Xie Guangkun and his daughter left with solemn faces.

Chentian's last words seemed casual, but they resonated with Xie Guangkun.

During this time, there were too many ferocious beasts that erupted around the "Dawning City".

In particular, I also learned that there are terrifying creatures such as "Golden Horned Beast" and "Silver Horned Beast".

Of all the newly built cities, the "City of Dawn" is decent, but why do powerful beasts love to patronize here?

I haven't thought about this before, but now that I think about it, it's terrifying!

Is it really the "alien corpse" that attracted it?

It could be!

Or maybe not!

Xie Guangkun would rather believe it, he didn't believe there were so many coincidences.

Now, he must hurry up and apply to his superiors, striving to be able to take Chen Tian to see the alien corpse and eliminate the hidden danger in the bud.

"Unexpectedly, before leaving, I learned an interesting thing!"

Inside the room, Chen Tian stared at the night outside the window.

Night armor appeared beside him like a ghost: "Master, are you planning to postpone your departure?"


The corner of Chentian's mouth showed a curve, and he continued: "The departure time remains the same, it's a big deal, come back again." "

He has to put pressure on those in power, otherwise, when the application is reported layer by layer, I don't know when it will be."

He has advanced fighter jets that can go anywhere in the world.

Even if you come back, it's simple.

"Night Armor, did you say that the group of flying ferocious beasts before really came for alien corpses?"

"Master, instead of making such meaningless guesses, it is better to pay attention to the king-level ferocious beast that was released." Nightjia said.

"You reminded me! That king-level ferocious beast, has it flown back to the lair now? Chen Tian immediately led the topic to that ferocious beast.

"According to the data transmitted back by the locator, that king-level ferocious beast is still on its way."

"Still on the way?" Chen Tian was stunned, "It's been so long, why hasn't it flown back yet?"

"Master, you won't forget that the flight speed of that ferocious beast has greatly decreased after you plucked its feathers, and in addition, it does not fly continuously, it stays in one place for several hours."

"Can you roughly guess where it flew?" Chen Tian smiled.

He plucked the feathers of the ferocious beast, not for fun, but did not want the ferocious beast to wander around.

"The exact location cannot be guessed, but judging by its flight trajectory, the destination should be the ocean." Nightjia said.

"Ocean?" Chen Tian was stunned.

A flying beast, what is running into the ocean for?

"It should be some island in the ocean." Nightjia said.

"It seems that I didn't come here across the ocean for 'alien corpses!' Chentian's expression became serious again.

"Master, I don't feel special energy fluctuations, I should be able to rule out the possibility of being attracted by alien corpses." Night Night Jia Road.

The two were chatting idly, and suddenly, Chentian's communicator rang.

The caller number is unfamiliar.

"Is it Mr. Chentian?"

After connecting, a male voice with a very strange tone came from the communicator.

"Who are you?" Chen Tian asked.

"Mr. Chentian, I am the host of the auction house, and according to the information you have registered, I hereby send you an invitation to participate in the 'small auction' to be held tomorrow afternoon."

The other person speaks politely.

"'Mini-auction'?" Chen Tian came interested, "Where is it?" Hanging

up the phone, Chentian's eyes lit up.

Tomorrow's "small auction", he will definitely go.

I photographed something good last time, and this time it is more worth looking forward to.

The location of the small auction is still in the "outer city".

When Chentian arrived, a receptionist immediately stepped forward.

"Is it Mr. Chentian, a private room has been prepared for you, please come with me!"

Since the last auction, Chentian spent billions and has long become a VIP.

When you enter the private room, you can not only clearly see the auction booth, but also know in advance the products to be auctioned.

"Kind of interesting!"

Chentian began to exert spiritual exploration.

He doesn't care about the product descriptions on the roster, he only trusts his feelings.

"Hey, why isn't there anything decent this time?"

After Chen Tian exerted his spiritual exploration, he couldn't help but frown.

He did not feel the special energy ripple, and the spiritual power released did not encounter obstacles.

It seems that all the goods to be auctioned are ordinary items.

Even if there are some precision parts that you can't understand, it doesn't seem to be of much use.

Is this a trip for nothing?

Chen Tian also thought that he could photograph items such as "heavy shield", "plant spirit", and "soldier" like last time.

Even if it is a little less, it is acceptable.

"Master, can you buy this item?" Night Armory suddenly spoke up.

"Nightbeetle, did you find the treasure?"

Chen Tian was interested, and was busy looking at the roster that Ye Yejia pointed to.

On the roster, there are photos of products taken from multiple angles.

"Unknown instrument? The role

is unknown, the structure is unknown, the origin is unknown..." Looking at the introduction on the roster, Chen Tian didn't know what to say.

A series of "ominous"!

"Master, according to my analysis, this should be the core component of the 'lightning cannon'." Nightjia said.

"Thunder cannon?"

"Yes, the lightning cannon can provide firing energy through the 'energy side'."


"It can exert destructive power similar to lightning power energy, and the power of lightning cannons can be adjusted, which is very suitable for installation on fighters."

"Finally there is an item worth bidding on."

The biggest defect of the fighter owned by Chentian is the lack of firepower, and the heavy machine guns and mounted missiles that come with it have limited lethality, and they are easily avoided by fierce beasts.

If you assemble a "lightning cannon", you will have a hole card to destroy the powerful fierce beast.

A fighter can really be called a "fighter"!

"Master, the other main components of the lightning cannon are missing, and they need to be refined by the master himself, and I will provide the master with the drawings." Night Night Armory said again.

Chen Tian said that there was no problem, refining weapons and refining parts could improve his experience.

The auction officially began.

The host is a mature woman who uses a charming smile to mobilize the atmosphere of the scene as soon as she comes up.

The goods were auctioned one after another, and Chen Tian was almost bored.

Suddenly, Yoruya asked a strange question: "Master, are you not interested in women?"

Chen Tian was stunned.

Is this the right question for Night Beetle?

He turned his head to look at Nightbeetle.

Yoruya stood there motionless, as if the person who had just asked the question was not her.

After being quiet for a long time, Chen Tiancai said: "Knowing people knows their faces and does not know their hearts, under the beautiful skin, you can never guess what kind of heart is hidden!" Night

Armory didn't make any more sounds.

The auction is still ongoing.

Unexpectedly, Chen Tian said again: "Ye Yejia, you are different!" "

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