobby on the second floor of the basement together. As soon as they entered, they saw Natsu and Happy crying and hitting the machine, shouting while hitting:

“Number 17, my number 17”

“Let’s go inside and pretend we didn’t see them.”

Xiao Yang and Laxus walked into the casino from the other side.

After going deeper, the two saw Lucy and Erza sitting at the table playing mahjong. Erza played five cards, and Lucy said excitedly:”Straight flush, Erza is so awesome!

Elsa’s face was full of pride,”I’m very lucky today. No matter who deals the cards now, I think I can win.”

As soon as Elsa finished speaking, a dark-skinned and blond waiter replaced the previous dealer. He said while shuffling the cards:”In this case, how about playing a special game and betting your life, Sister Elsa.”

The blond dealer dealt five cards, and the combination of these five cards formed the letter”death”.

Elsa looked at the dealer and exclaimed in surprise:”You are… Hugh, you are Hugh, right?”

“Long time no see, sister.”

Lucy:”Sister, Elsa, do you have a younger brother?”

At this time, the surroundings suddenly became dark, and a loud gunshot was heard in the distance. After a while, the surroundings became bright. Elsa glanced at the position where the dealer was just now.

“”Xiu” a voice came from behind Erza:”I’m here, sister.”

Erza turned her head and looked behind her, and found that Xiu was holding a stack of cards in her hand.

After seeing her sister looking over, Xiu threw the cards in her hand into the sky, and these cards slowly floated from the sky to the ground like flowers scattered by fairies.

Erza suddenly heard a lot of noisy sounds coming from the cards. She looked carefully and found that all the ordinary people around were trapped in the cards.

At this time, a magic circle appeared under the feet of Lucy and Laxus at the same time. Laxus instantly flashed to the side, and Lucy was tied up with a rope that looked like a cat’s paw. The orange-haired girl sitting at the table was about to say something, but Laxus instantly turned into lightning and knocked Xiu and the girl down with one punch each. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Just after knocking down the two, another square-faced man came out. The square-faced man’s arm turned into a gun and wanted to attack Laxus. Laxus punched him, and the square-faced man’s body instantly scattered and broke into pieces.

“Oh, boy you can’t hit……”

Before Square Face could finish his words, a golden lightning flashed in Laxus’s hand. With a”boom”, Square Face’s body returned to human form and fell to the ground with a charred body.

Seeing the three people being knocked out in an instant, a man in a turban appeared not far away. Laxus was about to take action, and he quickly said:”Wait, we are not enemies.”

Laxus ignored what he said, and instantly turned into lightning and appeared in front of him, saying in a light tone:”The woman with the rope attacked our guild members.”..

After saying that, he punched the man, and the turbaned man fainted.

Laxus knocked out all four people in less than two minutes. Erza didn’t even react. Xiaoyang sat on the card dealing table and opened his hand. An orange magic circle appeared in his hand. When the magic circle appeared, the rope on Lucy disappeared, and the same rope appeared on the four fainted people.

Lucy looked at the scene in front of her and exclaimed:”Great, so powerful, four people were knocked down in an instant.”

An orange magic circle also appeared in Laxus’s hand, and a rope emerged from the circle. He received the information of the magic.

“It’s really interesting magic, it can be controlled by voice and can also eliminate magic”[]

Lucy:”Wow, this rope can actually make magic invalid. By the way, where are Natsu and the others?”

Gray walked into the room just after she finished speaking. Behind him was a woman wearing a blue dress and a Fairy Tail emblem around her neck.

Lucy looked at the woman and said in surprise:”You are the Four Elements of Phantom!- -Why do you still have the Fairy Tail emblem on your neck, and it’s so big.”

The woman looked at Lucy, her eyes full of hatred.

When she said the word”rival”, she gritted her teeth, as if she wanted to eat Lucy.

Lucy looked around and found no one when she heard the woman’s words. She pointed at herself in disbelief.”Σ(ДMe?”

Gray explained to everyone,”This is Juvia. She became a freelance magician because Spectre disbanded. She wants to join 4.7 in our guild.”

Natsu also rushed in at this time, and seeing the tied up Square Face not far away, he shouted angrily,”How dare you, you bastard, shoot a bullet in my mouth.”

As Natsu said this, flames appeared on his hands and he was about to hit Square Face.

“Stop, Natsu”, Erza hurriedly stopped.

Natsu stopped attacking after hearing Erza’s words,”What’s wrong? Erza? Do you know this guy?”

Erza’s face was full of sadness

“They were my former partners.”

“Partner” x5

Xiao Yang said to the hooded man not far away:”Okay, now that you are awake, explain why you are here? Where are you taking Elsa? What are you doing??”

The man in the turban opened his eyes after hearing Xiao Yang’s words,”How did you know I was awake? My name is Simon. Gerard asked us to come and take Erza back. We don’t know what we’re going to do.”

“Jellal” Erza’s voice was filled with fear and hatred.

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