Seeing that Happy agreed, Lucy skipped away

“(^o^) Ah, I feel so happy and relaxed. As expected, happiness will never disappear. It will only transfer from one person’s face to another. La~ La~ La~”

Habib took out a wallet from the small bag behind him, opened it and took a look, shedding sad tears.

“(T T)My food allowance, that shrimp set meal is so expensive, I can’t bear to eat it.”

After seeing everyone gathered, Xiao Yang took out the pointer from the space. When the pointer appeared, all the parts began to glow, and they floated uncontrollably into the air at the same time.

A fierce light flashed, and the parts combined together to become a strange prop with eight legs.

Habby quickly came out of his sadness. He looked at the clock and asked curiously:

“Is this the Infinity Clock? But it doesn’t look like a clock at all, it looks more like a stool.”

Lucy pointed at the clock and said,”Isn’t there a clock face on the front?”

“- -I mean the whole, the whole, Lucy doesn’t understand what I’m saying”

��……Are you a cat?”

The assembled clock slowly floated towards its owner. Halfway through its flight, it was suddenly knocked back to its previous position by a dark wave.

At the same time, several blade-like hurricanes attacked Xiaoyang from all directions. Just as the attack was about to hit, many small black holes appeared out of thin air around him. These wind blades disappeared into the black holes as silently as cow mud entering the sea.

Everyone looked in the direction where the magic attack came from. There was a cliff, and five figures could be vaguely seen on the cliff.

The figures slowly moved forward, and their originally blurred appearance began to become clear.

Elsa:”It’s Dark Night and Lisa, and there are three other people I don’t know.”

Lebi stepped forward, holding a stack of papers in her hand.

“According to the information obtained from Gerald, the green animal above should be a prisoner of the Church of Saint Tobia, named Gadman. He also escaped from prison some time ago. His magic is blasting magic, which can make the magic power in the human body explode.”

“The hooded man should be Eligore. He disappeared with the six demon generals.”

“There is no detailed information about the last red bear. Michelle told me that his magic is gambling magic, and he will attack randomly after using magic.

Lucy:”Why is it Eligore again? This is the third time, is he some cannon fodder? He appears every time.”

Habby raised his hand:”Well, he has evolved, from cannon fodder to a small boss.”

Lucy:”That’s right.”

Just as everyone was discussing, a gust of wind appeared out of nowhere, and the hood on Eligore’s head was blown off by the wind, and his originally unclear appearance became clear.

Everyone looked at him with wide eyes:”O o’Harpy


Lucy pointed at Eligore and turned to look at the others:”Σ(OДOh, he, he, you see! He’s become bald, his head is like an egg.”

Lucy suddenly began to think:

“Can you really become stronger after becoming bald?”

Wendy looked at Eligor and murmured to herself:”He looks like he is in pain.”

Cobra moved his ears:”Eligor and that animal are very confused, one has nothing in his mind, and the other has only the concept of destruction in his mind.”

Uru:”Are they both controlled?”

Habby:”Wow, that’s even worse, they are worse than the original cannon fodder, at least they still have self-awareness.”

The leader, Dark Night, glanced at the magic clock in the sky, and looked down at the person who betrayed him.

“Michelle, you really betrayed us. Not only did you fail to imprint the magic power, but you also leaked the information of the clock.”

Michelle walked forward and looked into the eyes of Dark Night.

“I didn’t join voluntarily, so how can I say I betrayed you? Besides, you also left a backup method in my body, didn’t you??”

“Now that the clocks have been collected, there is no need for you to exist anymore, just disappear.”

Dark Night raised his hand and launched a magic removal on Michelle, but what he couldn’t believe was that even though he had removed the magic of the puppet, the rag doll still stayed there in a human form.

“What’s going on? Why are you still here? I should have lifted the spell.”

“”Your magic has been lifted long ago. Now I rely on my own magic to move around. In addition, I can switch back and forth between puppet and human.”

Michelle said, and with a”bang” she turned into a puppet and floated in the air.

(bcfj) Lucy:”No need to explain this to the enemy, Michelle

“Is that so? I’ll pay attention next time.”

“”Tsk”, Dark Night curled his lips and raised his hand to attack Michelle with magic, but he soon remembered that this traitor had no sense of pain, so he slowly moved his hand away and aimed it at the person who was closest to the traitor.

Seeing that the air around his sister was a little distorted, Michelle’s pupils shrank, and she instantly changed into a fighting form, stepped forward and threw Lucy to the ground. The next second, the place where Lucy had stood turned into a deep pit. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Michelle stood up, her originally smooth long hair swelled up like a mushroom, and her clothes turned into a combat uniform made of green leaves. In her right hand, she held a dark green long sword, and in her left hand, there was a round shield with the Fairy Tail emblem engraved in the center of the shield. She pointed the tip of the knife at Dark Night and shouted angrily:

“He actually dared to hurt my sister, this is unforgivable”.

Xiao Yang:”Five people and five teams, one team will fight one person, everyone can choose as you like”.

Michelle was the first to speak:”I choose Dark Night, he actually dared to hurt my sister, I will tear him into pieces”.

Wendy raised her hand:”I choose Eligor”, and then she realized that she had not asked everyone’s opinion.

She turned to look at everyone else:”Well, is everyone okay?”

Elsa stepped forward and patted her:”Okay, Wendy, this time it’s our turn to assist you, you just need to output.”

Wendy smiled shyly:”Thank you everyone”.

Uru put his hands on his hips and looked at the three people behind:”Then let’s fight the animal who uses gambling magic, his magic seems very interesting”

“”Okay”, the three of them nodded in unison.

Mira smiled and said,”Then let’s choose Lisa, I feel his magic is very suitable for me.”

Gray was a little helpless:”Then that Gedeman is ours, hey, his magic sounds very troublesome.”

After a few words, the gambling machine above shouted loudly:”Hey, hey, hey, 21 people against five people, isn’t that too much? Aren’t you the Guild of Light, you should have a fair duel”.

Gray’s hand appeared cold:”It’s a duel, but it’s just you five against a group of us.”

The sky was instantly covered with dense ice knives and ice swords, and the next second these ice weapons hit the five people like raindrops.[]

Seeing the attack coming, some of the five people used magic defense, while others jumped away to avoid the attack.

The guild members dispersed and fought the enemy”single-handedly””

“Die!” Michelle’s left circular shield instantly extended eight”petals””


The flower sword shield shot into the distance like a bullet. It was connected to Michelle’s hand by a vine. The shield was inserted into a cliff not far from the dark night. The green vines began to retract, and Michelle swung towards the enemy like Spider-Man.

【[Eternal Dark Rondo]

A spiral black beam attacked Michelle who was moving in the air. She faced the attack without dodging. The two collided and a large amount of smoke suddenly erupted. The next second, Michelle rushed out of the smoke without slowing down.

Dark Night was about to continue attacking, but suddenly a strong light came from not far away, which made him unable to open his eyes. In the strong light, several flames of different colors attacked him.

Lucy, who was wearing the Leo Star Spirit Clothes below, shouted:”Michelle, Natsu and I will assist you, come on!”

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