After the search was complete, Lucy clapped her hands, looking relieved.

“Okay, now move them to the guild and everything is done.”

“But before that, a silver key appeared in Lucy’s hand.

【Open the Gate of Lyra [Lila]

A girl holding a harp appears in front of several people

“Lila, use a lullaby, with more force, and let them sleep for three days.”

“Leave it to me,” Lila made an OK sign and sang a lullaby.

After a few minutes, after confirming that the three people were completely hypnotized and fell asleep, Lucy began to make plans.

“”Loki, you move the man, Michelle move the little girl, and I’ll move the woman.”

After saying that, Lucy carried Mary to the guild, followed by Michelle.

Seeing her turn around and leave, Loki held out his hand:

“Wait, Lucy! I don’t want to move him, otherwise I’ll move that pretty girl and just kill this guy.”

“”Rejected”, the voice came from far ahead

“Xiao Yang said that we cannot quarrel with the Cathedral now, as there are other tasks to come.���Although he is disgusting, he cannot be killed.”

“Eh~~”Loki looked reluctant as he watched the two people getting farther and farther away. He had no choice but to grit his teeth, pull the man’s leg, and resolutely chase after the two people.

“So the three of them attacked you, but you killed them instead.”

Looking at the three people tied up on the ground like dead pigs, Xiao Yang said to Lucy.

“Xiaoyang!! I talked for so long and you summed it up in one sentence!” Lucy’s eyes widened in disbelief.

“Otherwise, is there a problem?”

“No, no problem, but you omitted all the wonderful battles I described in the middle.”

Happy walked slowly to Lucy and said casually:

“Ah, Lucy wanted to show off her strength but failed.”

“”Wulusai, how can you, a little kitten with no fighting power, say such things to me? I can easily knock you down with just one finger.”

Lucy stretched out her index finger and poked the harpy’s forehead.

After taking two steps back, the harpy spread his hands:

“Yeah yeah(,)”Lucy is so immature. She actually competed with a little cat in fighting ability. How childish. If she has the ability, she can fight with Mira or Erza. Winning is better than saying anything.”

Happy sneered and looked at Lucy with disdain.

Angry, very angry, Lucy now regretted not pinching his face just now.

“If I can beat him, what am I talking to you about (whispering), why don’t you compete with Xiaoyang, look at him and then look at yourself, even Lili is better than you”

“Hey! What do you mean by that?” A prick also popped up on Lili’s head.

Habby turned around and sighed softly:”Hey~, I’m different from Lucy. I’m just a little cat who eats and waits to die. And I have a girlfriend. (The tone is emphasized))”

The fist hardened, Lucy clenched her fist

[This bastard did it on purpose. He absolutely did it on purpose. He was just mocking me for being unattractive.(▽)

“Besides, Lucy, a mage, insisted on being a warrior, unlike me, who knows my position. I am just a support.……”

Unable to bear it any longer, Lucy punched him on the head before he could finish his words. The moment the two made contact, a crisp sound was heard.


“Ouch! It hurts so much. A big bump slowly appeared on Habby’s head. He turned around with tears in his eyes.

“Lucy, what are you doing? It hurts so much. Lucy’s grip is getting stronger and stronger, not like a lady at all.”

Lucy:”(皿) You bastard, if you know it hurts, don’t say anything. Besides, how dare you, a weak little kitten, complain about me!”

“I’m all-round. I can be a mage assistant from a distance and a warrior assassin at close range. I can form a team by myself!”

Lucy’s voice became louder and louder, and the last sentence was completely shouted out.

Seeing Lucy so excited, in order to avoid getting hurt again, Harpy slowly retreated

“(^)But Lucy doesn’t have a boyfriend.”

Lucy flicked her hair and said,”Humph, I have such a good figure and I look so good, the people chasing me will line up from the guild to the Western Continent.”

The expression on the harpy’s face turned into a smiling face on WeChat:”Lucy doesn’t have a boyfriend”

“(You! You!” Lucy turned her head and said,”Humph, I won’t bother with you.”

“You should know that I am a perfect girl who can handle both housework and cooking, fight monsters and beat robbers. No matter what you say, you can’t change this fact.”

Michelle, who was eating a big cupcake in her hand, agreed:

“That’s right, that’s right (Ahhh), my sister’s desserts are so delicious (Chew Chew Chew)”

Hearing someone agree with her, Lucy finally became proud

“I heard there is no kitten, my cooking skills are very good, ▽) Oh roo roo”

“It is also a fact that Lucy has no boyfriend, and the fish Lucy cooks tastes terrible.”


“It hurts so much,” Happy covered his head,”I had moved so far away, how could you still hit me?”

Seeing Lucy’s hands getting closer and closer to him, Happy quickly stepped back,”Wait… ugh.”

Lucy used both hands to pinch his face hard

“()This is strength. Only someone as strong as me is qualified to complain. How dare you, a kitten with a combat power of 5, complain about me.”

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, and the more strength she used in her hands

“What does it have to do with you whether I have a boyfriend or not? Believe it or not, I will make you have no girlfriend (gritting your teeth)”

“Besides, I am only bad at cooking fish, and I don’t like eating fish, so why would I cook it so deliciously?” (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

“The deer have no taste at all, they just eat fish instead of rice.”

Because his face was pinched so hard, Habby’s words were not clear at all.

The veins on Lucy’s head were getting more and more:”I don’t need you to judge my taste.”

Habby’s face kept changing shape like dough.

Xiaoyang on the side watched the excitement and said:”Lucy, did you remember the specific location of the infinite clock yesterday?”

[I feel like these two are becoming more and more like Natsu and Gray

“Ah! I forgot to send it yesterday.”

Lucy stood up, threw Habby aside, and came to Xiaoyang.

“I clearly said yesterday that I would send it to everyone via my phone, but it took me too long to fight the three of them. I fell asleep right after I finished writing it down on paper.”

“There are five parts left. I will send it to the group via my phone.”

Lucy took out her phone and prepared to send a message. As she sent the message, she said:

“There are five parts in total, who should go to find them?”

Xiao Yang waved his hand and said,”Of course everyone should go. Anyway, there is no number of people. We can’t miss such a good opportunity to get the wool.”

【Ding, BUG detected, automatically enable team selection function】

[Good, very smart, usually it will be repaired in the next task[]

He turned to look at Lucy and said,”There is a limit on the number of participants. We are allocating participants now.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the people around him who had made contracts with Xiaoyang suddenly began to glow.

Lucy:”I turned white!”

Mavis, who was glowing pink, walked forward and asked excitedly:

“Xiaoyang, do people with the same body color form a pair? Can I also obtain magic from another world?”

Xiaoyang nodded:”Yes, people with the same body color form a team. As for which specific parts to look for, everyone is free to do it. Lucy has posted the map in the group.”

Soon, all five teams were gathered.

Team 1: Natsu, Lucy, Michelle, Xiaoyang, Laxus and Happy.

Team 2: Erza, Cana, Wendy, Mavis and Xia Lulu.

Team 3: Mira, Lisanna, Levy, Elfman.

Team 4: Cobra, Gajeel, Gray, Juvia, Lily

Team 5: Uru, Urtia, Melty, Sono.

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