As soon as they returned to the guild, Makarov in Erza’s arms turned into smoke and disappeared.

Looking at the empty arms, Erza was stunned at first, then her eyes widened and she held her head and shouted:”Σ(OДO;President!!!”

“That’s not me, I’m fine, Erza, the decision you made just now was the right one, it was Xiaoyang’s illusion magic, the purpose was to lure Joseph over.”

Makarov walked out from behind the bar, he was intact and his face was ruddy.

Erza:”O_O Xiaoyang?”

Gray recalled the previous battle,”By the way, Xiaoyang, I didn’t notice before, he was never in the team, and the same goes for Laxus and Uru.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiaoyang appeared out of thin air beside Erza,”I’ve always been here, but you can’t see me because of the illusion magic.”

At this time, Happy shouted anxiously:”Xiaoyang, Lucy has also been taken away”

“Don’t worry, we’ll get her back soon.”

Xiao Yang took out an alarm clock from the space and put it on the ground.

Natsu looked at the three question marks on the alarm clock,”Xiao Yang,���What is it?”

“This is called the Timed Idiot. As long as the time is set in advance, this thing will explode and produce gas, and people who come into contact with the gas will do all kinds of stupid things.”

Natsu:”Can this bring Lucy back?”

“Of course not, it needs another thing to cooperate with.”

Xiao Yang said, and took out the position-interchange cloak again. He covered the bomb with the cloak, and 5 seconds later the cloak suddenly became larger. When the cloak was taken away, the bomb on the ground had disappeared, and instead, there was Lucy with her hands tied behind her back and her eyes closed.

Everyone was about to cheer, when they saw Lucy twisting her body and saying in a very sexy voice:”Well~, I can’t do it anymore, I’m about to pee my pants.”

The cheers were suppressed by this voice. Lucy felt that the atmosphere was a little wrong. She opened her eyes and found that she was actually in the guild. The people in front of her looked at her with strange expressions. Lucy’s face turned red instantly.

[Wasn’t I talking to Joseph just now! Why did I appear in the guild?… It’s so embarrassing. Can I die now?].

While untying the rope on Lucy’s body, Habib explained to her what had just happened.

After listening to Habib’s words, Lucy stood in front of everyone with guilt on her face.

“Sorry everyone, I’m actually Lucy Heartfilia”

“This time, it was because my father asked Phantom to bring me back that this series of things happened.”

“I’m sorry, it’s all because of me.……”

Before Lucy could finish her words, she saw Makarov holding a glass of beer and slowly passing by her. He took a sip of the beer from time to time, with a look of ease on his face.

Makarov noticed Lucy’s gaze and greeted her.

“Hey, Lucy, welcome back.

Lucy’s eyes were about to pop out, she was dazed, pointing at Makarov stupidly.

“o_O Yes, President! ? Didn’t Joseph say before that you……”

“Oh, that was Xiaoyang’s illusion. I’m fine. That idiot couldn’t see it at all, hahaha.” Makarov laughed wildly. Lucy was stunned for a while and said,”It’s good that the president is fine, but because of me, Rei-chan………”

Before Lucy finished her words, Leibi came out from the side. She put her hands together and looked at Lucy with an apologetic look on her face. When Lucy saw Leibi was intact, her eyes widened even more.

Leibi stuck out her tongue and said,”I’m sorry, Lu-chan, I’m not actually injured. Those injuries were painted by Xiaoyang to make me look injured.””

“I didn’t mean to hide it from you. Xiaoyang said this was part of the plan. I’m really sorry.”

Lucy didn’t react for a long time and kept looking stupid. After a while, she smiled.

“In other words, no one was injured this time, right? That’s great.”

Xiao Yang heard Lucy’s words and retorted:”No, someone was still injured. Gajeel’s butt drum and Joseph’s XX were fatally injured.”

Lucy covered her mouth, a little surprised,”Xiao Yang, how do you know Joseph’s……”

At this moment, a loud voice suddenly came from outside the guild, interrupting what Lucy was about to say.”=_=||Can I finish a sentence today?”

No one paid attention to Lucy’s complaints. Everyone looked out the window and saw an eight-legged island on the sea not far from the guild coming towards them. There was also a guild on this island.

After seeing the island, Xiaoyang turned around and shouted to the others:”Everyone, act according to the plan I just transmitted in your mind.”

Lucy:”Σ(oДo;So I am the only one who is useless!?”

The guild members walked out of the guild and looked at the buildings that kept moving on the sea. Harpy couldn’t help but exclaimed:

“The whole guild is moving! Is that the Phantom?”

Xiao Yang used telepathy to shout in everyone’s mind:”The shooting has started now, everyone act according to the plan, the expressions on your faces should be fear, disbelief and anger, the more exaggerated the better.”

“Remember, we are the victims this time.”

When the guild members heard Xiao Yang’s words, they first showed unnatural panic on their faces, followed by exaggerated anger and fear.

Xiaodao stopped, and a cannon stretched out from the center of the building, with huge black magic power constantly gathering at the muzzle.

Elsa stepped forward and her armor turned into diamond armor. Her hands held half of the shield respectively. As the shields came together, a huge dark blue magic circle appeared in front of Elsa.

In less than a minute, the energy group at the muzzle condensed and turned into a beam of light that”boomed” on the magic circle in front of Elsa.

The two fought against each other. Seeing that the magic power of the turret was almost used up, Elsa was still so energetic. Xiao Yang quickly reminded her:

“”Elsa, you can’t block the attack this time. You have to pretend to be exhausted and get beaten up in the guild.”

After Xiaoyang’s reminder, Elsa realized that she was not fighting this time but acting. She couldn’t completely block the attack. Elsa slowly withdrew her magic power.

As the magic input weakened, the magic circle in front of Elsa began to gradually dim. The magic circle without magic power could no longer resist Jupiter’s power.


The magic circle was completely broken, and Elsa was blown away by the force and crashed into the guild.

This force easily destroyed the entire guild.

Makarov looked at the broken guild in the dark, and his heart was broken.

[Xiaoyang’s plan must succeed, if it fails, all my secrets will be gone!!]

Seeing Elsa being defeated by Jupiter, Joseph’s voice came from the building:

“Makarov and Erza are both unable to fight, you have no chance to sing the song of victory, quickly hand over Lucy Heartfilia”.

As soon as Joseph finished this sentence, Xiao Yang clapped his hands and shouted to everyone:”Okay, everything is taken, everyone can fight back now”.

Joseph, who was sitting high up in the building, heard this and showed a disdainful expression on his face.

“Counterattack, no matter what, it’s no use. Makarov was still defeated by Jupiter.……”

Before he could finish his words, Joseph saw Elsa walking out of the guild in perfect condition. She had no injuries at all. If she had to be injured, it was only that her crimson hair had become a little dull.

“Impossible, that’s Jupiter, how could it be intact after being hit by Jupiter”, Joseph’s eyes almost popped out as he watched Elsa walking and fixing her hair.

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