Regarding why the "Golden Horned Beast" and the "Silver Horned Beast" were placed in a container, Night Night Armors were also unclear.

Perhaps, some people just want them to fight each other.

Or maybe it was an accident that they came out of the container.

Or maybe it's a cosmic guy who has a proclivity for collecting creatures.

In short....

There are too many possibilities.

On the way of the fighter plane to the "Dawning City", Chen Tian thought of the alien container in his space.

If nothing else, in a few days, it will be able to be opened.


, after experiencing the "Golden Horned Beast", Chen Tian was a little hesitant.

Don't be inside, there is also some kind of powerful alien creature, he can't withstand the toss.

Even if he wants to open it, he needs to wait for his injuries to heal, otherwise, if there is an emergency, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Best, it can be opened in space, so that even if there are really some terrible demons and monsters, they can be trapped in space.

Thinking about it, Chen Tian was defeated by a sense of exhaustion, and the whole person fell asleep again.

When Chentian opened his eyes again, he was lying on a wooden bed, and the surrounding scene showed that he had returned to his temporary residence.

"Master, you're awake!"

Nightbeetle has been waiting on the side.

"How long did I sleep?"

Chentian struggled to sit up, his body was still tired and sore, but much better than when he first returned.

"The master slept for twenty hours, fifty-one minutes and thirty-seven seconds."

"I can't imagine the sky outside, it's dark again." Chen Tian glanced out the window.

"Master, the beast tide is nearing its end, and the casualties in the outer city are limited, and the ban can be lifted in a few days." Night Night Armor, the latest news.

"What about Tu Yungang and the tyrant?" Chen Tian asked again.

"They're staying in the noodle restaurant, and they don't know that you've returned."

"Take me there!"

"Master, don't you need to take another break?"

"I'm hungry right now, I'm going to find something to eat." Chen Tian said with a somewhat strange expression.

The food he originally stored in the space was all in a crazy state, although there were still some rice, flour and the like, but he could not eat it directly.

You can't think about it, otherwise you have the urge to pump yourself.

Since things have already happened, one can only look forward.

He was going to the noodle restaurant, and in addition to eating, he also wanted to see how Xu Da was doing.

After all, when such a thing as a beast tide occurs, worry and fear are certain, and Tu Yungang is a rough person, and it is inevitable that there will be places that cannot be taken care of.

Of course, he is more worried about the two little guys of the tyrant and the snow emperor, but don't tear down the noodle restaurant.

With martial law in the city, homesick noodle restaurants have not been open for business for two days.

At this moment, although it was late at night, Xu Da, who was worried, gathered around the wooden table, always paying attention to the movements outside.

"Uncle Xu, will there be another ferocious beast?"

"Uncle Xu, I'm so afraid!"

Looking at the children's worried and scared appearance, Xu Da, who has always been honest, is like a changed person.

"Don't be afraid, Uncle Xu is here to protect you, besides, there is also your Uncle Tu, you have seen his power, even if a fierce beast appears, he can be killed with one punch."

"Uncle Xu, when I grow up, I will also become a warrior, kill ferocious beasts, and protect human beings."

The youngest little girl, pretending to be strong and authentic.

"Yaya has ambition!"

Xu Da reached out and touched the little girl's head, and then listened to the movement outside, feeling that it should be safe today, so he was ready to let Shuping take the children to rest first, here he can guard alone.

Just then, there was a knock on the door outside.


Xu Da clenched the kitchen knife at his waist and questioned loudly.

With the chaos in the city, now there are things that happen, smashing, burning and robbery, and it is late at night, who will come here and knock on the door?

"It's me!"

The voice was very weak, Xu Da was stunned for a moment, and it took a long time to react: "Chentian! Opening

the door, Xu Da was ready to welcome Chen Tian in, but the moment he opened the door, he was startled and almost slashed out with a knife.

Outside, a figure with scorched skin and no hair and eyebrows stood there, big night, suddenly seen, to startle everyone.

Taking a few steps back, Xu Da tightly gripped the kitchen knife in his hand and asked, "Are you Chentian?" "

That spirited, vigorous, and arrogant teenager doesn't seem to be next to this black coal ball in front of him, right?

"It's me! I'll eat!

Although Chen Tian regained some strength, he still tried to speak briefly.

"Are you really Chentian?"

Xu Da's eyes widened, and he turned sideways again, so that the light in the room could shine out better.

This person in front of him is Xu Da, if it is someone else, Chen Tian is too lazy to talk nonsense.

"Just returned from the battle and was injured!"

"How could you be injured so badly!"

Xu Da heard Chentian's voice, hurriedly threw the kitchen knife in his hand aside, and prepared to step forward to help.

"It's just skin trauma!"

Chen Tian raised his hand and stopped Xu Da's support.

After sleeping, he has regained his mobility and can walk normally without the help of others.

When Chen Tian and Ye Yejia walked into the noodle restaurant, a pair of surprised, scrutinized, and fearful eyes looked over at the children and Fang Shuping who had not yet slept.

Xu Da hurriedly spoke: "This is 'Chentian', injured." Shuping, go get something to eat. Shan, you go and bring the medicine box. Yaya, Xiaogang, you two go and prepare some hot water. "

The most shocked of these people in front of me is Mei Shan.

She looked at Chen Tian with such a look in disbelief.

What kind of fierce battle would turn a beautiful boy into this?

In addition, when participating in the auction, she witnessed Chentian's move, and even the inspector had to be polite at that time.

"Tu Yungang, what about them?" Chen Tian didn't care about the eyes of others and asked directly.

"I just rested in the back room, Mr. Tu Yungang barely closed his eyes in the past two days, and thanks to him, we were able to survive." Xu Da said sincerely.

At that time, a ferocious beast emerged from under the street, saw the noodle restaurant rushing over, and was punched by Tu Yungang.

"What about my two pet beasts?" Chen Tian asked again.

"They don't know where to run, and we don't dare to go out at will."

As Xu Da was talking, Mei Shan came out with a simple small medicine box.

Even if she came close and determined Chentian's identity, she was still surprised.

"I... I'll help you!

Mei Shan didn't know why she was so nervous.

"I don't need these, the body of the warrior is not as fragile as you think." Chen Tian said.

Mei Shan stood there at a loss, not knowing whether to stay or go!

At this moment, there was a sudden noise outside the street.

More and more people, rushing to the streets.

"We won, we defeated the beast tide!"

"We are safe, the dawn is saved!"

"The warrior is mighty, long live the warrior!"

"Victory is ours!"


all kinds of shouts mixed together, which immediately livened up the night.

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