On the second day of the Phantom Invasion, the Council sent people to interrogate everyone in the tent set up by the guild.

Xiao Yang was very unhappy,”Why, what else do you want to do? Do you want to start a war? You don’t even know the cause and process of the incident, and you are interrogating me here?”

“I am from the Council, we don’t care about this, we only know that your Fairy Tail and Phantom have started a guild war, so you must report truthfully.” The

Council members looked at Xiao Yang with an expression that he was the boss.

“Really? Then you can interrogate them here.”

Xiao Yang cast an illusion magic, trapping the two people in place, then he walked out of the tent and looked at Laxus not far away.

“Come on, Laxus, call Mira and Erza, let’s go to the Council House”

“”Okay”, Laxus went to the side to find Mira and Erza, and the four of them flew to the Council House together.

When they arrived at the gate of the Council House, they were stopped by soldiers.

“Who are you and what are you doing here?”

“We are the wizards of Fairy Tail���Come and tell me the details of the battle with the ghost. Please go and report it.”

After listening to it, the two soldiers discussed it, and one of them nodded to Xiaoyang, indicating that it was okay. Then he turned around and walked into the gate. Three minutes later, the soldier came out and said:

“”They allow you to go in. I will lead the way for you now.”

The soldier said as he walked into the Council Chamber first. Xiao Yang and the others followed behind him and soon arrived at the room where the speakers were.

There were nine people sitting at the top of the room, while Xiao Yang and the others were led to the bottom, which was like a prisoner being interrogated. As soon as they stood up, an old man with cat ears at the top spoke:

“Fairy Tail wizards, you will be guilty of starting a war with Phantom Ghost.”

Xiao Yang stood in place and turned on the aura of persuasion, and at the same time sent a copy of the photos he had taken before to everyone.

“What crime have we committed? When the Phantom attacked our guild at the beginning, we ignored it. We didn’t expect that our concession would lead to the further escalation of the situation. The Phantom not only injured our guild members, but also destroyed our guild.”

“Our president was ambushed and is almost dead. Now he is still lying in bed. Should we just stand there and let him beat us?”

“You don’t even know the whole story, and you just come up and convict us. You are really powerful.”

The people above kept silent while looking at the photos of the destroyed guild, the photos of Levi being beaten, the photos of Erza being beaten by Jupiter, and the photos of Makarov lying on the hospital bed with a pale face.

After a while, a pink-haired woman spoke:”Although this matter is Spectre’s fault, you can’t go to war with other guilds at will. How about this, you just write some self-criticisms, and as for Spectre, we will criticize them.”

Xiao Yang smiled,”Oh, so if we go to war with the Council, should we also be criticized?”

Xiao Yang’s tail swayed left and right while he spoke. When the three people behind him saw it, they immediately emanated amazing magic power.

The people in the Council saw the strength of these people as if they had seen ghosts.

[Saint Ten, that must be Makarov’s grandson, right? He really possesses Saint Ten’s magic power. How old is he now? And the two girls over there, their magic power level has reached the peak of S-class. The information clearly shows that the two women are imps who have just entered S-class].

The cat-eared old man shouted angrily:”Why, you Fairy Tail want to become a dark guild? How dare you challenge our Council? Where is Makarov? Does Makarov know about this?”

“The president was seriously injured by the Phantom’s sneak attack. Now I am the acting president of Fairy Tail. Everything I say is what our president means.”

“As for the Dark Guild, are you sure? You want to turn a guild with three Holy Tens and two S-class tops into a dark guild”.

Xiao Yang introduced the strength of the guild word by word.

The members of the Council became more and more scared as they listened. After a moment of silence, one of them said,”Okay, then Fairy Tail will be found not guilty.”

Xiao Yang smiled and said slowly,”Not guilty is not okay. Phantom hurt so many of us, and the adults wanted to convict us from the beginning. The guild members are very sad and need some small encouragement.”

When Xiao Yang said this, Mira in the back suddenly began to cry softly. She obviously had the strength of the S-class top, but now she was sobbing like a little girl.

Everyone in the Council was frightened by Mira’s sudden cry, but they soon thought that the majesty of the Council should not be trampled on. The cat-eared old man shouted:

“Encouragement! Yang Ming. Duo Le, don’t be ungrateful. We are not afraid of you when we convict you. You should know that we can turn you into……”

A magic crystal suddenly appeared in Xiaoyang’s hand, and the magic crystal played the scene of Joseph attacking Fairy Tail, and Joseph’s voice came from it:”Makarov and Erza are unable to fight…Hand over Lucy Heartfilia quickly.”

The old man was interrupted by the voice in the magic crystal just when he was halfway through his words.

Then another magic crystal appeared in Xiaoyang’s hand, and the voice of the councilor at the beginning came from it,”Fairy Tail wizards, you are guilty of going to war with Phantom.”

Xiaoyang had a playful smile on his face,”Tell me, if these two magic crystals are heard by all the guilds, will the Council still be trusted by other regular guilds?” The cat-eared old man slapped the table when he heard this,”Crack”, the water cup on the table was knocked to the ground by this force and shattered into pieces.

“Damn it, you are threatening us. Do you want to……”

He was interrupted by Speaker Crawford Himm before he could finish his words.

“Yang Ming. What encouragement do you want?”

“50 million J”.

The cat-eared old man blew his beard and glared,”50 million J, you really dare to ask for it!”

“Impossible, 35 million J at most, this is already the limit”.

Xiao Yang shrugged,”Okay, then 35 million J, thank you all, can we take our leave?”

Xiao Yang did not ask for the price again, he knew that under the influence of the aura of mentally retarded persuasion, the Speaker must have said the highest price.

Not only that, after this incident, the reviewers did not dare to make things difficult for Fairy Tail, because everyone knew very well what a young Saint Ten represented.

The initial criticism of Joseph was just to comfort the people in the Fairy Tail Guild. Although Joseph was defeated, his strength was still there, and they did not want to lose the fighting power of the Saint Ten, but unfortunately, the title of Saint Ten Joseph would soon disappear.

“Well, I will send someone to deliver the money to you later, you can go back now.”

After Crawford Shim, the chairman of the meeting, spoke, Xiao Yang and others left the Council and walked towards the Guild.

“You three have done a great job this time, everyone has done a great job”.

The three of them took off the necklaces around their necks and handed them to Xiaoyang.

Elsa:”Xiaoyang, I’ll give you this invisible stone. I didn’t expect there is a stone that can suppress magic power.”

Xiaoyang put the invisible stone back into the space,”The three young Saints were too conspicuous in the early stage. Although those old guys are not strong, they still have so many years of experience. Even if you suppress your magic power, they may be able to see it.”

Mira thought that her crying was ignored, and angrily turned back to her bad state.

“”Didn’t those old men see a beautiful young lady like me crying? They didn’t react at all. Are they still men?”

Xiao Yang comforted,”Okay, now we can go back and build a super luxurious guild again. You can tell us whatever ideas you have. After all, we have 35 million now.”

Erza’s eyes lit up when she heard this,”Really? I want a cake shop.”

Mira and Laxus thought about it and said at the same time,”I don’t want anything, Xiao Yang, you just plan it.”

Erza looked at the two in shock,”You are so cunning, doesn’t this make me look greedy, then, then I don’t want it either.”

Mira covered her mouth and grinned,”Erza, even if you take back what you said just now, it doesn’t change the fact that you are a very greedy woman.”

“”What! Mira, you actually slandered me in front of Xiaoyang, I will fight with you.”

Elsa said and chased Mira. Mira saw it and circled around Xiaoyang, and said provocatively:”Ah, didn’t Elsa say that just now? I was just repeating what you said.”

“”You must not mean what I said, you bad woman,” Elsa shouted.

Xiaoyang couldn’t help laughing when he saw the two people circling around him like they did when they were little, and sighed in his heart:

“Mira is still bad, and Elsa still retains some childishness and is as cute as when she was little. My arrival has completely changed these two people, but it would be very interesting if Lucy saw them playing like this.”

The air was full of laughter, and the laughter of several people could be heard from far away.

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