The next morning, just as Xiaoyang and Laxus arrived at the entrance of the guild, Gray walked up to them and was about to say something, but he seemed embarrassed and didn’t say it. After a while, not only did he not say anything, but his face also turned red.

Cana, who was standing by, couldn’t stand it anymore, so she came over and said to Xiaoyang,”Xiaoyang, Gray wants to sign a contract with you, but I don’t know if you agree.”

Gray lowered his head and said faintly,”Yeah.”

Xiaoyang looked at Gray,”Okay, but Kana, you have to explain my doctrine to him!”

Gray raised his head in confusion after hearing Xiaoyang’s words,”What is the doctrine?”

Kana then remembered that she hadn’t explained this to Gray yet, and then explained the meaning of the doctrine to Gray.

After listening to it, Gray immediately nodded in affirmation,”I am willing to, I am willing to abide by your doctrine.”

After Gray agreed, Xiaoyang put his hand on Gray’s forehead and signed a contract with him.

After signing the contract, Xiaoyang flew up and whispered something in Gray’s ear:

“Don’t let regret and pain torture yourself, become stronger, only when you become stronger can you defeat the one you want to defeat, don’t let her down.”

After saying this, Xiaoyang and Laxus walked into the guild together.

Gray was shocked after hearing this.

“How did he know that?”

Just as he was about to ask, Kana saw his shock and explained to Gray

“Gray, did Xiaoyang just tell you something? He knows divination and can see the things of the people who have made contracts with him. He helped me and my father.

After listening to Kana’s explanation, Gray closed his mouth and said hello to Kana. He went to train alone.

In X775, Kana and Gray were chatting in the guild.

“Gray, do you think tofu pudding tastes better when it’s sweet or salty?” Kana asked boredly, supporting her head with one hand.

“Need I say more? Of course it tastes better when it’s cold.” Gray looked into the distance and answered Kana’s question nonchalantly.

“……, I asked whether sweet or salty food tastes better, not whether it is hot or cold. Also, Gray, put on your clothes.”

After being reminded by Kana, Gray looked at himself,”Wow! When did I take off my clothes?”

The door of the guild opened with a”creaky” sound, and a little girl with crimson hair walked in from outside. She had a very cold expression, an eye patch on one eye, and was wearing a simple armor.

Everyone looked at the girl, and saw her slowly walked to Makarov and said,”Hello, I want to join this guild. Who is the president of this guild?”

After listening to the girl’s words, Makarov said,”I am the president of the guild. Why do you want to join the guild?”

After hearing what Makarov said, the girl’s expression suddenly fell, and she answered Makarov’s question in a voice that only the two of them could hear,”Grandpa Rob asked me to come. He asked me to join Fairy Tail.”

Hearing this, Makarov’s expression became serious,”Rob, where is he?”

“Grandpa Rob, Grandpa Rob died to protect me”.

When the girl said this, some bad memories came to her mind and her body trembled.

Makarov showed confusion on his face, but did not ask anything,”Okay, since you were introduced by Rob, you can join the guild. What’s your name? Child”.

Makarov looked at the girl with loving eyes.

“Elsa, Elsa Shukaret”

“Oh, Erza, from now on you just treat the guild as your home, I’ll be out for a while”, Makarov said, jumped off the table and walked out of the guild.

After Erza stamped the emblem, she slowly walked out alone. Two days passed since then, and still in the guild, the whole guild was filled with drinking and noise, but Erza was alone in the corner.

Kana and Gray were chatting together at the same table. Kana glanced at Erza who was eating silently on the side and said to Gray,”That child, she has always been alone.”

“Then Kana can take the initiative to go and talk to her.”

Kana shook her head, looking helpless,”I’ve tried, but she completely ignored me.”

Gray said proudly,”She’s obviously new here, but she didn’t even say hello to Lord Gray. It’s really infuriating.”

Kana was speechless,”When did you become so great?”

After Kana finished speaking, Gray walked towards Erza. After walking to Erza’s table, Gray put his hands on his hips and said to her,”Hey, I’m talking to you.”

Erza seemed not to hear it, and continued to eat bread bite by bite.

Gray felt very angry when he saw this scene, and kicked down the table in front of Erza, and the food on the table was scattered all over the floor.

Xiaoyang and Laxus had just returned from the task, and saw this scene as soon as they entered the guild. Xiaoyang flew next to Gray and punched him in the head.

“”You idiot, what are you doing? The little girl provoked you, and you actually wasted food, apologize to her.”

Gray seemed a little unhappy, but he apologized in the end. Erza said nothing after hearing this. Gray was furious when he saw Erza’s attitude and was about to scold her, but Laxus, who came from behind, walked away with his pants lifted up. Xiaoyang looked at Erza and stretched out a hand to her,”Hello, my name is Yangming. Duo Le, the one with golden hair just now is Laxus. Duo Le, what’s your name?”

Erza looked at Xiaoyang’s outstretched cat paw, was silent for a while, and wanted to hold it, but because everyone around was looking at him, she felt a little uneasy, so she only said one sentence in the end:

“Elsa Shucaret”.

Xiaoyang was not angry when he saw that Elsa did not shake his hand. He withdrew his hand and said to Elsa,”Elsa, that idiot just did some outrageous things. I’m sorry.”

Elsa shook her head after hearing this and said,”It’s okay.”

After saying these two words, she walked out of the guild alone.

Kana and the others came to Xiaoyang when they saw Elsa leaving.

Kana explained to Xiaoyang,”Gray may want to attract the attention of that child, so he did that. That child has been alone since joining the guild, and we are a little worried.”

Xiaoyang shook his head,”Although the idea is good, the approach is not right. How can you knock over someone’s table when they are eating? Don’t do that next time.”

“Gray’s behavior now is like that of an adolescent boy who wants to get the attention of the girl he likes by pulling her braids, but he doesn’t know that this will have no effect except to make the girl hate him.”

Gray blushed a little after hearing this, and whispered,”Got it.”

After saying this, Xiaoyang and Laxus went to hand in the task. After handing in the task, the two walked home. Halfway through, Xiaoyang saw Erza, who was sitting on the shore with her legs hugged, crying silently.

Xiaoyang turned around and said to Laxus,”Laxus, you go home first. I’ll go see the child and go back soon.”

Laxus looked at Erza who was crying silently, and inexplicably thought of himself when Ivan had just left

“Okay, Xiaoyang, you have to hurry up. I’ll buy some drinks on the way home.”

“Okay, let’s have Mapo Tofu tonight, Laxus, you will definitely like it. I’m leaving first,” Xiaoyang said and flew towards Elsa. Xiaoyang landed next to Elsa. When Elsa heard someone coming, she quickly wiped the tears from her face with her hands, turned her head and looked at the person next to her,”Yang Ming, what do you want to talk to me about?”

“Just call me Xiaoyang. Is there anything that makes Elsa unhappy? Tell me and I can help you analyze it.”

In fact, Elsa wanted to make friends with Xiaoyang the first time they met. He inexplicably gave people a trustworthy and close feeling. After hearing Xiaoyang’s question, Elsa spoke.

She thought for a while and asked,”Xiaoyang, why does a person suddenly become a different person? He is such a gentle person, and he is about to be free.” Xiaoyang thought for a while,”There should be two possibilities. One is that his memory has been tampered with by something, or he is controlled by something.”

“Another possibility is that the previous stimulation was too great, so another personality was awakened.”

Erza lost consciousness after hearing what Xiaoyang said, and she remembered Jellal’s previous behavior.

Xiaoyang looked at Erza, who was lost and sad, and reached out to touch Erza’s head.

Erza was originally in painful memories, and suddenly she felt a soft touch on the top of her head, and the touch pulled her out of the painful memories. Ersa looked at Xiaoyang in front of her.

Feeling the soft and warm cat pads on her head, Erza cried loudly, as if to release all the bad memories before.

When Erza’s crying turned into intermittent sobbing, Xiaoyang took out a piece of strawberry cake and handed it to her,”Want to try it, a cake blessed by the dessert elves in the other world.”

Because of Xiaoyang’s intimate breath, Ersa subconsciously took the cake, and after taking the cake She just realized what she had just done, and her face turned red.

You know, in the place where Elsa originally lived, food was a very precious thing, and basically no one could eat enough. If someone gave food to the people around them, then the two of them must be very good friends.

Elsa looked at the beautiful strawberry cake that was flashing in her hand, and thought in her mind,”This thing must be very expensive. I have never seen such beautiful food. I’d better return it to Xiaoyang.”

Although Elsa was thinking about returning the cake to Xiaoyang in her mind, her hand involuntarily put the cake in her mouth.

As the cake got closer and closer, Elsa’s nose smelled a sweet scent that she had never smelled before. This fragrance was so charming that when Elsa came to her senses, she had already chewed the cake in her mouth.

The moment the cake touched her tongue, Elsa’s eyes shone like a flashlight.

“”It’s delicious! It’s so sweet. How can there be such delicious food in the world?”

Elsa chewed the food in her mouth, and her cheeks swelled up like a squirrel. It was just a small piece of cake, but Elsa took five minutes to eat it.

“Another world, elves, what do elves look like? That world should be beautiful, right?” Elsa thought while eating the cake in her hand.

Xiaoyang laughed when she saw Elsa eating the cake,”So cute, like a hamster holding a cake, even though Elsa is so big.”

It seems that both the cool guy Laxus and the fairy queen Elsa were the same when they were young. Elsa ‘s face turned even redder when she heard Xiaoyang’s laughter.

Elsa’s face was already red because of the excitement of eating the delicious cake, and now it was even redder.

Xiaoyang laughed even louder when he saw Elsa’s face was as red as a monkey’s butt.

“”Xiaoyang, stop laughing,” Elsa said loudly with a red face.

Elsa knew that Xiaoyang’s laughter was not malicious, so she did not resist too much, but was a little shy.

After all, who would hate a cute little cat, and this little cat also gave you a super delicious strawberry cake.

Xiaoyang wiped the tears from his laughter, spread his wings and said to Elsa,”Have you finished eating? Do you want to fly around the town? You like flying very much.”

Elsa was stunned for a moment when she heard what Xiaoyang said,”How did you know?”

Xiaoyang shook his tail,”I can tell fortunes and know a lot of things.”

Elsa suddenly became nervous when she heard what Xiaoyang said, and asked softly,”Then do you know about the tower?”

Xiaoyang said nothing, just smiled. He smiled, then flew to Elsa, picked up Elsa, and the two of them flew up together.

Elsa was a little scared at first, and closed her eyes tightly. After a while, she slowly opened her eyes after adapting.

Elsa looked at the small town below her with some excitement. She opened her arms, made a flying motion, and a big smile appeared on her face.

After flying for a while, the two landed. Elsa was still a little reluctant, and said excitedly,”Xiaoyang, can we fly another circle?”

After saying that, Elsa felt something was not right and added,”It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t work.”

Xiaoyang shook his head,”You can fly again, but Elsa, your body has not fully recovered yet, and your emotions just fluctuated too much, so it’s not suitable for flying in the air for a long time.”

“If you want to fly later, you can tell me again. You just joined the guild, right? We still have a long time to be together in the future.”

After hearing this, Elsa’s eyes seemed to have hope, and she smiled after saying”hmm”. Elsa’s smile was very beautiful.

“By the way, Elsa, do you want to sign a contract with me??”

“Sign a contract?” Elsa looked puzzled.

“Yes, if you sign a contract with me, you will become stronger and be able to protect the people you want to protect.”

“”I want to become stronger?”

Elsa thought for a while and said firmly,”I want to sign a contract with you, Xiaoyang, to become stronger.”

Xiaoyang put his hand on Elsa’s forehead. Elsa closed her eyes. After the light flashed, Elsa slowly opened her eyes and then she screamed.

Elsa’s hands trembled as she took off the blindfold covering her eyes. She looked around with her two eyes and tears slowly fell from her eyes.

“”I can see now, both eyes can see”, Elsa hugged Xiaoyang in her arms and shouted happily.

Xiaoyang looked at Elsa’s happy expression and said,”Elsa, feel if your eye has gained other abilities”

After hearing Xiaoyang’s words, Elsa closed her eyes and felt it carefully.

“It seems that my left eye is immune to illusion magic. As long as magic is cast on this eye, the effect of the magic will be weakened by two-thirds.”

“Okay, Elsa, keep getting stronger, you will be able to protect whoever you want to protect, and you can also kill whoever is against you”.

Elsa nodded vigorously after hearing this,”Well, Xiaoyang, I will also protect you well”.

Xiaoyang smiled after hearing this,”Okay, then I’ll leave it to Elsa”.

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