Hearing that he was going outside to collect the corpses of the fierce beasts, Tu Yungang, the little black dog, and the little white cat were all positive.

They are idle, and at the moment it is lively outside, and they have long wanted to go out.

This time, Chen Tian will also go together, after all, it is much more convenient to collect the corpses of the found ferocious beasts into the space.

"Are you going out so late?"

Xu Da, who was guarding outside, had been in a state of half-sleep, and he woke up when he moved a little.

At this moment, seeing that several people from Chen Tian were going out, he immediately stepped forward.

"Do something." Chen Tian replied simply.

He hadn't completely calmed down yet, and the sudden appearance of "devouring space" made him both excited and surprised.

It was as if at this moment he had regained the feeling he had just awakened his spatial ability.

"The need for... Shall I do something? Xu Da asked busily.

He wanted to persuade Chen Tian not to go, after all, he was so badly injured that he needed to recuperate, but when the words came to his lips, he couldn't say it.

"You can't help, stay here, contact me about something."

After saying this, Chen Tian had already walked out of the noodle restaurant.

Xu Da looked at the back of the young man and felt stunned.

He is an ordinary person who wants identity without identity and status, how can He De be able to meet such a noble person as a young man.

Until now, he has not remembered when he saved the other party.

"Uncle Xu!"

Just when Xu Da looked at the street a little distracted, there was a gentle call of the girl behind him.

"Shanshan, why haven't you slept yet, here I can just watch, go to sleep!"

Xu Da turned around, looked at Mei Shan, who was approaching, and hurriedly showed a smile.

This sudden incident, even him, an adult, was frightened, let alone the children.

So, in front of the children, he tried to look as confident as possible.

"Uncle Xu, does Brother Chentian's injury matter?" Mei Shan asked seemingly unintentionally.

The spirited teenager, the boy who protected her at the auction, turned out to be like this at this moment.

Presumably, in addition to the pain, he must feel more uncomfortable in his heart!

"Don't worry, Chentian is not an ordinary person!"

At this time, Chen Tian did not have a trace of psychological burden because of his appearance.

Don't say sad, he is in a state of excitement at the moment.

Not long after he came out, he picked up the corpse of half a ferocious beast.

"I can't imagine that this half of the ferocious beast took several minutes to completely devour it."

Feeling the state of "devouring space", Chen Tian got another piece of useful information.

Different species take different time to devour, which may be related to the latent energy of the ferocious beast.

"Just the energy obtained by this half of the ferocious beast is far more than hundreds of mutant guinea pigs."

In the devouring space, there was a fist-sized light mass suspended, which was just devoured.

"Separate a separate space, store this energy separately, and when there is enough time, experiment carefully."

As soon as his mind moved, Chen Tian had already moved the obtained light mass into an independent space.

Night Armor, driving the chariot, drove slowly.

In the streets of the outer city late at night, there are not many street lamps, plus they have been damaged by ferocious beasts, and the limited number of street lamps are also dim.

Probably because of the great war, the air is filled with smoke and dust, and even if the lights are on, the visibility is limited.

Chen Tian leaned back in his seat, due to the serious consumption of mental power, he did not perform "spiritual exploration" again this time.


A dull sound sounded in front of the front of the car.

"Master, I'll bring back a whole fellow."

Tu Yungang's voice followed.

Through the light, you can vaguely see him in bone armor, holding a huge insect-type ferocious beast in both hands.

"Although my brain is not bright, I have some strength to do things." Inside the carriage, Chen Tian murmured.

"Master, I put it here, I want to put it away."

Dropping this sentence, Tu Yungang disappeared in three jumps.

"If the experiment is successful, you can use 'devouring space' to raise their strength."

This thought flashed in Chentian's mind.

Tu Yungang, Tyrant, and Snow Emperor, the strength of the three of them is not weak, but compared with the increasingly complex world environment, this strength is far from enough.

Before, Chen Tian did not force them because he did not have that condition.

There is nothing good to do except occasionally punch them on a whim to boost their sense of danger and ability to resist blows.

But now it's different.

"Devouring Space" can extract the bloodline of fierce beasts and refine evolutionary energy, which can definitely help them reborn.

"Speaking of which, why didn't the tyrant and the Snow Emperor gain anything, did they run away?"

Chen Tian thought like this in his heart, but his face was not worried.

In the "City of Dawn", no one has yet been able to crisis the two little ones he raised.

At this moment, the tyrant and the Snow Emperor did not find the corpse of the ferocious beast.

On the contrary, they found too much, and for a while they didn't know which one to take back.

Obviously I just selected one, but before I took two steps in my mouth, I saw a bigger one.

In the end, they each chose a super huge carapace ferocious beast and dragged it back hard, giving people a funny feeling of a small horse-drawn cart.

"I'm the biggest, after I go back, the master will definitely praise me!"

"I'm beautiful, the owner will definitely think I'm the best."

The two little ones were dragging back and comparing each other.

Who knows how far they have not yet arrived, and an army vehicle drove over.

"There is a situation ahead, everyone is ready to fight!"

The black lights were blinding, and the army that rushed only saw two large fierce beasts rubbing on the ground, and thought that this was a fierce beast that was not dead.


The safety bolt of the heavy machine gun was pulled open.

At the same time, from the rear armored vehicle, several warrior soldiers wearing battle armor jumped down.

The situation suddenly became tense.

The little black dog and the little white cat were imagining the picture of going back to get praise, but they didn't expect these people to appear, and they wanted to destroy the corpses of the fierce beasts.



One black and one white, the reaction speed of the two little guys was extremely fast, and in an instant, they blocked in front of the fierce beast.

The soldiers, who were originally on guard, saw this situation and almost shot directly.

"Don't shoot! Everyone, pay attention, don't shoot! Just

as the atmosphere was tense, a command suddenly came from the loudspeaker.

"Captain, it seems to be two fierce beasts, why don't you shoot them directly!"

A man looked at the captain who had just shouted with a puzzled expression.

"That's the companion who fought side by side with us, the pet beast raised by the warrior!"

As he spoke, the captain had already jumped out of the car and walked towards the two fierce beasts, one black and one white, under the incredulous gazes of others.


The captain saluted, and then through the communicator on his wrist, he broadcast the phone number of the Anqing inspector.

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