Rosa immediately reacted and asked with some surprise: "Galo, you said that boy is here?"

Garo nodded, his expression solemn.

"Why is he here?"

Rosa frowned and pondered, feeling more and more strange about this.

"Sister-in-law, who are you talking about?" Roger couldn't help but interject.

He vaguely guessed who the boy was, but he still wanted to hear his sister-in-law say it herself.

"Chentian, the young man who participated in the 'Martial Artist Assessment' with you." Rosa didn't hide it.

Right now, Roger is no longer a child, and it's time for him to know something.

"Sure enough, it's him!" Roger's gaze became hot.

"You don't seem surprised!" Rosa asked.

"Sister-in-law, that teenager is very strong, and he is an extremely confident person, if anyone dares to do such a crazy thing, the first person I think of is him."

Roger said as he looked out the window.

Although his eyesight is good, don't forget that it is thousands of meters in the air, and he can't see the situation below.

"Sister-in-law, can you retrieve the image below?" Roger asked impatiently.

He knows the performance of this fighter, and at the bottom of the plane, not only is a detection radar installed, but also an ultra-high-definition monitor.

Rosa did not speak, but nodded at Galo.

Soon, a liquid crystal monitor slowly descended, revealing the image on the ground.

When he saw the fierce beasts one after another, even Rosa was frightened.

"How can there be so many?"

"It's all insect beasts!"

For a while, all three fell silent.

The situation is more serious than they thought.

"Garo, can you sense where Your Excellency Chentian is?"

For a long time, Rosa finally broke the silence.

Shaking his head, Garo said a little helplessly: "I can only feel his energy fluctuations, but I can't know his location." "

Galo!" Roger on the side suddenly approached, "How do you feel it, why don't I feel anything?" Recently

, he felt more and more that this girl was not a generic person.

Galo glanced at Roger and said nothing, haughty as if he were a big lady.

Roger hated her the most, obviously he was his sister-in-law's assistant, but he didn't have the slightest respect for him.

"Galo, what else do you feel?" Rosa interjected.

Garo said with a serious face: "That boy is fighting!" "


Rosa looked at the densely packed beast on the screen again.

Garo continued, "Judging by his energy fluctuations, he should have fallen into a bitter battle! "

Hard fighting?"

This time it was Roger who spoke up.

The boy who could even beat up the inspector was actually caught in a bitter battle!

At first, Roger was surprised, but after thinking about it, he understood.

In the face of so many ferocious beasts, all individuals are afraid that they will fall into a bitter battle.

"His energy fluctuations are intermittent, sometimes strong and sometimes weak." Garo said again.

"Sister-in-law, then let's go and help him!" Roger looked anxious, "He saved me in the first place!"

"We don't know exactly where he is right now, and we can't judge what is down there just by appearances." Rosa said quietly.

"We can't do nothing, can we?"

Roger couldn't wait to jump down and fight those ferocious beasts, but it was better to stand by and watch here.

"The priority is to find his position first."

Rosa comforted Roger while signaling Galo to lower his flight altitude.


At this moment, a loud noise came from the distant mountains.

Immediately afterwards, the mountain peak exploded, and the corpses of countless ferocious beasts flew into the sky.

"Tornado, this..." Through

the window, Roger and the others saw the spectacular scene.

The tornado that rose out of thin air swept hundreds of ferocious beasts into the sky.

"This is the power of 'Source Energy'!"

Galo looked shocked, as if she had discovered something, and fiddled with it in the control room.

"The power of source energy!" Rosa repeated in her mouth, equally shocked.

She knew from Galo's mouth that mastering "source energy" meant that the strength reached the "master".

At the same time, I also know that with the evolution and growth rate of human beings, the most powerful people are now only "awakened", that is, "warrior level".

Rosa herself, with the assistance of Galo, also broke through to the intermediate general.

This combat power, in the world, can be regarded as a strong one.

However, if compared with the "controller", it is the difference between heaven and earth.

Don't look at the "awakened" to the "controller" is only one step away, but this step away is an insurmountable gap for countless people.

It is not an easy task for Rosa to break through from "intermediate general" to "senior general".

And the realm of "controller", even Garo has not reached it, she dare not hope for extravagance.

"Sister-in-law, what is 'Source Energy'?"

Roger on the side, sensing the change in the two, hurriedly asked.

"Roger, 'Source Energy' is a powerful energy, and it is the symbol of 'God of War'." Rosa said a little absentmindedly.

"God of War!"

Roger was startled and almost bit his tongue.

As far as he knew, the "God of War" was only a legendary existence, and none of the human beings had reached this realm.

Now the most powerful is only the "senior general".

The God of War, this unreachable existence, was so close to them at this moment.

At this moment, Galo came out of the control room and looked at the display screen.

At this moment, the picture in the LCD screen has changed, no longer a scene on the ground, but in the air.

A woman in silver-white armor appears in the picture.

"Hey, who is this guy? How could she fly in the air? Roger also noticed and couldn't help but speak up.

He was surprised that he hadn't seen the night armor.

Rosa and Galo are different.

Almost immediately recognized the identity of the other party.

"I really didn't guess wrong, she is a 'nano sharp soldier'!" Garo looked serious.

Compared with the nano blade, the "nano sharp soldier" is a more advanced existence, this kind of organism can exert "source energy", and is a destruction-level killing machine.

"'Nano Spikes'? What is this again? Roger asked from the sidelines.

But no one paid attention to him.

On the display screen, the perfect figure of the armor slowly turned around.

It was clear that they were far apart, but both Rosa and Galo subconsciously became nervous.

"Why are you here?"

At this moment, the sound of an intelligent system sounded inside the fighter.

Obviously, this is different from the tone of the original intelligent system, which means that the system is controlled.

Someone is talking to them about it.

"We're just here to find out what's going on, there's no malice." Rosa hurried to speak up.

Her heart was beating fast at the moment.

"Don't forget, you still have the balance unsettled." Nightarmor is alerted by the sound of the fighter's intelligent system.

"I haven't forgotten, after the 'beast tide' passes, I will settle!" Rosa said busily.

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