As night falls, a red and black motorcycle sps fast down the highway.

Chen Tian drove the motorcycle towards the place Lin Ziwu said, and the little black dog lay on the gas tank cap, letting the oncoming wind blow its hair and dance.

I chose a motorcycle because it is portable and fast.

The walking corpses encountered on the road, Chen Tian ignored them, and he now had only one goal: grass and wood essence.

Under Chentian's control, the motorcycle seems to merge with him, or drift, or jump obstacles.


moving motorcycle, suddenly a brake drifts.

A black mutant beast flew over Chentian's head.

Under the "spiritual exploration" released by Chentian, the situation within a radius of nearly 100 meters can be well understood.

So he could react first when this mutant beast suddenly attacked.

A mutant beast that missed, did not give up, chased the motorcycle taillights, and rushed again.


A steel nail directly let this mutant beast roll out, life and death are unknown.

Chen Tian also didn't bother to pay attention to the mutant beast, even if there were evolution beads in the other party's body, he would not stop the car for this.

All the way forward, he finally came to the family home that Lin Ziwu said.

"It should be here."

Chen Tian began to look at the scene, and there was indeed a residue of "grass and wood essence" energy in the air.

"Isn't it here anymore?"

Chentian's brows furrowed, and he jumped onto the roof and looked around.

On such a night, the green light emitted by the "grass and wood essence" will be very obvious, but when you look around, there is nothing.

This is a bit difficult!

"Grass and wood essence crystals" will move before they fuse with plants, and now that so much time has passed, it is estimated that it has long been around here.

Could it be that this time it was a trip for nothing?


At this moment, the little black dog below suddenly barked.


Chen Tian jumped back to the ground.


The little black dog barked even more, and the tail behind him wagged like a rattle.

Chen Tian looked confused, he didn't understand what this little thing wanted to express at all?

The little black dog suddenly lowered his head, sniffed on the ground, and then rushed in one direction.

"Do you know where the 'Grass and Wood Essence' is?"

Chen Tian followed behind, although this was just his guess, but he still had some expectations in his heart.

In terms of smell, dogs are naturally masters, especially after completing the evolution of the little black dog, I am afraid that this ability has become stronger.

At first, the little black dog would stop and smell for a while, and gradually, it ran forward faster and faster.



One man and one dog, jumping on low roofs.

I don't know how long it lasted, Chen Tian suddenly laughed: "Tyrant, do a good job, go back and add food for you!" Ahead

, there was a faint green light flashing, which indicated that the "Grass and Wood Essence Crystal" was there.


Chentian's speed increased abruptly, directly surpassing the little black dog leading the way ahead.

"Sure enough, it's 'Grass and Wood Essence'!"

Chen Tian's eyes were glowing as he stared at the energy crystal on the parking lot in front of him, just as Lin Ziwu described, it had leaves in the shape of kelp.


Chen Tian drew out the Tang Dao and rushed directly.

At this moment, unlike the last time, after he had awakened his exclusive energy, it would not be so difficult to deal with the "Grass and Wood Essence Crystal".

As if sensing the danger, the "Grass and Wood Essence Crystal" ran quickly in one direction.

The blades around it are like hands and feet that support the body, which can bend freely while exerting strong kinetic energy.

Seeing that the "Grass and Wood Essence Crystal" wanted to escape, how could Chen Tian let it go, and his feet suddenly condensed exclusive energy.


The cement road was directly stepped out of a pit, and the power that Chen Tian suddenly burst out made him suddenly come to the front of the "grass and wood essence".


The blades of the grass and wood essence instantly swept towards Chentian.

Chen Tian turned slightly to one side, the blade passed through in front of him, and the super stretchability actually pierced the opposite wall.

"I see what else you are capable of!"

The Tang knife in Chen Tian's hand swung out, like chopping melons and cutting vegetables, and directly cut off a leaf.

There is red energy attached to the knife body, and it is indeed powerful!

Before, Chen Tian dealt with the tentacles of the "Grass and Wood Essence Crystal", wielding the fire waist axe with all his strength, but he might not be able to cut it down, but now, just swinging a knife, the blade can't stop it.

The "Grass and Wood Essence Crystal" continued to escape, and the waving blades were still constantly restraining Chentian.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

The Tang Dao in Chen Tian's hand continued to swing, and with each stroke, he could cut off a leaf of the "Grass and Wood Essence Crystal".

Finally, the last blade of the "Grass and Wood Essence Crystal" exposed outside was also cut off by the Tang Dao in Chentian's hand.

Chen Tian reached out and prepared to grab the energy crystal.

Who knew that at this moment, the "Grass and Wood Essence Crystal" burst out to resist the last, and a transparent blade ejected its energy crystal.

It happened suddenly, and even Chen Tian did not react.

However, this was already the last resort of the "Grass and Wood Essence Crystal", and Chentian quickly chased it over.

Seeing that it was about to catch up, a mutant black bear that popped out of nowhere swallowed the "grass and wood essence crystal" that had lost all protection ability in one bite.

Witnessing this scene, Chentian's whole person almost exploded.

He was busy for a long time, and he actually let a mutant bear cut off his beard, how can this be!


The Tang knife in his hand turned into a cold light.

It is estimated that this mutant bear has not yet tasted the taste of "grass and wood essence", and it hangs.

The body was cut into two sections.


Chentian's palm directly penetrated the body of the mutant black bear, and when he pulled it out, he was holding the swallowed "grass and wood essence crystal" in his hand.

At this moment, the "grass and wood essence crystal" is no longer as pure as it was at the beginning, and the skin is covered with flesh and blood, as if it is fused together.

Chen Tian had a gloomy face, staring at this "grass and wood essence crystal" that was no longer pure.

"It has already had a fusion reaction with the flesh and blood of the mutant black bear, and the energy inside is no longer pure, and I can absorb it again, and the improvement I get is also limited."

Qi returned to anger, but the matter had come to this, and Chen Tian had no choice.

At this moment, the little black dog chased after him, running and barking at the same time, as if to say: Lord Silver, how can you leave me!

Hearing the voice of the little black dog, Chen Tian's mind flashed.

"This 'Grass and Wood Essence Crystal' won't help me much, but for tyrants, it may be just right!"

Chentian, who was still a little angry just now, began to look forward to this moment again.

The little black dog originally fused the gene worm with the characteristics of "bone branches" and "dermabrasion", which can completely refine the flesh and blood energy of the mutated black bear, and then combine the characteristics of "grass and wood essence crystal", which should improve the strength of the little black dog to a higher level.

"This time your merit is great, and this 'Grass and Wood Essence Crystal' will be rewarded to you."

Chen Tian directly fed the "grass and wood essence crystal" to the little black dog, but he did not expect that there was an unexpected gain in this attempt!

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