“Master Yang Ming, wake up.

A pleasant female voice appeared beside Xiao Yang’s ears, and his originally hazy consciousness began to recover.

[Is this voice from Kong Nao? I’m so sleepy, where am I now?

His body was suddenly lifted up by a pair of hands, and his head rested on a smooth and soft object.

Xiao Yang subconsciously turned over and pinched the object he was holding.

[It feels so soft and smooth, and it’s warm, like a piece of warm jade.


He rubbed his face against the”jade” and let out a long sigh of comfort.

“Lord Yang Ming, it’s time to get up. Everyone is waiting for you.”

[Wait for me? What are you waiting for?

“What happened on Tianlang Island in recent years?”

[Tianlang Island? This familiar word made Xiaoyang’s memory begin to return.

[Oh, right, Tenrou Island, just now Acnologia came to attack the guild, and I cut off half of his arm, arm!

Xiao Yang opened his eyes suddenly, and what he saw was Sorono’s anxious face.

Seeing this, nine words suddenly appeared in his mind:

“I can only see half of the sky”.

Kong Nai was a little confused:”Master Yang Ming, what are you talking about?”

Xiao Yang slowly stood up:”No, nothing, I just suddenly thought of an anime.”

He turned his head and found that the warm jade he had just pillowed on was Kong Nai’s two pairs of thighs.

[Kongno’s skin is great.

He shook his head to get rid of this idea, and then he asked curiously:

“Why are you here?”

Kongno showed a hint of helplessness on his face:

“You forgot that two years ago, you sent a message in the guild group.”

“Although you didn’t send any more messages afterwards, everyone was guessing whether you were telling us that Tianlang Island would reappear after the New Year.”

After Kong Nai’s reminder, the memories of the past finally came to him, and Xiao Yang showed an expression of sudden enlightenment on his face:

“Yes, yes, yes, I remember now. When I was fighting Acnologia, near the end, a golden energy appeared and enveloped Tenrou Island. After that, my consciousness disappeared.”

“I regained consciousness two years ago. At that time, my body was unable to move. After using my consciousness to sense the seal of the outside world, I used my phone to inform the group of the approximate energy remaining in the seal. Before I finished speaking, I fainted again.”

Konno turned around and put the bread behind him in front of Xiaoyang:

“Now four years have passed outside, but the time of all of you seems to have stopped four years ago. Just now, Makao and others went to look for the others and found that they were still the same as before, without any change, scattered in various corners of Tianlang Island.”

“Master Yang Ming, what happened back then?”

An ethereal female voice reached their ears:

“I’ll answer this question.”

They turned their heads and looked towards the place where the voice came from. Walking towards them was a girl with golden curly hair that reached her legs, two white wings on her head, and eyes like emeralds.

She was wearing a white and pink cloak, her two bare feet stepped on the ground, her body was glowing, like an elf, she slowly walked in front of the two people.

Kong Nao covered her mouth in surprise:”Angel!”

The girl was stunned, then a smile appeared on her face, she turned her head and looked at Xiaoyang:

“The magic power used by Yang Ming and Acnologia at the end was too powerful. There was a high possibility that the guild members would be killed by the aftermath of these two forces. So I used the magic power of Tianlang Island to cast the Fairy Ball.”

“I just wanted to protect you and prevent you from dying, but I didn’t expect that Acnologia’s time magic would react strangely with Yang Ming’s rock magic and the fairy ball.”

“Everyone was sealed. Originally, according to that energy, you should have been sealed for 20 years. I shortened the time to 14 years. At the same time, Yang Ming and another girl who used time magic were also absorbing the magic of time.”

“The combined power of the three shortened the seal time to seven years. In addition, the other members of the guild also absorbed magic power, and finally the seal time was shortened to four years, which is now.”

A group of people followed behind Makao and came to the three people. Just when he heard this, he showed a shocked look on his face:

“The rumors that a huge sun suddenly fell from the sky and a huge arm suddenly appeared in the sky were actually true!”

“Xiaoyang, you killed Acnologia!! The legendary black dragon!”

The blonde girl:”No, he’s still alive.”

Makao then turned his attention to the girl and asked curiously: (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

“May I ask who you are?”

The girl smiled softly:”I am Mavis, the first president of Fairy Tail, Mavis Viviamilio”

“Eh!! The first president! ?”xN

Mavis turned to look at Xiao Yang who looked calm:”You don’t seem surprised”.

Xiao Yang spread his hands:”I have my own source of information. What surprised me more than this is that Acnologia is still alive”.

Mavis smiled and narrowed her eyes:”You are really interesting. They seem to call you Xiao Yang. Can I call you that too?”…

“Of course.”

Mavis turned to look at the crowd:”Third Generation Chairman”

“”Here!” Makarov was like a child called by the teacher. His body was stiff and he walked out of the crowd with his hands and feet trembling.

“Don’t be nervous. You have managed the guild very well. There are many powerful and interesting people. I admire the friendship between you.”

“The current guild is great, I like it very much.”

Hearing the first generation’s recognition of him, Makarov’s expression became more and more excited. He touched his head with his left hand, and his face was as smiling as a chrysanthemum.

“Hehe, it’s not as good as the first generation said, haha, hahaha”.

Just then Xiaoyang suddenly remembered the black dragon’s arm. That was Acnologia’s arm, which was definitely very useful.

He stood up and prepared to put away the arm, but Mira suddenly came to him:[]

“Xiaoyang, the black dragon’s forelimb disappeared. We have searched the entire island but couldn’t find it.”

Xiaoyang’s eyes widened:”What!!! It disappeared? How could such a big arm disappear? Sirius Island is still sealed, and it is impossible for someone to come and take it away.”

Mavis:”I can answer this question. The forelimb was absorbed by you along with the seal of Sirius Island, but what makes me curious is that some of you absorbed more and some absorbed less. Why is that?”

These words made Xiaoyang a little confused. He opened the system panel and found a series of information prompts on it.

【Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Dragon Slayer Magic Devouring Magic】

【As the host is affected by external forces, magic begins to automatically replenish】

【Arc of Time evolves into Time Magic】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the power of devouring (complete)】

【Arc of Manifestation evolves into Manifestation Magic】

【Arc of the Tree Evolves into Life Magic】

【Human nature evolved from being a subordinate to being a ruler】

【Guilt evolves into emotional control】

【Ding, since the host’s body has reached the absorption limit, it will now begin to transmit magic power to the contractor.】

【Now start to transfer magic power according to the talent of the contractor】

【Ding, magic power transfer completed】

[o O Wow, I’m playing Digimon here, and magic can also evolve

[But if you think about it carefully, these evolved magics either have side effects or are limited. I remember when Hades fooled Urutia, he said that the Great Magic Age

[Could it be that what he said was true? Is the magic now what it was originally like?

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