Early the next morning, An Qing came to Chentian's residence according to the agreed time.

"Inspector, we have arrived!"

The driver who drives the car stops the domineering and mighty chariot.

"You guys wait here!"

When he got out of the car, An Qing instructed.

The door of the courtyard opened, and the burly Tu Yungang looked at the man in front of him who was wrapped in battle armor: "Who are you!"

"It's me!" An Qing hurriedly opened his helmet, revealing his appearance.

"Come in!"

Tu Yungang let An Qing into the courtyard, and then closed the door of the courtyard again.

"Is Your Excellency Chen Tian ready?"

An Qing asked while looking at this courtyard.


"Out?" An Qing's eyes widened.

Didn't you say that we should go together, how....

"Come back soon, you wait a while!"

As soon as Tu Yun finished speaking, he walked straight to his battlefield motorcycle.

"Did Your Excellency Chen Tian say where to go?" An Qing followed.

"I didn't say where to go, but I know what to do." Tu Yungang is studying the machine gun mount on the motorcycle.

"What to do?"

After waiting for a long time to see that Tu Yungang did not say anything, An Qing had to ask.

"Hunt the beast!" Tu Yungang did not turn his head back to the tunnel.

"What?" An Qing was taken aback.

"Just go warm up and be back soon." Tu Yungang said again.

An Qing frowned.

If he really went to hunt the ferocious beast, I am afraid that he would not be able to return for a while, so should he continue to wait here, or make another appointment?

Just as An Qing was thinking, the sound of items being knocked over came from a room.

Just as An Qing cast his gaze, a black shadow flew out of the room.

It turned out to be a little black dog all the time, and strangely, he actually stepped on a "flying pedal".

Huh, why is the "flying pedal" so familiar?

Just when An Qing was stunned, a white shadow chased out from the house.

Good fellow, big as a lion, snow-white hair all over his body, with sharp claws.

"Ferocious beast!"

Under the conditioned reflex, Anqing immediately put on a posture.

"Don't be nervous, it's raised by the owner, as long as you don't provoke, I won't beat you!" Tu Yungangyun said lightly.

"You said they were..." Suddenly

hearing this, An Qing was a little surprised.

"It is the 'Tyrant' who plays skateboarding, and the 'Snow Emperor' who chases after him." Tu Yungang just introduced it casually.

An Qing looked incredulous and cast an inquiring gaze.

At this time, he finally found that the skateboard under the feet of the little black dog turned out to be his former "flying pedal".

Unexpectedly, a puppy can be so skillfully controlled.

That's his precious "flying pedal", actually for dogs to play!

The corners of Anqing's mouth twitched, but he could only admit his life!

Out of sight, he began to set his sights on the Snow Emperor.

This big white cat with snow-white hair is mighty at first sight.

A dog and a cat, chasing unscrupulously in the yard.

Suddenly, there was the sound of a fighter's engine.

An Qing found that a dog and a cat who had just been making a lot of fun were obediently lying down and pretending to sleep at this moment.

What is the operation at this time?

Before An Qing could think about it, his attention shifted.

The sound of the fighter's engine was getting closer and closer, and there was a fighter plane, parked in the open space outside the courtyard.

Immediately afterwards, Tatsumi and Night Night Armor appeared.

Last night, when testing "Nian Bing", Chen Tian felt that it was not too enjoyable, so he took advantage of the night to go deep in the mountains.

"Your Excellency Chentian!" An Qing hurriedly stepped forward.

"Let's take our own fighter plane, do you want to join us, or..."

An Qing said busily: "I was originally going to take you to the airport, in that case, I will join you." He

also took this opportunity to learn more about this teenager.

This fighter, the appearance looks ordinary, but after entering the inside, you will feel its strangeness.

"Please provide azimuth coordinates!"

In the cabin, the voice of the intelligent system sounded.

An Qing hurriedly said the coordinates of the area he was going to.

"We will arrive at the coordinates in ten minutes, and now the warplanes will start taking off."

The voice of the intelligent system sounded again.

An Qing noticed through the window that the fighter was taking off, but he did not feel the change in gravity.

Not only that, but he also saw strange instruments inside the spacecraft.

"What's that?" An Qing asked, pointing to the instrument he saw.

"Life detector!"

Chen Tian is in a good mood at the moment, he can't put down the newly obtained "Nian Bing", even at this moment, he is trying.

In front of the fighter's flight, several shining scales were far ahead.

Sitting in the cabin, you can experience the thrill of riding the wind.

Even if he hadn't slept all night, he didn't feel tired at the moment.

"Life detector?"

After Anqing heard this name, he was even more interested.

However, Chen Tian at this time didn't want to talk to him more.

This "life detector" was originally obtained in the rainforest, and later installed on a fighter, and there was very little chance of really using it.

"Your Excellency Chentian, those two pets you raised are very distinctive."

Anqing has a sense of having nothing to say.

But he does.

One black and one white, one small and one large, are simply two opposite extremes.

"Don't underestimate the two of them, move your hands, they can hit you ten!" Chen Tian said lightly.


An Qing looked at the big white cat.

Burly, with sharp claws, it looks really powerful, and if you face it yourself, you may have to show your real skills to defeat it.

When he went to see the little black dog not much bigger than the slap again.

This black little point was automatically ignored by him.

Such a small thing, no matter how powerful, how powerful can it be?

"Warning, received an inquiry signal, ask for identification!"

At this moment, the voice of the intelligent system sounded again.

"It's a detection system for the station!"

An Qing was shocked and hurriedly got in touch with the position through the intelligent system.

A fighter that has not received permission and hastily flies into a special area will be shot down.

But fortunately, Anqing leveled out.

The warplanes landed slowly on a tarmac.

When Chen Tian and the others got off the plane, a general in black armor led over.

"Inspector Anqing, you came at a great time, we just detected that there is a fierce beast movement under the cave!"

People come straight to the subject, and straight down to say the latest discovery.

"Do you know what kind of fierce beast it is?"

When it comes to work, Anqing is like a changed person, and he is very majestic when he speaks.

"An investigation team has been sent down to investigate!"

"Go, take us there!"

An Qing said that he was going to follow the other party, but Yu Guang found that several people in Chen Tian stood in place without moving.

"Forgot to introduce you, this is..." An

Qing mistakenly thought that Chen Tian and several people were waiting for introduction, but before he finished speaking, he saw Chen Tian stretching out his finger in one direction.

"Tell all the people there to evacuate!"

"What?" An Qing was confused by this headless and brainless words.


Who knew that Chentian didn't explain to him at all, and instantly disappeared in place.

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