Kana looked at Makao and Wakaba, who also opened their mouths, speechlessly:”I say, you two, you are the ones who should be least surprised here, aren’t you the ones who recruited them? It’s been a year and you still don’t know their magic?”

The two touched their heads embarrassedly:”We thought the same as Lucy at first, so we didn’t ask them carefully.”

Elsa picked up the wooden plate in front of her and asked curiously:”If the plate in my hand turns white, can you eat it?”

Stinger nodded:”Yes, anything white can be eaten, but some taste good and some don’t.”

[This white is very blurry. After all, the color of an object is also related to the light it absorbs. If I remember correctly, if the object reflects all colors of light, it will appear white. So, the White Dragon Slayer can only eat things without light? It seems wrong.

Xiaoyang took out a bottle of Coke from the space and used illusion magic to turn it white.

Stinger , drink this and see if you can restore your magic power.���He took the Coke and said,”Of course, it’s white, didn’t I just tell you that?”

As he spoke, he raised the Coke in his hand and drank it in one gulp. A feeling that 12 had never experienced before stimulated him.

“This pricking taste is so strange. My magic power increased after drinking it. Is there any problem with it?”

[The world is different. I would be stupid to make guesses based on past knowledge, not to mention that this world is a magical world.

Xiao Yang lifted the magic.

“It seems that your magic belongs to conceptual magic. As long as you think that the object is white, it can improve or restore your magic power.”

Seeing the drink in his hand turn from white to black in an instant, Stinger’s eyes widened:”Really, it’s black! But my magic power has indeed increased just now”

“But I’ve never tried this before. It turns out that anything I think is white can increase my magic power.”

In the following time, everyone ate, drank and played together. It was not until the early morning of the next day that the noise of the guild became quieter.

A few days later, Xiao Yang was eating breakfast at home while watching anime.

“”Dong Dong Dong”

Xiao Yang was a little confused when he heard the knock on the door.

“Who would knock on the door so early in the morning?”

A ninja slowly emerged from the shadows at the door and opened the door. Leibi was seen walking into the house slowly with a big cake in her left hand and a big bag of steaming food in her right hand.

“Good morning, Xiaoyang, I came to see you.

Xiaoyang looked at Lei Bi who was walking towards him and raised his eyebrows:”Didn’t we just meet two days ago? What’s so good about it?”

Lei Bi walked up to Xiaoyang and put a lot of food on the table.

“Oh, isn’t it true that a day without seeing you is like a long time? We haven’t seen each other for two days. I miss you so much.”

Xiao Yang used telekinesis magic to open the bag that was emitting hot air.

“Isn’t this the new fried shrimp steak from Maowu? I heard that this thing will be sold out in 20 minutes. You bought it early in the morning and it was delivered again.(д), so suspicious, what bad things have you done”.

Lei Bi put on a serious expression on her face:”Xiao Yang, how can you say that, I am that kind of person, I just suddenly missed you too much so I came to see you”

“You must not come here empty-handed, right? So I bought some food you like.”

“You must have read a lot of novels in the book corner, so you have a lot of things to say.”

Lei Bi showed a proud expression on her face:”That’s right, even when I give gifts……”

Before she could finish her words, Leibi realized something was wrong and covered her mouth.

“Hey~Give me a gift, why are you giving me a gift?”

Leibi put down her hand covering her mouth, put her hands together and raised them above her head:”Xiaoyang, I want to ask you for help with something. This is the only time in my life that I will ask for help. Please,”

“This is the only request in my life. I remember you asked me for that kind of pornographic novel when you were 13 years old. And some time ago……”

Xiao Yang’s mouth was covered by Lei Bi, and her cheeks were flushed:

“”Ahem, let’s not talk about Xiaoyang’s previous things, let’s eat and talk about something meaningful.”

She took out the food from the bag and cut the cake and laid it out. After doing all this, she was about to speak when a voice came from outside the door.

“Boom boom boom”

“Um, Xiaoyang, are you here?”

Leibi didn’t close the door tightly just now, and now she just knocked lightly and it opened by itself.

“”Ah, how did the door open by itself?”

The two turned their eyes to the door and met a pair of big brown eyes. Wendy was holding a big cake in her left hand and a big bag of steaming food in her right hand.

They were stunned when they saw what Wendy was holding, but the next second, Leibi immediately looked at Wendy with a sly smile on her face.

[Wendy was a little shy when she felt the two people’s gazes.

She was about to say something when she saw the same food on the table in front of Xiaoyang. Her gaze turned to Leibi. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The next moment, Wendy’s fair skin instantly turned red from top to bottom, and all the exposed skin turned pink.

[So shameful!!!

“”Sorry, I went to the wrong place.”

Wendy subconsciously closed her eyes and turned around, ready to leave with a bunch of things, but Leibi finally saw a comrade, how could she let her leave so easily?

【Three-dimensional text vine]

A string of green English words appeared out of thin air, and these English words turned into green vines, rushing towards the girl running forward.

As she was running, Wendy suddenly found that she could not run anymore, and there was a foreign body sensation around her waist. She looked down and found that there was a circle of green vines around her waist.


In the blink of an eye, Wendy was dragged to the side of Leibi. After sitting on the seat, Wendy still felt unreal. She subconsciously put the things in her hands on the table.

Seeing this scene, Leibi knew that it was almost time. She turned her head and looked at Xiaoyang:

“Xiaoyang, do you have anything that can enlarge breasts?

Wendy was shocked:[Σ(OДShe said openly���Xiao Yang took the fried shrimp in front of him and ate it slowly:

“So this is why you two came to see me?”

Leibi nodded heavily, while Wendy shook her head in panic:[]

“No, no, I, I miss Xiaoyang too much……”

“You missed me so much that it felt like a long time since we last met, so you brought some things to see me?”

Wendy’s eyes widened:”How did you know?…”

“”Ahem,” Leibi coughed lightly and then leaned close to Wendy’s ear and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear:

“That’s what I said just now.”

Hearing this, Wendy’s face, which was originally like a tomato, instantly became even redder. Now she was like a ripe tomato, as if red juice would overflow from her face if she was gently poked.

Because she was too shy, she subconsciously moved her eyes away and stared at the table. After a minute, she blushed and nodded slowly like a machine, hesitating in a mosquito-like voice:

“Yeah, me too”.

After hearing the answer, Xiao Yang showed a sly smile on his face:”Mira taught you those words just now, right?”

Wendy’s mind was in a mess because of shyness and fear of exposing Sister Mila. She subconsciously retorted:”No, no, I thought of it myself. It has nothing to do with Sister Mila. Sister Mila didn’t teach me these, and she didn’t tell me what Xiao Yang likes to eat.”

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