Inside the box, only one item is stored.

"What a strange thing, how does it look like a big stove?"

Chen Tian murmured in his heart, and his consciousness retreated.

"Night Armor, there is only one item inside, it looks very strange, I will try to take it out now."

As he spoke, Chen Tian had already taken action.

The use of this "box" is very similar to his private space, and the biggest difference is that anyone can use this box.


With a muffled sound, the ground trembled.

A huge reddish-brown, swollen item appeared in front of Chentian.

It has a peculiar shape, with a lid on top, and three black pipes of different heights that look like chimneys.

"Night, do you know what this is?"

Chen Tian was busy looking at the night armor on the side.

For alien items, he is a layman, and he does not dare to study them at will until he has figured it out.

"This should be a 'star furnace'!" When Ye Yejia answered, he had already stepped forward to inspect.

"Star Furnace?"

Chen Tian learned a new vocabulary.

"The star furnace is a refining furnace that fuses star art." Night Beetle only gave a simple explanation.

"Is this thing precious?" Chen Tian also stepped forward.

"Master, this should be a eliminated 'star furnace', with its information written on it, it is the third generation star furnace used by the Chichilots, and it should be preserved as a collection."

"Obsolete goods?" Chen Tian's eyes widened.

He had been waiting for so long and made such thorough preparations, and only got one eliminated product, which was a big difference.

"Master, allow me to turn on its self-test star pattern." Nightjia said.

"You feel free!"

Chen Tian said, his consciousness once again entered the "square box", he wanted to see again if there were any items that he had ignored.

I don't know how the night armor operates, and the surface of this "star furnace" actually lights up with crimson lines.

Not much time, there was a hot air stream coming out of the chimney at the top.

"Night Beetle, how is it, can it still be used?"

Chentian's consciousness withdrew again, and unfortunately, there were no other items inside the box.

"Master, after self-inspection, the internal star formation pattern of this star furnace is all normal and can be used normally." Nightjia replied.

"After waiting for more than two years, I got a big stove." Chen Tian laughed at himself.

"Master, you may have misunderstood what I just described!" Ye Yejia suddenly spoke.

"How do you say that?"

"Although this is the star furnace eliminated by the Chichilots, it has a high use value for the owner."

"Could it be that it can improve the efficiency of refining weapons?" Chen Tian asked casually.

"Taking the 'Black Gold Crow Star Iron' as an example, with the current strength of the owner, it is difficult to refine it into a weapon, but if you use this 'Star Furnace', it will be much easier."

This metaphor of the night armor made Chentian's eyes light up.

Before, Chen Tian tried to use alien fragments to refine throwing knives, but he was slapped in the face by reality, and with his attainment in fire attribute source energy, he couldn't do it at all.

Even the terrifying blue flame of the "Golden Horned Beast" would take a long time to melt it.

"Night Armor, if you borrow this 'Star Furnace', how long will it take to refine the 'Black Gold Crow Star Iron'?" Chen Tian asked busily.

"There are too many factors involved in this, how much quality of 'black gold black star iron', the source energy transformation ratio of the star furnace, and the superposition effect of the star array pattern all have a great impact on the final result."

"How about giving it a try?"

At this moment, Chen Tian is looking forward to it again.

Good equipment can maximize his strength.

If all weapons are created using alien fragments, then Chentian's overall strength can be improved by a lot.


As soon as his mind moved, Chen Tian took out an irregular metal fragment from space, it was "black gold black star iron", this material is mostly used in spaceships, think about it to know how strong it is.

Under the guidance of the night armor, Chen Tian opened the lid of the furnace, and then used the energy of the mind to throw this metal fragment into the star array pattern in the center of the furnace.

"What's next?"

After covering the lid of the furnace, Chen Tian asked busily.

"Master, I have already recorded the use of this 'Star Furnace', and I will pass it on to you now."

As Ye Yejia's words fell, a wave of information poured into Chentian's mind.

The complicated star array pattern explained that made Chentian's eyes light up.

But at the moment, it is not to study the formation, but to test whether this star furnace is good or not.

After a cursory glance at the operation steps, Chen Tian stretched out his palm and injected the condensed fire attribute source energy into a specific array on the surface of the star furnace.


Like a lit fire, with a hum, the huge star furnace began to move.

The most significant change was that the surface of the furnace appeared to be burned red by flames, and a large amount of gas came out of the top chimney.

"The first step is activated. Let's start the second step - add the source!

Chen Tian's expression was serious, and he began to inject more source energy power into the star furnace.

Rumble ~

The star furnace makes a beast-like roaring sound.

Chen Tian felt that with this "star furnace" as the center, fire attribute particles were constantly gathering from all directions.

"Is this what 'astral art' does?"

While injecting source energy, Chentian also needs to use the detection ability to always pay attention to the changes in the furnace.

He found that in just a quarter of an hour, the fragment of the "Black Gold Crow Star Iron" had changed slightly, and the surface had begun to turn red.

Chen Tian also noticed that the star formation pattern under the fragment gathered one after another of flames that seemed to have life, like a fire snake constantly impacting the fragment.

Time passes minute by minute.

Half an hour later, the "Black Gold Black Star Iron" began to soften.

This alone made Chen Tian overjoyed.

It is worthy of being a furnace used by alien civilizations to refine items, and this efficiency is similar to opening and hanging.

Because he saw hope, Chen Tian worked harder to inject source energy.

"Next, it is to refine the internal impurities!"

Chen Tian did not dare to be distracted, and was busy concentrating his mental power more.

In fact, this alien fragment only had impurities on the surface, after all, it had been used for refining before.

After removing the acrobatics and damaged texture, Chentian began to shape the softened fragments.

More than half an hour passed.

"It's done!"

Chen Tian withdrew his palm and stared intently at the still trembling star furnace.

After waiting for the star furnace to stabilize, you can get the finished product.

Laugh at!

As the lid is removed, a wave of heat erupts from inside the furnace.


Under the control of Nian Li, the weapons refined in the furnace also flew out at the first time.

These are two knives of the same style, with a dark exterior and golden lines.

Without waiting for the temperature above to cool down, Chen Tian couldn't wait to hold it in his hand.


Swing it casually.

The dunes are split in half and stretch into the distance.

"Good knife!"

Chentian's fighting intent exploded.

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