Chapter 389: Can we really resist the scale of this terror? (3/3)

It is seven or eight kilometers away from Fengsha River where the fitness club is located.

buzz one by one

Twenty-five helicopters are attracting the corpse tide to approach the base of the mixed forces.

“What did Brother Wang just say? Go directly to the base of the underworld forces?”

“They were restrained by a team sent by a group of gangsters to sneak attack, let’s lead the corpse tide first.

“It’s ridiculous, all the squads move forward at full speed immediately! Target! The base of the black forces!”

The commander-in-chief of the helicopter team picked up the walkie-talkie and immediately ordered.


The twenty-five helicopters all accelerated in time, heading towards the direction of the black forces.

“Qingqing, a little bit…”


The zombies attracted by the ground, seeing them speeding up, also roared and accelerated to follow them, worried that they would escape.

Ten kilometers is not too far, and it only takes a few minutes for a helicopter. Even if it is necessary to accommodate the tide of corpses, it only takes less than ten minutes.

The mixed black forces, who had been waiting for a long time, saw the silhouette of the helicopter appearing in the open air.

At the same time, the high-level people holding binoculars on the wall also saw this scene. Among them, Wu Ming even picked up the general walkie-talkie, “Prepare anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft guns! Blow them down for me!”

I had previously learned that the sneak attack plan had failed, so naturally I had to face it head-on!

“Buzzing one by one

When the helicopters approaching from the south and west at almost the same time, the moment they entered their range, the anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft guns that had been loaded with shells were fired at once!

boom boom —

For a time, the shells seemed to form an outline, and they enveloped the past.

It’s a pity that the security forces and the people in the fitness club were already prepared. In anticipation of this kind of thing, seeing the cannonballs hit, they immediately pulled up the height and easily avoided the big net formed by the cannonballs.

Then don’t look back, just turn around and leave!

The lessons of the helicopter squad of the black forces, they are obvious to all, and naturally they will not make the same mistakes as them.

Now that the corpse tide has been attracted, and the other party used anti-aircraft guns to attract the attention of the corpse tide, there is no need for them to move on!

“Tu, this group of people is really f*ck wretched”.

“Dare to come any closer? This is gone? 13

“Coward, dare to attract zombies, but dare not approach.”

In the high-rise buildings of the mixed black forces, the combat members who saw this scene scolded them one after another.

It’s just that it’s useless for them to scold, the security forces and the people in the fitness club can’t hear it.

It was the corpse tide that was attracted by them, as if they heard their curses, roaring and rushing towards them.

“Dammit, the two sides add up to four million zombies! We only attracted two million and attacked them!

“Grass, there are more than 30,000 evolved zombies alone!

“His uncle, there are at least twenty wolf-level zombies in here, right?”

“Can we really resist this terrifying scale?”

Hearing the sound of swearing and panic in his ears, Wu Ming’s face turned dark, and he picked up the general walkie-talkie, “Why panic? What kind of bird thing is this 4 million corpse tide? 3)

After the reprimand, he directly ordered, “Hit me! Artillery and mortars give priority to attack! Focus on evolved zombies and wolf-level zombies!

Looking at the black mass of corpses with no end in sight, why didn’t Wu Ming panic?

Even after all these years, I have never seen such a scene!

But what’s the use of panic? Can panic solve the problem? Moreover, his subordinates are already panicking. If he panics again, how can he fight this battle?

“Yes, Brother Wu!”

After such half a month of training, although the younger brothers were flustered, they would still do what they should do when the order arrived, and they would not be in a hurry as before.

After stabilizing his mind at this time, he aimed all the artillery mortars at the corpse tide that was rapidly approaching the range, and then…

Boom one by one

One after another flashing sound came out, and the shells shot straight at the hook, landing in the corpse tide that had just entered the attack range, and exploded violently, setting off a flower of zombies.

puff puff

For a while, flesh and blood flew, and those who were closer were directly blown into minced meat, and those who were farther away were blown away by the shock wave generated at that moment.

It has to be said that the military power of the mixed black forces is still strong, and this wave of attacks actually took away 20,000 or 30,000 zombies.

Although this is insignificant for the nearly four million corpse tide, it also means that this corpse tide is not irresistible!

And this is not over yet, just after the first wave of attacks went out, the first trap line arrived!

bang bang bang one

The roaring corpse tide, as soon as it entered the base one kilometer range, the mines exploded violently one by one, blasting the nearby zombies into minced flesh, and at the same time turning into a fuse, implicated in the place where the corpse tide just passed, arranged One by one explosive packs, gas cans, gasoline drums, all exploded!

The difference is that the mines exploded on the edge of the corpse tide, but these exploded directly in the corpse tide!

Millions of corpses, that density is no joke.

Therefore, in this wave, more than 100 traps exploded, and 100,000 zombies were taken away in horror.

And some were blown off their bodies or legs, unable to move forward and lost their combat effectiveness!

Some were ignited by exploding gasoline barrels. When they roared and rushed towards the base, they also ignited some nearby zombies, causing a chain reaction in a small area.

It can be said that this first trap line has a very amazing effect!

It also made Jiang Cheng in the LV5 armored car a little surprised.

66|| The layout of this trap is so subtle!”

(Nuo Mo Zhao) It was actually arranged in the outer periphery that would not be easily detonated, and after the corpse tide passed by, it was detonated with a chain of mines to maximize the effect, which was amazing.

“The power should not be underestimated. More than 100 zombies have been taken away directly. If there are more such trap lines, wouldn’t they easily resist it?”

“This is not that easy. First of all, the explosives that need to be consumed are huge, and secondly, it takes a lot of effort to arrange them. Finally, after the corpse tide is blown up, it will not be so dense, and the effect will naturally be greatly reduced. 33

“What’s more, there are wolf-level zombies in the corpse tide, and they will attack Yi first if they are not allowed. 99

“Yes, in this wave of corpses attracted, there are several new-type wolf-level zombies that are difficult to deal with, and there are two wolf-level zombies with the ability of two rooms and one. That’s not a joke.”

Jiang Cheng waved his hand, “Okay, let’s see.

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