The two inspectors were chatting when an assistant ran in from outside looking panicked.

"Anqing inspector, an unusual tremor was detected in the southwest direction."

The man spoke and went straight to the point.

"Brother Xie, there is work to get together again."

An Qing said and followed the assistant out.

Although they are both inspectors, their responsibilities and scope of responsibility are different.

As a newly appointed inspector, Anqing has more work, and he is also in charge of the supervision affairs on the outskirts of the city.

"What kind of vibration is it?"

On the way to the monitoring station, An Qing asked busily.

"It is an irregular vibration, and drones have been sent to reconnoitre, but for some reason, the signal is blocked." The male assistant said with a serious face.

"Dawn City" has just experienced a beast tide some time ago, and although the crisis has been lifted, the slightest wind and grass will make people's nerves tense.

"But a ferocious beast appeared?" An Qing asked again.

"I can't confirm it yet. However, reconnaissance planes have been sent to reconnoiter, and there should be results. The male assistant said busily.

Before the two arrived at the monitoring station, a phone called.

It was the reconnaissance plane that went to reconnoiter and had the result: the pilot did not find the ferocious beast, but found a fighter near the scene.

"Check the registration information of that fighter!" An Qing said busily.

The staff was very efficient, and the registration information about the fighter was sent to Anqing's communicator in the form of a document.

Clicking on the document, An Qing was stunned all of a sudden.

The registration information of that fighter showed that the holder was "Chentian".

"Inspector, did you intercept that fighter?"

A message of inquiry was sent to Anqing's communicator.

An Qing's body shook, and he issued an order almost as fast as he could: "All reconnaissance planes withdraw, don't care about that fighter!" "

Who is Chentian?

That's a demon-level character.

If this one is provoked, God knows what will happen.

That kid, but even he, the inspector, dares to beat the lord, what else can't he do?

In any case, it cannot be in conflict with it.

"Why did His Excellency Chen Tian appear there, shouldn't he be recuperating his injuries?"

An Qing was suspicious in his heart.

Although he knew that Chentian's burns were healed, the injuries suffered inside his body were not so easy to heal.

Moreover, the last time they met, Chen Tian also said that he had not fully recovered.

After hesitating, An Qing decided to call Chentian.

At this moment, Chentian, who was in the barren mountains, had stopped testing.

"It can no longer continue, the energy stored in the 'eternal space' has the phenomenon of canceling each other, and the density is too great, unless the space is expanded."

A rock has a limited footprint, but if it has strong kinetic energy on it, it will form a cluster of energy that extends in all directions around it.

If two energy clusters touch together, they will cancel each other out.

Chen Tian observed that the greater the kinetic energy contained therein, the larger the energy mass formed.

"Master, the person called Anqing called you, did you get through?"

Ye Yejia's voice sounded in Chentian's mind.

The phone was connected, and Anqing's voice came from the bracelet communicator.

"Your Excellency Chentian, didn't bother you?"

"To put it bluntly, I'm busy!" Chen Tian didn't want to be more polite with the other party.

"Well, we detected a strange vibration in the southwest direction, and we happened to know that you were near there, and we wanted to ask what happened?"

An Qing considered the words, for fear that the other party would hang up the phone directly.

"You sent those two waves of planes before?" Chen Tian does not answer rhetorical questions.

First, several drones came, which were directly shielded by the night armor.

Unexpectedly, another wave of reconnaissance aircraft came, but after two turns, they flew away.

"You also know that the beast tide has just ended, and I am also worried about the safety of the 'Dawning City'..."

The vibration that was generated was just me doing rehab. "


An Qing on the other end of the phone almost bit his tongue.

What kind of rehabilitation training can make such a big move?

"Anything else?" Chen Tian asked.

"Didn't... Gone, I wish you a speedy recovery.

After An Qingcai finished speaking, he hung up the phone over there.

"Inspector, do we still have to go to the monitoring station?" The assistant on the side asked.

Go or go.

It's just that the questions that popped up in Anqing's mind lingered.

Although there were only a few words on the call with Chentian, after careful analysis, he could still learn some information.

First of all, Chentian's body recovered very well, otherwise, he would not say such a thing as "rehabilitation".

Secondly, Chentian's hands should have the technology to shield the UAV signal, otherwise, the UAV sent out will not be for nothing.

Also, Chen Tian's actions are measured, otherwise, he would not have deliberately trained in the barren mountains outside the city.

When Anqing came to the monitoring station, the strange vibration did not appear again.

Fortunately, it was just a false alarm.

Staying in the monitoring station until late at night, An Qing's heart was still curious about what happened in that area.

So -

he personally piloted a drone and flew to that area.

At night, a small drone, like an eagle spreading its wings, glides in the wind.

Finally, the drone flew over the area.

Somehow, An Qing was a little nervous.

Taking a deep breath, in order to get a better picture, the drone slowly descended under his control.

Although the moonlight is not very bright tonight, the drone is equipped with an ultra-high-definition night vision detector, which can clearly transmit the scene below to the terminal computer in black and white.

"This... This is..."

An Qing, who was sitting in the chair, suddenly straightened his back, and a pair of eyes stared straight at the display screen.

"My God, has there been a missile swarm here?"

An Qing was shocked by the picture he saw.

What is called "the transformation of the earth" and "the destruction of the mountains" is the best portrayal.

"This is what His Excellency Chen Tian said about 'rehabilitation'?"

An Qing felt that he still underestimated the teenager.

Where is this demon.

This is clearly a walking nuclear bomb!

"What the hell did he do?"

Just looking at this picture, Anqing has a creepy feeling.

However, he had new doubts.

Is this really done by Chentian?

In other words, could this have been caused by some special weapon?

As an inspector of Anqing, he naturally knows about some "alien ruins", and it is reasonable to have this idea.

Perhaps this kind of speculation is more acceptable, and the more An Qing thinks about it, the more he feels that it is very possible.

"It seems that it is necessary to visit His Excellency Chen Tian again."

An Qing thought of what Xie Guangkun had said to him today, and felt that bringing Xie Guangkun with him should enhance the weight of this visit.

Well, that's it.

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