Chentian's voice, mixed in the noisy environment, was directly muffled by the sound of rocks shattering.

Tu Yungang was bitten in the mouth by a ferocious beast, and judging by the situation, it was very critical.

His bone armor changed again, deriving countless bone spurs, like white sea urchins.


An Qing held a combat knife, chased the centipede fierce beast, his body jumped high, and the combat knife with green energy slashed fiercely towards the body of the fierce beast.


The arm emitted a countershock force, and An Qing's whole person rolled backwards.

"How is this possible!"

Anqing could not accept the facts.

The blow he tried his best to blow did not cause the slightest damage to the ferocious beast.

Could it be that this is a "king-level" ferocious beast?

Relevant information flashed in his mind, and An Qing's face changed greatly.

If it was really a king-level ferocious beast, they alone would be powerless to resist.

Why do "king-level ferocious beasts" appear here?

As far as he knew, most of the king-level ferocious beasts came from the ocean, which was a terrifying existence that was difficult to hurt even by missiles.


Just when An Qing was about to attack again, a white figure had already run onto the back of the ferocious beast.

It's the big cat with snow-white hair!

An Qing recognized at a glance that this was a pet beast raised by Chentian.


The speed of the Snow Emperor was very fast, and in a few ups and downs, he had already run directly above the head of the giant centipede.

Meow ~~~ The

huge cat's claw scratched the fierce beast's Tianling Gai for a while.

Thorn la thorn ~

Mars is sprinkling, and the momentum of the Snow Emperor is skyrocketing.

The cat is a cat, and he dares to bully my little brother!

The Snow Emperor's claws, under a burst of casting, finally broke through the defense of the fierce beast.

The pain-eating ferocious beast opened its mouth wide, and its hundred-meter-long body twisted violently, trying to throw out the snow emperor on its body.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Tu Yungang successfully escaped from the mouth of the beast.

"Your Excellency, are you all right?"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, An Qing ran over.

At this moment, the bone armor on Tu Yungang's body cracked, and more than ten bone spurs on his body were also broken, looking a little embarrassed.

"It's so good, I almost got eaten by it!"

Tu Yungang replied with a smile, not at all retreating because of the thrill just now.

"That should be a 'king-level ferocious beast'!" An Qing said in a worried tone.

If you want to kill a king-level ferocious beast, you can't win by relying on the tactics of the human sea alone, and you also need extremely destructive weapons, and it is possible to contain several generals.

Tu Yungang has no concept of the so-called "king level", he has injured his brain before, his intelligence is damaged, plus there are not many opportunities for contact with the outside world, and he knows limited things.

However, this did not prevent him from charging at the moment.


With a roar on his mouth, the bone armor that Tu Yungang cracked around his body actually healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

An Qing on the side was taken aback.

He felt that the Tu Yungang in front of him was not like a human, and the fierce aura he had felt on the fierce beast many times.

What kind of people is this, and why are they all so extraordinary?

People are just that, why are even the pet beasts they raise so against the sky?

An Qing saw that the big white cat was constantly attacking on the back of the giant ferocious beast, and after just such a short period of work, liquid was already gushing out.

"It actually broke through the defenses of a king-level ferocious beast!"

Anqing's surprise is not small.

Could it be said that this big white cat is also a "king-level"?

I dare not think that the current situation does not allow him to be distracted.

In addition to this king-level ferocious beast, there are hundreds of ferocious beasts that must be stopped.

An Qing, who was about to transfer the target of the attack, suddenly discovered something even more strange.

The group of ferocious beasts that should have rushed over were lying halfway at this moment.

What's going on?

He's dead?

Did His Excellency Chen Tian make a move?

Just when An Qing was shocked, he saw a small black dot, jumping among those charging ferocious beasts.

It turned out to be that little black dog that killed the beast!

Is it so powerful?

Anqing felt his worldview collapse.

When he saw this little black dog before, the biggest impression he had was that it was a little one who could play with the "flying pedal" very well.

Who would have thought that it would have such combat power!

This is seriously inconsistent with its size!


The tyrant kills in all directions in the group of fierce beasts, its sharp bone claws, every blow, will hit the heart of the fierce beast!

However, the ferocious beasts that poured out from the ground seemed to be inexhaustible, solving one, and two appeared.

Seeing this situation, Anqing decided to go to support.

And yet -

before he could put it into action, the body froze there.

Oh, my God!

What exactly do I see?

An Qing's whole person seemed to be petrified, standing there motionless.

The little black dog, which was originally just the size of a palm, swelled to the point of exaggeration in an instant.

How exaggerated?

Those ferocious beasts that are more than two meters tall are like small beans in front of it.


The gigantic black dog slapped down and directly smashed more than a dozen fierce beasts.



Loud noises are becoming more and more frequent.

That can no longer be called "combat".

That's a one-sided massacre!

And the battle that is close at hand, the movement is not small.

A wave of qi called An Qing back from his shock.

I saw the big white cat and Tu Yungang, who was dressed in bone armor, striking back and forth, and output on the body of the centipede ferocious beast.

Although Tu Yungang could not break through the defenses of this ferocious beast, he could wreak havoc in those places that had become wounds.

The huge bone claw, through the place where the ferocious beast was injured, directly penetrated in, as if stirring the yolk, crazy!

The centipede ferocious beast kept running wildly, trying to throw the guy on his back out.

How Nai, whether it was Tu Yungang or the Snow Emperor, both embedded their claws deeply under its leather armor, and it was difficult to throw them out.

The centipede ferocious beast was even more frantic, slamming around.

Its body is too big, coupled with its structural limitations, it can't attack the guy on its back at all.

As a result, the king-level ferocious beast became the abused party.

Even if it has strong combat power and can't hit the opponent, it can only endure.

"Is that okay?"

Anqing could no longer find the right words to describe his mood at the moment.

He was tired!

This is no longer a battle that he can intervene in, and staying here seems to be superfluous.


An Qing suddenly woke up, and it found a mad king-level ferocious beast rushing towards the fighter.

In that direction, all the guards retreated there, and if they allowed the fierce beasts to wreak havoc, they would definitely cause a lot of casualties.

Knowing that Gui knew, but Anqing was powerless to stop it.

He could only tell the fighters over there to leave quickly.

However, the speed of the king-level ferocious beast was too fast, and it had already reached the side of the building over there in the blink of an eye.


A steel-tiled house, torn apart by the scythe tentacles of the ferocious beast.

Seeing that the king-level ferocious beast pounced on the fighter plane parked there, a figure of Miaoman appeared out of thin air.

An Qing recognized the other party, it was the female guard beside Chentian, I didn't know her name and appearance, I only knew that she had been wearing silver-white battle armor.

At the moment of the electric stone fire, An Qing vaguely saw the female guard wave her arm.


With a loud bang, the hundred-meter-long centipede ferocious beast was directly cut off its head.

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