From past studies, it has been shown that all the researchers involved with the "alien corpse" have not ended well in the end.

This was one of the reasons why Xie Guangkun stopped Xie Lan.

Another reason is that this matter is also related to Chentian, and if the other party mistakenly thinks that their father and daughter have played some role in it, it will only make things worse.

However, what really made Xie Guangkun so gaffe was that he felt a sense of unease.

An intuition told him that things were far from as simple as they seemed.

He and Chen Tian had just seen the "alien corpse", obviously they didn't find the black substance at that time, how did it appear in the process of transportation?

Either someone is making trouble behind their backs.

Or maybe that black mass couldn't even be detected by Chentian.

Either way, it shows the dangers of the matter.

Xie Lan rarely saw her father's stern expression, and she had no doubt that her father in this state would really break her leg.

"Inspector Xie, what are you doing, this is a conference room, not your training hall."

A leader shouted after a moment of silence.

He originally thought that Xie Guangkun would take advantage of the situation and say something like he was too impulsive.

Who knows, in exchange for -


Xie Guangkun threw another punch, and there was another big hole in the cement wall.

At this moment, Xie Guangkun fully demonstrated his momentum as a supervisory envoy.

What leader does not lead, when he approves, the other party is the leader; When he didn't approve of it, how great the other party was.

It's just that he was able to keep his current position because of his pre-apocalyptic identity.

If he still wants to use the previous set of five and six drinks, he doesn't care who the other party is.

And what about tearing faces?

The strength of his mid-level warrior can live well anywhere.

But what about the other side?

What is it without that position?

At this time, the guards who were alarmed rushed over, but after seeing that the person who caused the destruction was Xie Guangkun, they were stunned and did not dare to step forward.

These guards respected Xie Guangkun far more than those of the big leaders who only sat in safe places and gave orders.

"Xie Guangkun, don't you want to do it anymore!"

The man who felt that he was slapped in the face immediately shouted loudly, but his confidence was obviously insufficient.

"I'll announce my resignation later!"

In a hurry, Xie Guangkun said coldly.


Feeling that things were getting bigger and bigger, Xie Lan hurriedly tugged at her father's sleeve.

Xie Guangkun's words just now did have an element of impulse, but after saying it, he did not regret it.

Behind the glory of the monitoring is the duty of the guardian party.

He has guarded this place and enjoyed glory, even if he is an ordinary person, there is no regret.

Perhaps, after unloading the burden on his body, he can pursue a higher realm.

"Inspector Xie, don't be impulsive! Impulsivity is the devil! "

You are one of the three guardians of the 'City of Dawn', and the 'City of Dawn' cannot live without you!"

At this time, someone immediately stepped forward to persuade Xie Guangkun.

Not to mention the impact of losing an inspector, the overall defensive power of the "Dawning City" alone will definitely be greatly damaged.

In the end, Xie Lan was not able to participate in this dispatch mission of scientific researchers, but she did not leave the conference room.

If there is anyone here who can persuade the angry Xie Guangkun, it must be her.

A good meeting, this trouble, seems a little embarrassing.

The broken wall, in the end just blocked with some billboards, the meeting still has to continue.

Time passes minute by minute.

Finally received the news, the sent researchers have arrived at the scene, and the scene is being arranged at the moment.

Some special instruments were set up and transmitted the situation in real time.

"Leaders, next, we will use the remote control machine to X-ray the corpse."

A researcher wearing a special protective suit reported.

The large screen in the conference room began to show the status of the work.

Two tracked robots, using hydraulic arms, began to hold the scanner close to the metal coffin.

At this moment, not to mention that the people at the scene were very nervous, even the people watching this scene through the monitor subconsciously held their breath.

As the robot got closer, it was already possible to see inside the metal coffin.

The "alien corpse" was lying in it.

For those who meet for the first time, it is inevitable to be surprised.

Sheran stared at the screen without blinking, how she wished she could control the camera so that she could see the alien corpse in all directions.

At this time, the robot began to set up the instrument, and although the movement was slow, it was very stable.

Xie Lan's attention never left the "alien corpse", perhaps because of this, she found details that no one else noticed.

"The position of the chest, why is the pattern of the corpse different?"

Xie Lan suddenly spoke.

"What did you find?" Xie Guangkun hurriedly asked.

"Can you enlarge the chest position of the 'corpse'?" Xie Lan said busily.

Here, she doesn't have a voice, but her father does.

Xie Guangkun just looked over, and someone immediately contacted the other side.

In a short time, the chest position of the "alien corpse" was magnified and presented.

"You see here, when I first saw it, the pattern was spiral, but now, there is a tendency to evolve radially."

Sheran stepped forward and pointed to the display screen.

At this time, some staff members have released the comparison chart of the before and after pictures.

Sure enough, as Xie Lan said, the pattern of that place has indeed changed.

"Inform the past, the black substance may be in the chest position of the corpse, directly attack, protect the researchers."

A directive was immediately conveyed to the past.

Don't worry about destroying the "alien corpse", because it was cut with the most advanced waterjets, but it was unable to cause the slightest scar on its surface.

The strength of that body has far exceeded human imagination.

After receiving the order, the side immediately began to act.

Dense bullets rained down into the metal coffin.



Bullets ejected from the muzzle seem to light up the night.

From the transmitted picture, it can be seen that the bullet hit the body of the alien corpse and was directly ejected.

In just a few minutes, the surface of the alien corpse was covered with a layer of bullets.

As the shooting stopped, everyone's attention was focused on the alien corpse

, to be exact, its chest position.

Time, as if standing still in this moment.

Without determining whether the black mass was eliminated, no one dared to be careless.

Suddenly, the

still picture changed.

A black pillar of energy emerged from the "alien corpse" and shot straight into the sky.

"What's that?"

Everyone was taken aback by this sudden change.

A strong sense of unease began to hit everyone's hearts.

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