Chapter 392 : With so many weapons, the combat power is several times that of the first generation! (2/3)

Behind the base of the mixed black forces, on the banks of the Tsing Yi River.

“Haha, great! The freighter is not guarded!”

“Board! Quick! Zombies are chasing after us! 19

“dammit, with so many of us, how many zombies are we afraid of? Fuck him!

Survivors who fled when the situation was bad, saw the cargo ships that were already prepared, and there was no one to guard them, and they all boarded excitedly.

At the same time, some zombies who were in hot pursuit also chased after them. Fortunately, there were many of them, so they directly picked up the guns dropped by the combat members when they died, and shot them.


For a time, the nearly 100 zombies chasing after were really dropped by their dense bullets.

Unfortunately, there are not only ordinary zombies, but also evolved zombies!

Bullets falling on “Nine Four Seven” on them had no effect at all!

“f*ck, what kind of defense is this? Can’t get through bullets?

“Oops, get off the boat! Let them get close!

“Look! What is that!»

-Seeing that the evolutionary zombies that cannot be killed by bullets are getting closer and closer, the survivors want to leave the boat in a hurry, but they suddenly find that there is a tall figure in the distance, which is rapidly approaching!


puff puff

What surprised them even more was that when the tall figure approached them quickly, the evolutionary zombies that passed by on the way were all killed by their headshots without exception!

“Wait a second, there are survivors coming!

“It’s so strong, the evolved zombies die in one fell swoop, stronger than those wearing exoskeleton armors I’ve seen before!”

“It’s so tall, it seems to be exoskeleton armor, how can it be so much stronger than others?”

– While the survivors were amazed, they were also a little puzzled.

But the next second, all the surprises, amazement, doubts, all disappeared!

Instead, there is endless fear!

After the tall figure approached, they thought that the other party was going to board the boat and leave with them, but suddenly their eyes widened to find that the other party raised his hands and aimed at them!

Immediately after…


One by one machine gun bullets were sprayed directly from the opponent’s forearm, shooting them as if they didn’t want money!

puff puff

Some survivors who were slow to react and could not dodge in time were instantly beaten into hornet’s nests, and they fell to the ground before they could make a scream.

At this time, they finally saw the whole picture of this tall figure.

That turned out to be an exoskeleton armor with almost 100% body coverage!

Metal color fuselage, two cannons on the back, one rocket launcher, two seven-unit hidden miniature missile launch nests on both shoulders, a laser cannon on the chest, a hidden machine gun and a short knife on each arm, and legs booster The device can make the body slide, and the speed is extremely fast!

“Zhuang, Zhuang Hu? Didn’t he never show up? How could he hook his hands?”

“The second generation of exoskeleton armor? I heard it’s not around the R&D hook? How did he get it?

“With so many weapons, the combat effectiveness is several times higher than that of the first generation!

“It’s over, it’s over, we can’t escape this.

“Aah, I don’t want to die yet, who will save me!

Through the tempered glass on the head of the exoskeleton armor, I saw the person inside was Zhuang Hu, the boss of the mixed black force, everyone’s expressions changed, but when they noticed his exoskeleton armor, they were directly attracted by it. , and then… despair.

But Zhuang Hu doesn’t care what they think. At this time, he in the armor, his face like a zombie is extremely twisted, watching a group of survivors who want to use the freighter he prepared to escape, controlling the second-generation exoskeleton armor , massacred.

Inside the LV5 armored car!

Seeing this scene, Jiang Cheng raised his eyebrows slightly.

“Sure enough, in order to satisfy his perverted psychology, he would rather slaughter them than let them go.”

“These survivors are also unlucky enough. If they joined them, it would be even worse than a dog. Now they can’t leave if they want to leave.

“Would you like to help them? Just in time to kill this pervert.

When Jiang Cheng heard this, he nodded, “It’s fine if you didn’t see it. Since you’ve seen it, let’s help. After all, we are also indirectly responsible for their fate..

After speaking, he directly ordered, “Jarvis, activate all the remaining drones, go and take him down, remember, try to damage the armor as much as possible.

“Okay, sir!

Jarvis agreed and immediately started the LV5 armored vehicle, leaving four drones that flew away from the transport plane and fell straight to the ground.

For Jiang Cheng, he is more interested in the second-generation exoskeleton armor, which looks much better than the first-generation armor.

I also got one here, and I will modify it later. Jiang Cheng believes that it is definitely more powerful than the first-generation modified hook!

And this is also a very good opportunity. In order to slaughter these survivors, Zhuhu left the base alone wearing this exoskeleton armor. Isn’t this obviously sending him equipment?

It didn’t take long, just a few minutes, when Zhuang Hu was massacred, four drones quietly hooked on top of his head, and then aimed at his head.


Before he could react, a round of concentrated fire, the tempered glass that could resist the attack of evolution zombies, was like a paper paste, easily pierced by bullets.

puff one by one

A handful of red, yellow, and green mixed liquid burst open, and Zhuang Hu was instantly killed by a headshot!

Bang one

The exoskeleton armor also lost control instantly and fell to the ground. 0.2

“Dead, dead? He’s dead! Haha! We’re saved! 33

“Escape! Escape! If their people know that the boss died here, we still have to die!

“Yes! Quick! Sail! Get out of here!

– The survivors who were hiding everywhere on the freighter were all stunned when they saw Zhuang Hu die and the armor fell to the ground, and then cheered.

However, some people responded quickly, instead of cheering, they urged to leave quickly.

“Thank you for your help! Thank you for your help!”

But before leaving, they were on the deck, bowing and thanking the four drones that came from nowhere.

However, Jiang Cheng and the others didn’t care about it. For them, it was just a matter of convenience.

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