Who would have thought that the latter behind the scenes turned out to be the "Black Wolf Gang".

As an outsider, Gao Anzhi naturally couldn't understand why the "Black Wolf Gang" sent someone to assassinate Roger, but Rosa knew it in his heart.

The Black Wolf Gang is a subordinate gang affiliated to "Zhao Ban" and has many business cooperation with Zhao Ban.

With Zhao Ban's death, his properties were swallowed up by Rosa one after another.

In this case, the "Black Wolf Gang" suffered heavy economic losses, and naturally hated Rosa to the bone.

The Black Wolf Gang knows how powerful Rosa is, and since they can't move her, they start with her relatives.

"Gao Examiner, I believe that you will deal with the staff involved in this matter impartially."

Luo Sha suddenly spoke up, startling Gao Anzhi, who was a little distracted.

"Yes yes yes! Please rest assured that no one who cheats for personal gain will let go! Gao Anzhi hurriedly expressed his position.

"That's good, I'll visit the high school entrance examination in person another day."

"Don't dare, don't dare!"

Gao Anzhi saw that this Ms. Luo was ready to leave, but the aura emanating from her body was even more fierce than before.

It is not difficult to guess that she is going to attack the "Black Wolf Gang".

"Your Excellency Chentian, the great grace does not say thanks, count that I owe you a favor."

Rosa walked to Chen Tian again.

Chen Tian didn't speak, just nodded his head, he was still reminiscing about the picture of the girl performing the essence mystic technique.

"Roger, let's go!" Rosa really wanted to leave.

The 999-3A fighter she was riding on had long been parked on the tarmac 100 meters away.

"Sister-in-law, my 'martial artist assessment' is not over yet." Roger came back to his senses and said busily.

"No need to take the exam anymore, go back with me first." Rosa had a serious expression.

When this happens, continue to test something, God knows if the "Black Wolf Gang" has planted killers elsewhere.

It is imperative that this threat be removed first.

As for the "martial artist assessment", it can be retaken at any time.

Roger also knew that his current self was not in good condition and was not suitable for continuing the assessment, so he said goodbye to Tu Yungang and left with Rosa.

After witnessing Rosa's fighter disappear into the sky, Gao Anzhi secretly breathed a sigh of relief and was about to return to the infirmary to chat with Song Chengjun, but was unexpectedly stopped by Chentian.

"Hey, what does his assessment say?"

Chen Tian refers to Tu Yungang.

Although the target of the assassination was Roger, there is no doubt that Tu Yungang was also involved.

In order to deal with the killer, he did not hunt the murderous beast.


Gao Anzhi's head grew up again.

Just sent away a female Yasha, and actually ignored the little demon in front of him.

"I apologize for this happening..."

Chen Tian didn't give the right side at all, and asked directly, "Is he considered to have passed the second level of the assessment?" "


Gao Anzhi was stunned.

The assessment content of the second level: but kill the fierce beast!

Wait a minute!

Suddenly, Gao Anzhi's mind flashed, as if he had grasped something.

Looking down at the corpses on the ground, Gao Anzhi had a bold idea.

If the killer is characterized as a "ferocious beast", can it cover up this incident, as long as the results of the aftermath can satisfy Ms. Rosa, I believe that she will not bite this matter when dealing with the "Black Wolf Gang".

In addition, if you give some benefits to the victim in front of you and allow him to clear the customs, can you turn big things into small things and small things?

Obviously, it was only a dozen seconds of work, but Gao Anzhi's fast-running brain thought a lot.

"In the name of the chief examiner, I announce that this candidate has also passed the second level of assessment."

After thinking about it, Gao Anzhi immediately made a decision.

Now is not the time to abide by the rules, whether he can continue to be the examiner is unknown, it is better to get through this difficulty first.

Moreover, the strength of the person in front of him does not need to be questioned, and being able to kill several killers alone has long exceeded the standard of "warriors".

"In addition-" Gao Anzhi spoke again, "In order to apologize, I will prepare a gift for this gentleman later, I hope not to shirk."

When Tu Yun just heard that there was a gift, he immediately became interested, and hurriedly asked, "What gift?" "

This... You'll find out later. "

Gao Anzhi seems to be selling passes, but in fact, he himself has not thought about it.

"Okay, I'll wait!"

Tu Yungang smiled, in exchange for Chen Tian's eyes.


Chen Tian walked towards the lounge, and Tu Yungang immediately followed.

At this point, the troublesome character was finally done, and Gao Anzhi breathed a sigh of relief.

But now is not the time to relax, there are many things waiting for him to deal with.

Time was slowly passing, and when the candidates returned one after another, the bodies on the ground had long been taken away.

The assassination was not known to other candidates under Gao Anzhi's strict blockade.

Only a limited number of people do not spread around, and this matter can still be suppressed.

Tu Yungang in the lounge finally received a gift to comfort him, it was a black battlefield motorcycle.

This motorcycle is even equipped with a weapon system and an expansion port.

As a motorcycle fan, Tu Yungang immediately liked it, although the weapons on this battlefield motorcycle were removed, but it didn't matter, he could add it later.

Considering that there is still the last level of the "warrior assessment", this battlefield motorcycle can only be temporarily placed here, and someone will personally deliver it to the door afterwards.

"I really want to go for a ride!"

Tu Yungang can't wait to finish the exam early, which is also the voice of many candidates.

Finally, the content of the third level assessment was announced.

The third level is assessed at the "Experimental Base", which consists of snatching the number plate from a specific robot.

In order to cope with the countless armies of ferocious beasts, human research on robots has not been interrupted.

Today, several versions of the robot have been born, all in service, and have achieved good results in the battle against ferocious beasts.

The investment in robots has greatly reduced casualties, which is also an original intention of developing robots.

The robot that candidates will fight against this time is a new version of a new robot that has just passed the test and has been put into the production line.

It is said that it is a battle, in fact, this is a sub-topic.

Robots have limited combat effectiveness without using thermal weapons.

Moreover, due to the control of instructions and codes, no matter how flexible the robot is, its running trajectory is also regular.

This level is actually a two-way assessment of candidates and robots, but it is more conducive to candidates.

Sure enough -

the candidates who participated in the third level, few were eliminated.

In the end, the number of people who passed the martial artist assessment this time was sixty-eight, and Chen Tian and Tu Yungang were impressively listed.

The martial artist assessment list will be announced tomorrow morning.

Candidates who pass the assessment will receive relevant certificates and badges within three days, and those who do not want to wait can also go to the service hall in person.

"I didn't think he passed too!"

On the way back to Dawning City, Chentian saw a familiar figure.

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