The seven little people were three men and four women. When the little people appeared, Mavis was the first to rush over, her eyes flashing with a strong light, and the earrings on both sides of her head kept shaking like propellers.

“(▽)Wow! It’s fairies. So cool. There are seven fairies. They are just like in fairy tales. They are small and flying in the sky. I finally saw fairies.”

“”We are not fairies, we are flower spirits, creatures born from flowers.”

A voice full of enthusiasm and vitality reached Mavis’ ears, and a little man fell from the air and flew in front of Mavis. He had wheat-colored skin, his hair was dazzling gold, and he was wearing green clothes that looked like the same clothes.

“My name is Chaoyang, I am a flower spirit born from a sunflower. I possess solar magic and absorption magic, so please take care of me in the future.”

Chaoyang had a smile on his face, and it was a warm smile that reminded him of the sun at first sight.

Mavis was a little confused:”Flower spirit? They feel like fairies, what’s the difference between you two?””

“Of course, fairies can���”Flower spirits can only be born from flowers, but flower spirits can only be born from flowers.”

This voice is a female voice. Her voice is very clear, like a bell. Just by listening to the voice, you can tell that this person is very beautiful.

Another little person flew down from the air. She had long white and pink hair. She looked cute with a hint of playfulness. The slightly upturned corners of her mouth made people inexplicably like her. She had two small lily earrings on her ears.

She was wearing a pure white princess dress. She came in front of Mavis, lifted her skirt and bowed to everyone.

“Hello everyone, my name is Yunshang, I am a flower spirit born from a lily. My magic is wealth magic and healing magic, please give me your guidance.”

Yunshang showed a sweet smile to everyone, and the moment they saw this smile, everyone inexplicably felt healed.

“Good, so cute!!”xN

Hearing the fortune magic, Lucy excitedly ran to Yunshang and shouted excitedly:

“Wealth, wealth magic! Is it a magic that can make people rich?”

Yun Shang put on a thoughtful expression on her face:”You can put it this way, wealth magic has a total of 4 different states. After casting it on others, one of the states will be randomly given. These four states are super, advanced, intermediate and low. Depending on the state obtained, the wealth obtained will also be different. It may not be clear when you say it out loud, do you want to try it?


“Yes, yes, yes,” Lucy nodded quickly.

Seeing her nod, Yun Shang’s hand flashed with white light, and a pure white lily appeared in her hand. She held the lily and began to dance. Her posture was agile and light, like a floating petal dancing in the air.

【The spirits of heaven and earth are constantly responding】

【[The Fortune of the Five Ghosts Appears]

As Yunchang chanted the spell, the lilies began to glow, and the light became brighter and brighter. When the milky white light reached its peak, a small white beast appeared in front of everyone.

It has long hair, a sheep’s head, wolf’s hooves, and its torso is covered with armor made of gold. There are many gem-like pendants on its head. It is a Qilin.

The Qilin roared to the sky, and auspicious clouds appeared under its feet. It rushed towards Lucy on the auspicious clouds. When it completely sank into Lucy’s body, Lucy’s body began to emit golden light.

The next second, a strong wind blew by, and the wind made it impossible for everyone to open their eyes. A piece of paper happened to blow on Lucy’s face.

“”Woo woo”, Lucy struggled to take the paper off her face. When she saw the contents on the paper clearly, her eyes widened and she cried out in surprise:

“Σ(OДOh my god! 500,000 J”

“Is this true?” Everyone gathered around Lucy to see the money in her hand.

The money was passed around like a test paper.

Elsa:”It’s amazing, it’s true, a check can fly over the endless sea.”

Mira:”Incredible, it just happened to hit Lucy’s face, this is the magic of wealth, it’s amazing.”

Yun Shang looked at these people so shocked, with a proud look on her face:

“Hehe, this is only the lowest level of wealth in the advanced state. If it is super, you can get more powerful things.”

Lucy’s eyes are shining, and she looks at Yun Shang as if she is looking at the God of Wealth. She now wants to worship this flower fairy in front of her.

“Yunshang, no, Master Yunshang, you are my God. From now on, I will be your most loyal believer. Could you please cast a spell on your loyal believer?”

Yunshang shook her head:”No, the fortune magic has a cooling time. After it reaches the advanced level randomly, it needs to cool down for 1 week before it can be used again after a week.”

“One week is pretty good, 500,000, that’s my seven months’ rent.”

Lucy raised the check in her arms and kissed it hard, but soon Lucy seemed to feel something was wrong?

“Rent?” Lucy began to think.

“Hobby, how long did we stay on the island?”

Hobby said with disgust:”Lucy is so stupid, we have clearly said several times that it is four years, which is 48 months.”

“Σ(OДOh! 48 months!! Then I owed 48 months of rent, 70,000 a month, so I owed 3.36 million J in four years.

Lucy rolled her eyes and fell to the deck in a daze. A white spirit slowly floated out of her mouth.

“Σ(oДoSister Lucy”, Wendy quickly stepped forward to cast a healing spell on her.

As Wendy used the healing spell, Lucy slowly regained consciousness. After she regained consciousness, she knelt on her knees with despair on her face.

“orz I have an extra 3 million yuan debt for no reason, wait! Let’s not talk about the debt first. I haven’t been back for such a long time. Has the landlord rented my house to someone else? Will I be homeless? (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“A Woohoo, I’m so unlucky. I have to bear such a huge debt for no reason, and there is also the risk of becoming homeless. I am so miserable.”

Lucy felt more and more sad. She knelt on the ground and began to cry. Soon, a puddle of water appeared under Lucy.

Elsa walked up and patted Lucy’s back gently:”It’s okay, Lucy, it’s only 4 million. We can pay it off soon if we do a few more tasks.””

“”Yes (uh), 3.36 million, not even 4 million yet,” Lucy’s dull voice came from her arm.

Leibi stepped forward:”That’s right, Lu-chan, and if it doesn’t work out, you can come and live with me. My room is big and we can sleep together.”

Hearing so many people comforting her, Lucy’s originally uncomfortable mood improved a little. She raised her head and sniffed.

“Thank you, Leibi. Aren’t you living in a women’s apartment? Don’t you have to pay rent there?

Leibi:”Yes, it’s 100,000 J per month.””

“Σ(OДO! 100,000! It’s more expensive than my rent, aren’t you uncomfortable at all? You are the ones who should be worried now”.

Mira stepped forward with a smile on her face:”Of course not, because Xiaoyang is the landlord, he will definitely not drive us away (Zhao’s Zhao)”.

Lucy:”o O! ? Xiaoyang is the landlord! Did I hear it right”.

Lisanna:”No, when we were young, the apartment we lived in at the beginning was split in a heavy rain. Just when everyone was worried about what to do, Xiaoyang said that he happened to have an apartment there, and he put the building in the back mountain, and it became the women’s apartment where we live now”.

Xiaoyang said while looking at the space:

“Let me see, there is still some money left after paying four years of rent, so there is no need to worry.”

Lucy couldn’t believe what she heard.[]

“Σ(OДOAfter paying the rent for four years, there is still some money left! ? How much money do you have?”

Leibi scratched her face and said a little embarrassedly:

“Because when I was a kid, I had nothing to do. Every day, apart from training, studying, and going to Xiaoyang’s place to watch anime, the only thing left was to complete tasks.”

“Plus, as long as you complete the task, your magic power will increase, so you will have so much money without realizing it. At that time, we were still too young to know how to spend the money, so we kept all the money in Xiaoyang’s”vault.”

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