Soon, the Council’s army arrived and arrested all of them. After everything was over, everyone prepared to set off for the guild.

On the way, they accidentally met Gildarts who was rushing back after completing his mission. He waved and greeted everyone.

“Hey, did you just collect the infinite clock parts?”

Kana was puzzled:”Dad, you are on a ten-year mission, how do you know about this? You haven’t been spying on the group.”

Gildarts looked proud:”Hehe, you should thank me for this. I met a man named Byro by chance two days ago. He is a member of the Reggio Army.”

“I heard from the side that he was going to stop you from collecting parts, so I beat him first. He is very strong, and it will take a lot of effort for you to fight him.”

Kana:”Oh, what is the side method? Did you overhear it?”

“Gildarts turned his head to the side.

“I didn’t mean to do that. I was playing with my phone on the tree, and he kept saying what I could do under the tree. Those words kept coming into my ears uncontrollably.”

Kana was speechless:””

But soon her expression changed.

“Hey, Dad, you know what? This time, the infinite clock of 12 is the same as the last six magic generals. It is a task that can obtain magic from another world.”

“Σ(O O what, so you all got the magic of the other world?”

Everyone nodded, and Kana took out a card

“My magic has changed a little bit. Now I can seal magic that is not stronger than my strength in the card, and release it when needed.”

Gildarts was full of envy. You know, with his current strength, the only way to quickly improve is to do commissions, but if he encounters a reward from another world, he might be able to take off instantly.

“Wait, I also defeated a person from Reggio’s army, why didn’t I get the magic?”

Harpy spread his hands and said,”This mission is a collection mission. Only those who collect the infinite clock parts can get the reward.” Gildarts’ face was full of despair:”Orz, how could this happen? If I had known, I would have come back earlier. This feels like the game gave you a five-star character yesterday, but you only found out when you played the game today. You’re so unwilling. You were just one step away.(T T)”

Afterwards, everyone returned to the guild together. As soon as they opened the door, a noisy voice came from inside:

“Welcome back!!”

Wakaba:”I heard that you successfully prevented the destruction of the world this time, and also brought the escaped six demon generals back to prison”.

Happy:”Huh? How did everyone know about this? We just got back”.

Wakaba:”Now the news has spread everywhere. Because of this incident, the influence of our guild has been greatly improved, and the number of tasks in the commission column has doubled compared to before”.

Makao asked curiously with a glass of wine:”Who will the infinite clock belong to in the end?”

Makarov came over from the side:”If nothing unexpected happens, it should be Xiaoyang’s. I just talked to the Archbishop of Saint Tobia.”

“He felt guilty about being controlled by someone, and after thinking about it, he finally decided to let Xiaoyang keep the Infinite Clock. He believed that we were very strong and had a good relationship with the Council, so it was unlikely that the Dark Guild would succeed.”

“Before leaving, he also said that if Xiaoyang used the Infinite Clock to do something bad, Saint Tobia would definitely try his best to take the clock away.”

Macao:”What does the Infinite Clock look like? Has it been taken into the space by Xiaoyang?”

“No, it merged with a force in my body. Do you want to see it?”

All the members of the guild nodded in unison:”Yes,”

“”Okay”, Xiaoyang raised his hand and summoned the wireless clock.

Seeing the legendary item that could destroy the world, Makao sighed:

“It’s a bit ugly, only one clock face looks like a clock, the rest looks like an octopus.”

Just after the complaint, an ethereal voice reached everyone’s ears.

“It is very rude to discuss other people’s bodies in front of them!”

“”Who’s talking?” Lucy turned her head curiously, and as soon as she turned around, she met a pair of dark, empty eyes.

Lucy was stunned for three seconds, and then she made a deafening sound:

“Σ(OДO Wow! Baby! Baby resentment!!!”

After saying that, she rolled her eyes and fainted on the spot, and at the same time a white soul floated out of her mouth.

“Σ(OДOh Sister Lucy!” Wendy yelled and ran towards Lucy to heal her.

A weapon appeared in Elsa’s hand, and her face was serious:”Who are you?”

Xiaoyang waved his hand:”Don’t be nervous, Elsa, she is the spirit of the infinite clock. I have been chatting with her on the road just now.”

“Locke, didn’t you say you can change your appearance?”

Locke nodded:”Yes, but because I have been in this state for a long time, I subconsciously became like this.”

After that, she changed from a doll with a scary face to a beautiful and exquisite doll. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Gray looked her up and down:”Hey~ The infinite clock actually has a spirit. It’s said that our world can also give birth to spirits. It’s so strange.” Elsa hugged her arms:”After all, it’s Xiaoyang, it’s normal for anything to happen”

【Ding, congratulations to the host for changing the infinite clock plot, and recycling the infinite clock, and obtaining a portable space.

As soon as the system sounded, Xiaoyang disappeared from the spot and appeared in another space. What he could see was a blue sky, the smell of soil in the air, and a huge house not far away.

Xiaoyang was shocked. After a moment, he took a deep breath and spoke slowly:

“Is this the portable space in the novel? The kind that can make plants grow overnight and has spiritual spring water! ?”

【Basically the same, but the spiritual spring water requires the host to obtain the spiritual power system to open】

【The capabilities of this space are currently divided into the following points】

【First: Adjust the time】

【Due to the time law and infinite clock obtained by the host, the space has the function of adjusting time. The ratio of the outside world and the space can be adjusted to 1:100 at most. One day in the outside world is 100 days in the space 723.】

【The second type: Any Door】

【The host can go to any location of the contractor through space, and the host can also summon the contractor through space.】

【The third type: accelerated growth】

【After planting plants in the land, their growth will be accelerated. In addition, by inputting various magic into the plants, the plants will also undergo different degrees of mutation.】

“”Will it produce different degrees of mutation?”

Xiao Yang became more and more curious. He took out a coconut seed from the space and put it into the ground under his feet.

After thinking for a while, he injected water magic into the soil. The next second, a green sprout emerged from the soil.

“”So fast!”

More and more leaves began to grow, and then they became bigger and thicker. In less than two minutes, a complete coconut tree appeared before his eyes.

“It’s amazing, it turned into a big tree in an instant, and more than 20 fruits can grow on a tree.

Xiao Yang used telekinesis magic to take a coconut, and the moment he opened the fruit, the coconut juice sprayed on his face like a torrent. After reacting, he quickly used water magic to make the coconut juice float in the air.

Three minutes later, the coconut juice finally ran out.

“My goodness, there is almost half a ton of coconut juice in a coconut. Is it because my magic power is too strong?”

He put a ball of coconut juice into his mouth. When the coconut juice touched his tongue, his eyes lit up.

“It’s delicious! It’s so refreshing and sweet! It doesn’t make your throat sick at all. I think you can drink as much as you want.”

“And it’s very thirst-quenching, like… like the cells are drinking water too”

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