After returning home, Xiaoyang activated the transformation magic. After activating the magic, a magic circle appeared under Xiaoyang’s feet, and in the middle of the circle was the shape of a cat.

Xiaoyang’s body then emitted a white light, and in the light, his body gradually stretched and deformed. After the white light disappeared, a person appeared in the same place.

This person had black hair that was longer than his ears, his eyes were as blue as the sky, and he had a white flower on his chest. He was wearing a green and white suit and a linen cloak.

Xiaoyang waved his hand, adapting to his new body.”I haven’t used the human form for a long time. I’ve been a cat for so long, and I’m a little uncomfortable with suddenly becoming a human.”

Laxus next to him opened his mouth in surprise as he watched Xiaoyang transform from a cat to a human.(@[]@!!)”Xiao, Xiaoyang, you are Xiaoyang, right? Why did you suddenly become a human? Is it, is it an illusion?”

Xiaoyang looked at Laxus’ panic and felt a little funny.

Laxus had a stern face for a long time. This was the first time I saw Laxus’s exaggerated expression since then (after his father was kicked out of the guild).

“Yes, it’s me. This is not an illusion, it’s a kind of magic of mine. It’s a real person. If you don’t believe me, try touching him.”

Laxus poked Xiaoyang’s face with his finger, and felt the warm touch on his hand, which shocked Laxus.

“Awesome! Can cats turn into humans?”

Xiao Yang thought for a while and said to Laxus,”Every cat should be able to turn into a human, right? Maybe one day you will see a harpy turn into a human.”

After all, in the original book, Xia Lulu also turned into a human.

Laxus’ eyes widened when he heard this,”Ha, harpy!”

That night, Laxus had a dream. In the dream, the harpy turned into a human and kept saying in his ear:”I love you.”

The next morning, Xiao Yang and Laxus ate the rice noodles they won in the lottery.

“Xiaoyang, this thin noodle is delicious, and the toppings are so rich”

“This is called rice noodles, which are made from ground rice. By the way, Laxus, I will enter the guild in human form in a while, just pretend you don’t know me. I have a fun idea, hehe.”

“Okay, but don’t go too far.”

“”Okay, I got it.”

After dinner, the two came to the guild. Before entering the guild, Xiao Yang turned into a child. Xiao Yang took out a mirror to look at his current appearance and nodded with satisfaction. Then the two walked into the guild.

As soon as he entered the guild, Makao saw Xiao Yang following behind Laxus.

“Hey, Laxus, who is the kid behind you? Is he a new member who wants to join the guild?”

Hehe, isn’t the fun here?

Before Laxus could say anything, Xiaoyang choked and cried, ran in front of Makao and hugged his legs.

“”Wow, dad, I finally found you. I’ve been looking for you for so long.”

Laxus was shocked.…(ー_ー)!!

The other people in the guild were shocked when they heard Xiao Yang’s words.

“”Hey! Makao, you actually have such a big child.”

Wakaba came to Makao angrily and hit him hard on the head.

“”Macao, didn’t you say you would treat Ailo well? I thought you were a good person, but I didn’t expect you to have such a big child. If I had known, I would not have quit. I would definitely treat Daya well instead of being an unfaithful man like you.”

Macao was also panicked,”No, I don’t know him, how could I have such a big child, besides, my hair is purple and his hair is black, how could he be my son!”

Xiaoyang quickly filled in the gap as soon as Macao finished speaking

“”Wow, dad, my mom has black hair so I have black hair, don’t you remember your mom? Look, my hair is a little purple.”

Wakaba looked at Xiaoyang’s hair and nodded with a serious face,”Indeed, this child’s hair is black with a little purple.”

Laxus couldn’t bear it any more.

“Okay, Xiaoyang, stop teasing Macao. If you continue to talk about him, his wife will divorce him. And no matter how you look at it, Xiaoyang’s hair is all black, not even a bit of purple.”

“Xiao Yang!!!” the guild members shouted

“Hahahaha, Uncle Wakaba, how did you know my hair is purple? It’s obviously pure black. You believe everything I say.”

After saying that, Xiaoyang slowly changed from a child to a young man.

Elsa looked at the changes in Xiaoyang and asked curiously,”Xiaoyang, is this your newly awakened magic?”

“Yes, this is the magic I just learned. It can transform into human form. After transforming into human form, I can switch back and forth between the ages of 1 and 18, but I can’t be older, unless my magic power breaks through again. The highest I can become is about 25 years old.”

Macao was finally relieved at this time,”Huh, I was scared to death. Suddenly there was such a child. That is to say, although I am very lustful, I am still very loyal. How could there be another child?”

At this point, Macao looked at Wakaba angrily,”Wakaba, you actually believed it all of a sudden without any doubt. You can’t always think that I am such a person, right?”

Wakaba touched his hair and smiled awkwardly,”Haha, how, how could it be, it’s not that things happened too suddenly, by the way, today two people actually changed so much, it’s really scary.”

Xiaoyang was stunned when he heard this,”Two people, who is the other one?”

Mira suddenly walked to the side of the crowd, completely different from before, looking very gentle, and she was holding a cake in her hand.

Xiaoyang looked at Mira, who was the same as in the original, and asked curiously,”Mira, why did you suddenly become like this, is it because of Lisanna before?”

“Not all. I suddenly realized that people should not be too impatient. This helps me calm down. Also, this is the cake I made. Thank you for saving Lisanna before.”

“You’re welcome, and thank you for the cake. Let’s go to the table and eat it together.”

After saying that, Xiao Yang took the cake and walked to the table beside him. At this moment, Natsu and Gray, who were arguing nearby, threw something, which hit the cake in Xiao Yang’s hand, and the cake fell to the ground with a”pop”.

With the sound of the cake falling to the ground, everyone around stopped moving. Natsu and Gray on the other side also realized that something was wrong, and ran out while saying sorry.

Mira next to them instantly turned into her previous bad look, and in the blink of an eye she came in front of the two of them, grabbing their clothes.

“You two bastards, this is a cake that I worked so hard to make for a long time, and you actually broke it, die.”

Gray and Natsu screamed,”Ah! Mira, we were wrong, stop fighting.”

Xiao Yang sighed as he listened to the sound of fists hitting flesh next to him,”Mira is still the same Mira as before.”

After sighing, Xiao Yang took out another cake and ate it with everyone accompanied by the screams of Natsu and Gray.

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