The next morning, Xiao Yang and his friends came to the guild. Natsu and his friends were discussing what to play. Xiao Yang greeted Natsu and his friends and went to find Mira.

“”Mira, come here for a moment. I want to tell you something.”

After hearing Xiaoyang’s words, Mira said hello to Lisa who was not far away and asked her to help with the work temporarily. After Lisa entered the counter, Mira walked to Xiaoyang.

“What’s wrong, Xiaoyang? Is there anything you want to talk to me about?”

“Hey, Mira, have you been talking to Elfman too often recently?” Xiao Yang reminded her implicitly.

Mira was stunned for a moment after hearing what he said,”Could it be that Elfman told you something?””

“No, no, I’m just reminding you, in fact, if you urge him too often, Elfman may not like girls.”

Mira said with a look of sudden enlightenment,”What! ? Could it be that Elfman likes boys? Oh, Elfman should have said it earlier. I am a very open-minded sister. It doesn’t matter if he likes boys. Who does he like?”

“Natsu or Gray, I see they often play together, no wonder when I asked Elfman before he hesitated and said no, it turns out he was afraid that I would object. I will go and tell him it’s okay, sister will always support you.”

Mira said and was about to go find Elfman.

Juvia, who was watching Gray nearby, suddenly heard such words, and her heart was overwhelmed.

[Σ(oДo What? Gray-sama actually likes men. Then my love rival is not only Lucy, but also Elfman.

[Wait, no, Gray-sama doesn’t still like men, he only likes men, I… I don’t have a chance.

Thinking of this, Juvia’s head suddenly buzzed, and the lunch box”Kata” she had just made fell to the ground, and some purple unknown liquid flowed out of it. She sat on the ground with empty eyes, as if she had lost all hope.

But soon she cheered up and thought about the next countermeasures.

[No, Juvia can’t let this happen, Juvia, Juvia can only become a boy if it really doesn’t work.

Juvia was ready to sacrifice, with a determined look on her face. Xiaoyang quickly grabbed Mira, who was about to look for Elfman with excitement,”No, I’m just giving an example, Elfman still likes boys…girls, Mira, don’t make things more complicated.”

[I finally understand why fortune tellers in my previous life didn’t tell others about the future.

Xiao Yang is now in a state of panic. He regrets telling Mira about this.

Juvia, who was at the back, heaved a sigh of relief when she heard this. She patted her chest and her face was full of relief.

[Phew, I was scared to death, I thought Gray-sama liked boys, so Juvia wouldn’t have to become a boy, and now Lucy is her only love rival. Yes,

Juvia cheered herself up with a happy face, and after refueling she suddenly realized something seemed strange?

[Wait, why am I happy that I only have one rival? Shouldn’t I be happy that Gray-sama only likes Juvia?

[Juvia, has Juvia fallen? Thinking of this, Juvia’s face showed a sad expression.

Mira’s face was full of regret,”So Elfman still hasn’t found a partner, it’s a waste of joy, well, I won’t ask Elfman anymore.”

“Yi Yi, why do I feel like you are very disappointed? Forget it, it’s good that you know it, I’m leaving.”

At this time, Elsa shouted loudly behind Xiao Yang:”Xiao Yang, hurry up, you are the only one missing, if you don’t leave, we will leave you behind”

“Okay, I’ll be there soon.” Xiao Yang turned and waved to Erza.

Then he came to Makarov’s side.

“Hey, Xiaoyang, what’s up? Aren’t Elsa and the others waiting for you?

Makarov said as he drank a glass of beer.

“”President, please inform old man Yajima that if the Council uses the magic spirit power later, he can oppose it. Don’t worry about anything else, just let him protect himself.”

Makarov’s expression became serious when he heard this. He put the beer aside and stared at Xiaoyang.

“Why would the Council activate the magic spirit power? That is a super magic that can destroy a town with one strike.”

Xiao Yang said with a relaxed look:”It’s just a possibility, it’s not certain yet, anyway, President, you just need to know that we are definitely fine.”

Makarov thought for a while and nodded,”Okay, I will inform Xiao Ma truthfully.”

After hearing Makarov’s promise, Xiao Yang went to find Elsa and the others. A group of people took the train to Arkane Resort Paradise.

This place is the most popular seaside tourist destination in the kingdom. Next to the amusement park are high-end hotels and charming beaches that you can’t resist once you visit.

Xiao Yang held a rope in his hand and put it on the animal in front of him. He stood on the surfboard and was driven by the animal to sprint in the water.

The animal is a rented monster on the beach. It has the ability to control water. This monster likes to carry people to play in the water. (To read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Wuhu, the sea is awesome!” Xiao Yang shouted excitedly, feeling the sea breeze blowing in his face and the waves splashing on his body from time to time.

On the beach not far away, Lucy and Erza were playing volleyball, Natsu and Gray were competing to see who could build the best sand castle, and Happy was enjoying the sunbath.

After Xiao Yang finished playing, he saw Laxus coming back with two bags of food in his hands. He came in front of everyone and put one of the bags on the ground.

“There are hot dogs and drinks inside, come and help yourself.”

Natsu was the first to step forward and pick up the hot dog, smiling and saying,”Thanks, Laxus”[]

Lucy sighed as she watched the people coming forward to get the hot dogs.

[Laxus looked fierce, but I didn’t expect him to buy food for others. Could it be that he was a cold-hearted person?

Laxus took two hot dogs and two drinks from the bag, walked to Xiaoyang, and handed him another bag of food and hot dogs.

“Thank you Laxus”, Xiaoyang took the food, opened the bag, and found that it was the grilled shrimp he liked. He ignored the hot dog and ate the grilled shrimp first.

After Natsu finished his hot dog, he covered his stomach and looked around. At this time, he saw Xiaoyang hadn’t eaten the hot dog yet, and he came to Xiaoyang with excitement.

“.~Xiaoyang, do you want to eat?……”

Before he could finish his words, he was knocked to the ground by Laxus.

“This is Xiaoyang’s. If you want to eat it, go buy it yourself.”

Lucy: [Okay, it seems to be different from what I thought.

Gray sat on the ground and saw this scene and didn’t care about eating the hot dog. He pointed at Natsu and laughed loudly:

“Hahaha, idiot, this is the nth time that you really only care about food and not punishment.”

Natsu supported himself on the ground with both hands and pulled his head out of the sand with force. There was a sneer on his face,”What are you laughing at? Only idiots would call others idiots.”

“Ha!”Gray rolled up his non-existent sleeves and was about to hit Natsu.

The two of them had a fierce fight on the beach.

After eating the grilled seafood in the bag, Xiaoyang looked at Lucy who was eating a hot dog in small bites.

“”Lucy, what is your current magic power?”

Lucy was stunned when she heard this question. She didn’t expect Xiaoyang to suddenly ask her this question. She subconsciously glanced upwards, thinking about her own magic power level.

“(Zhao Hao) That, now you can summon the star spirits of the twelve gates of the zodiac 8 times in a row, but the maximum is 10 times, and the magic power will not be enough if you use more.

Xiao Yang folded his arms and nodded,”Well, now you can almost open the door twice.”

“o O Me? No, no, no”, Lucy shook her head frantically.

She scratched her cheek with her index finger and said embarrassedly:”Double-door opening is something that only a very powerful celestial wizard can do. I’m just not that good at it.”

Xiaoyang analyzed her situation for Lucy

“Your magic power should be enough. What you lack most now is the control of magic power and the improvement of magic power quality.”

“I’ll give you a method. Concentrate your magic power on your feet. Don’t use your hands. Instead, walk towards the tree step by step as if you were walking. Be careful not to cause any damage to the tree during this process. This is the first stage.”

“In the second stage, you first use magic to gather water molecules to form a surface, then step on the water surface condensed by magic, like walking, and walk continuously on the water surface.”

“When you complete these two stages, you will be able to control your magic power very well, and not only that, your total amount of magic power will also be increased.”

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