When everyone came to the outside of the ruins, Natsu and Happy shouted happily:”It’s over, it’s all over, great”.

Lucy patted her chest,”Yes, I was seriously worried for a while just now, by the way, Uru is really amazing”.

Natsu’s eyes lit up,”So we have finally completed the S-level mission”.

Lucy responded happily,”Then can we go to the second floor generously in the future?”

As soon as the two finished speaking, the four words”horrible punishment” suddenly flashed in their minds. The two people’s heads turned around like rusty machines, and saw Erza with a gloomy face and Xiaoyang with a smiling face behind them.

“(Д)By the way, severe punishment is waiting for us!” The two covered their heads in fear.

Xiaoyang smiled and waved his hand,”Relax, Natsu, this is not the first time you have been punished.”

“But this time we also gained a great general, I can give you a small reduction in punishment.”

“General?” Lucy’s eyes showed a hint of doubt.

As soon as Lucy finished speaking, a female voice sounded behind Gray.

“I am not a great general. There are many people in this world who are more powerful than me. I am just a small character.”

Gray and Leo immediately thought of someone when they heard the voice. Although this person is no longer in this world, they still looked towards the place where the voice came from with expectation.

A woman with short dark black hair, wearing a jacket, and very capable and beautiful appearance slowly walked towards the crowd.

“How could that be? You must know that you killed Deliola, the demon who could destroy the entire city in just one day. Don’t be so modest, Uru,” Xiaoyang said with a smile.

Lucy:”Σ(Д;Uru!! Isn’t that Gray and the others’ master?”

“Uru” x2

Leo and Gray looked at the people in front of them, tears falling uncontrollably from their eyes.

Uru walked up and punched one of them on the head,”You two idiots, who told you to fight like this?”

“Gray, didn’t I tell you not to use that magic anymore? You didn’t listen no matter how many times I told you.”

“”Leo, didn’t I say before that only shaping magic performed with both hands is the most stable? You will suffer if you do this.”

Ulu put his left hand on his waist and looked at the two helplessly,”You two are really worrying.”

The two felt their noses sore when they heard the same mumbling as in the past, and the tears in their eyes flowed like a small river.

Gray looked at Ulu with tears in his eyes and said excitedly,”Ulu, you, are you still alive? I thought you were dead just now.”

Ulu rubbed his hair,”You were so stubborn when you were a child, but you became so crybaby when you grew up. It was Xiaoyang who saved me.”

After hearing Ulu’s words, everyone looked at Xiaoyang.

“After I came here, I found that although Uru had turned into an ice cube, her faith and magic were strong enough, so her will continued to survive. After purifying the ice state, it turned back to normal.”

“However, Uru lost a lot of magic power, from S-level to A-level, maybe because of the battle with Deliora, or maybe it turned into ice and melted?”

Leo looked at his master expectantly,”Uru, where will you go next? You come with me, the two of us will continue to train in the snow mountain, I will definitely defeat you later.”

Xiaoyang shook his paw after hearing what Leo said,”No, Uru has promised me to join Fairy Tail, you can’t cheat on me, this is immoral behavior.”

Uru smiled and touched Leo’s hair,”Yes, Leo, didn’t I say before, there are many strong people in this world, you don’t have to stick to me, I promised Xiaoyang to join his guild, and I will continue to watch you from a distance in the future.” After

Uru finished speaking, Gray smirked beside him,”Yes, Leo, you have to learn to grow up on your own, but it’s a pity that Uru can only go back to the guild with me.”

“=_=#”Asshole, do you want to fight?” Leo said angrily to Gray.

[If the two of them fight, there must be a winner. It’s such a waste of time].

Xiaoyang hurriedly stopped the two of them,”Okay, okay, let’s end this matter here. After completing this task, we should go back to the guild.”

Lucy looked up at the purple moon in the sky,”We have obviously stopped the ceremony, and Deliora is dead, why is the moon still purple?”

“Because we want to destroy the moon,” Erza said, turning to look at Natsu

“Natsu, you come with me, together we will destroy the moon and restore the villagers”

“Destroy the moon!!!” Everyone present was so scared that they left the black and white background, only Natsu happily agreed.

After Erza finished speaking, she walked towards the village. As she walked, the silver-white armor on Erza’s body glowed a little bit, and her armor gradually turned into a giant armor with a yellow base.

Natsu saw Erza walking towards the village and followed her excitedly.

[What kind of moves should I use to attack the moon later, the roar of the fire dragon, or the secret of the dragon slayer? If Gray sees me destroying the moon, he will definitely kneel on the ground and beg for my life, hahaha].

Lucy looked at Natsu’s arrogant expression and complained to Gray beside him:”=_=||”What do you think Natsu is thinking about? He is so… intoxicated.”

Gray thought for three seconds and replied,”He should be thinking about what kind of move can destroy the moon so that I can kneel down and beg for mercy.”

Lucy:”Σ(Д;How do you know?”

Gray clenched his fists.”Because if I were to destroy the moon, I would think the same thing.”

“-_-…You two are worthy rivals”.

Happy raised his paw,”Love, this is Natsu and Gray”.

Everyone walked into the village, and Natsu asked curiously,”Erza, why didn’t we destroy the moon directly at the ruins? It’s obviously higher there.”

“No, the villagers can’t get through there, so this place is just right.”

Gray:”You want to destroy the moon, even that Elsa will find it difficult to do it.”

Lucy’s face was full of doubts,”Didn’t you just say that you wanted to destroy the moon with Elsa?”

“Metaphor, metaphor, understand? I’m not that idiot that Natsu was, who believed Erza’s words right away.”

A white light flashed in Erza’s hand, and a spear appeared out of thin air in her hand.

“This is the evil-breaking spear that can shatter darkness.”


The villagers exclaimed when they heard Erza’s introduction.

Natsu and Erza came to the village’s observation tower. Erza raised the spear in her hand, aimed at the moon, and shouted as she threw it:

“Natsu heard Erza’s voice, and flames appeared on Natsu’s hand. He punched the bottom of the gun.

Flames like propellers appeared on both sides of the gun head, and the gun was thrown out. Three minutes later, the gun pierced into the moon.


Cracks appeared on the purple moon.

Gray and Lucy looked as if their worldviews had collapsed:”No, no way!!!”

Natsu looked at the cracked moon in the sky, turned his head to look at Gray, and saw his surprised expression.

“”Gray, see! I broke the moon, you still have time to spare my life.”

Natsu’s voice was as arrogant as it could be.

The cracks on the moon were getting bigger and bigger. When the cracks expanded to a certain extent, the purple moon disappeared, replaced by a pure white full moon.

Hearing the sound of shattering, Natsu turned his head and looked at the sky.

“”What, what, the moon is not broken!”

Natsu said this with five parts of shock, four parts of regret and one part of fear.

A lot of purple dust gradually floated down from the sky. These dusts gathered from all directions in Xiaoyang’s hand and formed a purple crystal.

Lucy looked at the broken sky, and then looked at the crystal in Xiaoyang’s hand.

“Xiaoyang, what’s going on?”

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