Hearing what he said, Natsu also remembered the news that Michelle had told him before.

“Right, I remember now. In that case, let’s use melee combat.”

As he spoke, a blue flame ignited under Natsu’s feet. He bent his legs slightly, exerted force on his waist, and in the blink of an eye, he was behind the enemy.

[So fast! Tang had no time to use his weapon and quickly turned around to use his shield to block the attack. As soon as he raised his shield, he was punched on the wall behind him. The wall shattered and dust instantly filled the entire space.

Michelle applauded and exclaimed:”How powerful! He was knocked down with one blow. Is the blue flame on Natsu’s elbow just now used for acceleration?”

Happy:”Love! This is a flame fused with wind magic. It can increase its own speed by 2 times.”

At this time, the wall engraved with the Saint Tobia logo suddenly emitted light, and it began to slowly dissolve and disappear.

Seeing this scene, Natsu put his hands on his hips and laughed wildly:”Hahaha, see, this is my strength, it’s just as I thought, I hit it and it opened.””Seven, two, three.”

Lucy:”Completely different.”

Just when Natsu was proud, a green light hit him. Everyone looked to the south and found Tang limping back with a gun.

“You can’t get the parts, otherwise chaos will come and the whole world will perish.”

Habib pointed ahead:”Σ(OДoAiya, Natsu, Natsu has become a tiny thing”.

Fearing that Natsu would get hurt, Happy ran to him in a few steps, picked him up with his claws, and returned to the crowd.

Lucy stepped forward and shouted angrily:”Hey, you’re like this, and you still want to stop us, what chaos, are you crazy?”

Tang was stunned after being scolded, he stared blankly at the woman in front of him.

Lucy was a little scared by his gaze, she rubbed her arms and took two steps back:”You, what are you staring at me for?”

The next second, Tang’s eyes turned into hearts, and his legs were like the wind and he came in front of Lucy in an instant. His speed was so fast that it was impossible to tell that he had just been hit hard and was barely able to walk.

“Too, too beautiful, so heart-warming!!”

“Huh?”The sudden situation made Lucy dumbfounded. She stood there in a daze.

Tang knelt on the ground and pounded the ground hard.

“”So beautiful! How could there be such a beautiful female wizard in the world? At that moment, this beauty turned into a sharp sword and pierced my heart fiercely.”

The others were also frightened into gray stone statues by this sudden situation. They couldn’t understand why the person who had just stopped them with righteous words suddenly became like this?

Tang knelt on one knee, holding a rose in his mouth and looking at the woman in front of him with affectionate eyes.

“My heart is about to explode. What is your name?”

“(O O)Lucy.

Tang’s eyes were burning with fire.

“Lu~xi~, I can’t hold it back, Lu! Xi! (emphasis added), everything about you is my favorite.”

He wiped the tears from his eyes excitedly, and made a gratified sound:

“Can I call you Lu? Xiaolu? Lumei? Lulu?”

“(O O)Well, whatever you want”

“You can call me whatever you want!!” Tang was spinning in circles in excitement.

His eyes kept looking at Lucy:

“This voice, these eyes, this mouth, this hairstyle, and the slim waist and beautiful legs, everything makes my trouble sequence continue to spread, this is love!!”

Lucy was scared into a stick figure:”Σ(OДOh, what’s wrong with this person.”

At this moment, she suddenly remembered the scene where Habibi mocked her for being unattractive. The expression on her face changed from fright to smugness, and she covered her mouth with her hands.

“Ah, a blue cat with a green bag, have you seen my charm?”

Lucy posed in a sexy pose.

A smile appeared on Habby’s face, and he raised his paw:”Ai Yi, I have a name, my name is Habby.”

Tang:”I see it, I see it with both eyes, Lu-chan is the most charming woman.”

Laxus walked to the part, took out the pocket watch from behind and placed it on the part. The pocket watch turned into a golden light and merged into the part. Then Laxus lifted it with one hand and returned to Xiaoyang who was holding popcorn.

“Do you need me to knock the enemy out?”

Looking at Lucy showing off to Habby, Xiao Yang had a weird smile on his face.

“No, Lucy is enjoying it, and she will watch the fun later. Let’s call the others to go out first.”

Laxus nodded, and then the group walked out of the prayer room. As soon as they went out, they met the fifth team. Sono walked towards Xiaoyang with a smile on her face. Behind her was an angel carrying parts.

“Sir Yang Ming, we have collected all the parts. Shall we give them to you now?”

Xiao Yang waved his hand:”No, just engrave the magic power on them. When the team gathers all the parts, they will assemble themselves.” (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

“OK,” Sorono nodded.

After Lucy enjoyed the feeling of being sought after, she suddenly realized that there was no one around. She walked out of the prayer room.

“”Sora and the others have arrived.”

Lucy turned around and was about to say goodbye to Tang and tell him what she was thinking, but she saw an inexplicably familiar scene.

Tang was staring at Soora who was talking to Xiaoyang, and that look was exactly the same as when he looked at her at the beginning. She inexplicably had a bad premonition….

[The next second ,

Tang teleported in front of Kong Nai and knelt on one knee.

“You, you are my Rose Meridian!!”

His voice was so loud that it attracted everyone’s attention.

Lucy was stunned and slowly turned into a gray stone statue from top to bottom.

Tang showed that affectionate look again.

“May I ask your name, young lady?”

A trace of disgust flashed in Kong Nai’s eyes, and he took two steps back.

“I hate frivolous men like you. You are not pure in heart and you must have said this to more than one person.”

Sorono’s words were like a heavy hammer that made Lucy dizzy. She covered her chest and became more and more angry. After receiving the Taurus Star Spirit Clothes, she came behind the scumbag and punched him on the head.[]

Many stars appeared above Tang’s head, and his pupils rolled upwards involuntarily.

“I feel dizzy, I must have been struck by love”.

After saying that, he fell to the ground and fainted.

Lucy clenched her fists and gritted her teeth and said:”I was the one who hit you just now, you philandering bastard, it turns out that you say this to every woman you meet.”

[Damn it, I thought this guy was really touched by my charm. I just thought seriously about how to reject him without hurting his feelings.

[I showed off to harpy for so long for nothing(T T), Habby(O O)? HabbyΣ(OДO!!

Lucy turned her head quickly and found that Habby had a sly smile on his face and stared at 5.9.

Habby:”()Oh, oh, who said she was attractive?”

“Which blonde, busty, celestial magic user is it?(~)?”

He pretended to think, his eyes fixed on Lucy.

Lucy took a deep breath, trying to keep herself calm. She pointed a finger and said,”10 fish, just pretend I didn’t see this.”

Habby held the back of his head with both hands and turned his head to the side.

“50 items(~)”

“(“20, no more”.

Happy whistled:”60″.

Lucy laughed in anger. She turned and walked towards Xiaoyang, clasping her hands together.

“Almighty Xiao Yang, please do me a favor.”

Xiao Yang put away the popcorn.

“Nobita Heartfilia, what difficulties do you have?”

“Do you have any props that can change people’s taste?”

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