With the help of Nian Bing's probing ability, Chen Tian had already discovered an emperor-level ferocious beast.

It was a big guy with dark red scales all over his body, entrenched in a damp cave, and roughly estimated that its body was thousands of meters long.

Chen Tian felt extraordinary aura and energy fluctuations from this big fellow.

"I can't imagine that there is really a 'royal-level' ferocious beast."

Although there was speculation before, after being sure, Chen Tian couldn't help but be shocked in his heart.

This is land, unlike the sea, which is rich in resources, and if you want to evolve to the "imperial level", you must not have swallowed special items.

What kind of items can make the evolution of ferocious beasts so fast?

Chen Tian couldn't guess in his heart, but this did not hinder his curiosity and desire for this object.

"No wonder there are so many 'king-level' and 'lord-level' ferocious beasts here, it seems that there are big secrets hidden underground."

Chentian struggled to recall memories of his past life.

Most of his knowledge of the "City of Dawn" was heard from Xu Da's mouth.

"According to records, in the fifth year of the last days, a terrifying beast tide broke out in the 'City of Dawn', which almost wiped out the city."

"Calculate the time, it is not yet the day, why are there so many fierce beasts hiding underground?"

Chen Tian frowned and pondered, he suspected that because of himself, it had triggered the butterfly effect.

"Obviously with the leader of the 'Emperor-level' ferocious beast, why has he not launched a large-scale beast tide until now?"

This is something that Chentian cannot understand.

When the emperor-level ferocious beasts already have the wisdom, they can dominate other fierce beasts to expand their territory and loot food.

At any time, the "royal-level" ferocious beast is a terrible threat, not only because of its own combat power, but also because of its influence.

"Could it be that they are guarding something by standing still? Or, what are you waiting for? This

thought flashed in his mind, and Chentian's spirit lifted.

He felt that it was necessary to investigate more deeply, maybe somewhere underground, there was really something good.

Concentrating, Chen Tian controlled the Nian Power Scale and tried to pass by the side of the Emperor-level ferocious beast.

Before the situation is clarified, the battle can be avoided, but the grass can not be frightened.

Who knows that backfired!

The "Emperor-level Ferocious Beast" had a perception of energy fluctuations, and it was originally sleeping, but it suddenly opened its eyes.

In an instant, its surrounding scales lit up red as if activated.

"Oops, discovered!"

Chen Tian didn't want to miss the power scales, and his mind moved, busy controlling the direction of transfer.

Compared with the huge body of the fierce beast, the scales of Nian Power are as small as ants, and ordinary fierce beasts cannot capture its traces at all.


A roar, like a dragon groan, was emitted by a royal-level ferocious beast that had just woken up.

Its voice immediately awakened all the ferocious beasts that were still sleeping, and in an instant, the murderous aura in the passage was everywhere.

"They're all going to move!"

Chen Tian, who noticed this, his face became solemn.

The ferocious beasts he detected alone were as many as a hundred thousand, and if so many ferocious beasts broke out together, it would be a devastating disaster.

At this moment, the place where Anqing is located is still calm.

Looking at the large corpse of the fierce beast, An Qing was a little out of his mind, he didn't realize that a disaster was coming, and he was still thinking about the picture of the night armor flying away.

"Is it because that armor has the ability to fly?" But I didn't see the injection device, what is the power of the ascent?

An Qing was in deep thought, and a group of soldiers had already walked over.

"Anqing Inspector!" The captain at the head saluted.

An Qing came back to his senses.

"The crisis has been lifted, inspector, what should be done with the corpses of those ferocious beasts?" The captain asked with a serious expression.

"Don't bother with the corpses of those ferocious beasts. The notice went on, the crisis has not been lifted, and all staff continue to be on alert.

An Qing looked serious, the moment he did not see Chentian's return, the crisis could not be lifted.


As soon as the group of soldiers left, a cold wind came from a distance, and the cold air carried a strong smell of blood.

"Your Excellency Chentian!"

Seeing the boy who appeared out of thin air, An Qing was shocked.

Chen Tian's expression was solemn, and he directly spoke: "The beast tide is coming, if you don't want to die here, leave immediately." "

Isn't the beast tide just over?" An Qing looked at the corpse in the distance again.

"That's just scattered beasts, tens of thousands of fierce beasts, about to break the ground, you still have two minutes of ink to die." Chen Tian's face was still as heavy as water.

"Your Excellency Chentian, what the hell is going on?" An Qing also became solemn.

Tens of thousands of ferocious beasts did not dare to imagine what kind of scene it was.

If they were all fierce beasts of that level just now, the soldiers here were really powerless to resist.

The soldiers stationed here are on a reconnaissance mission, with limited personnel and even more limited weapons and equipment.

"Tyrant, Snow Emperor, Tu Yungang, you guys quickly return to the fighter!"

Chen Tian did not answer An Qing, but instead ordered Tu Yungang not far away.


Tu Yungang did not have the slightest hesitation, and the Snow Emperor and the tyrant reacted quickly, and after a few ups and downs, they had already boarded the fighter.

At this moment, An Qing was a little panicked.

If Tu Yungang and those two super powerful pet beasts were guarding here, they might still be able to support until reinforcements arrived.

But now, the most powerful people have left, and they have no hope here.

"Your Excellency Chentian, it is a matter of the safety of the entire 'Dawning City', can you..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Chentian.

"You guys have less than a minute to go!"

After speaking, Chentian's whole person disappeared again.

Anqing did not dare to waste this precious time, and immediately turned on the communication: "I am the Anqing Inspector, time is urgent, everyone obeys my command, immediately retreat to the fighter." Repeat, everyone, immediately retreat to the fighter. "

Here, in addition to the fighter in Chentian, there are two more.

Everyone received Anqing's order at the first time, and they had doubts, but they knew that the military order was like a mountain.

In less than twenty seconds, everyone arrived at the fighter, and Anqing was no exception.

"Inspector, what happened?" One of the men with a military rank asked.

"I'm afraid there will be a beast tide coming." In reply, An Qing said, "Everyone get ready to board and turn on the fighter engine!" "

Beast tide?

Everyone looked at each other.

This time, before Anqing could say anything, the earth began to tremble violently.

This time, the amplitude of the tremor was particularly violent.

The hills in the distance collapsed one after another, as if the sound of muffled thunder came from the ground.

"Boarding now!"

After seeing that the earth in the distance was cracked, An Qing was shocked and immediately ordered.



At this moment, a rock shot over and directly smashed a house.

Immediately after, more rocks smashed over.

The real beast tide has finally arrived.

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