Chapter 386 : Human life is worthless! You can also report to the boss! (3/3)

Outside the base, there are also survivors, all of them living nearby with the intention of enjoying the shade.

If the ones in the base were just preparing to escape, they lived outside and were not considered to be the gangsters. When they saw the gangsters fighting like a formidable enemy, they just packed up and left without saying a word.

In their view, the surrounding area is bound to be affected by such battles.

And what about them?

But a group of ordinary people, the police said that the exoskeleton armor, even the firearms, and the ammunition are pitiful.

If they don’t flee sooner, and when the fight starts, they really have no chance.

In particular, some of them were well-informed and had private transactions with some people in the gangster forces. When they learned that there would be a large-scale corpse tide, they were even more pale, panicked, and they didn’t even have time to pack their clothes. With all the supplies left, I drove off in an SUV.

Of course, all this was also seen by several high-level officials on the fence.

But they don’t care at all, it’s just a group of bugs that cling to them. There’s nothing to care about. If you want to kill them, you can just turn around and move your hands.

What is more important now is the corpse tide that may come, and those two forces.

“Has the sneak attack team arrived?”

“Report Brother Wu, they are on their way and haven’t arrived yet.

Wu Ming frowned, and then asked, “Where is the corpse tide now?”

“Brother Wu, the corpse tide on the south side is almost ten kilometers away from our base.

West “Almost ten kilometers here.”

Listening to the answers from the two helicopter teams sent out, Wu Ming was about to give an order to let them go over to interfere. A roar suddenly sounded from the headset, including several high-level executives who were also listening. Ear pain.

But it was too late to take this into consideration, Wu Ming hurriedly asked, “What’s going on! Where did the explosion come from?”

Although he asked this question, he had already guessed the answer in his heart, but he still couldn’t believe it and wanted to confirm it himself.

“Brother Wu, we have been discovered!!”


Wu Ming’s face darkened. He originally wanted them to inquire about him and interfere with the past, but now he was the first to discover it, so naturally this plan could no longer be implemented.

Otherwise, it may be smashed down by the concentrated fire before it can get close.

Immediately, Wu Ming did not hesitate, and hurriedly ordered: “Everyone retreat immediately!!

Just as soon as his voice fell, it aroused fierce opposition.

“Retreat? Since the fight has already started, why don’t you fight back? Should we continue to let them approach?”

“Yeah, they have withdrawn, who will continue to monitor them? I don’t know how they are moving, how did the two teams attack?

“It’s only ten helicopter squads. If they die, they will die. If their death can stop them from advancing, isn’t it a good thing?”

These two forces, including the corpse horde, will pose a great threat to them, but they have not yet risen to the level of fear and fear, but if there is a better way to save materials and reduce casualties, they will Of course I hope to use this method.

Even if this method is not very successful, for them, it is only worth the sacrifice of ten helicopter squads and 200 exoskeleton armored soldiers.

Wu Ming didn’t know what they were thinking, didn’t say much, just took out his gun.

monument one by one

A gunshot rang out, but this time no one fell, and no bloodshed occurred, but several high-level executives were scared into a cold sweat by his actions.

“If someone questions my order again, I can’t guarantee that the next bullet will be hooked on your head.” Wu Ming put away his gun and glanced at them, “Of course, you can also go to the boss to file a complaint.

After speaking, Wu Ming stopped paying attention to them, and continued to hold the general walkie-talkie to confirm one thing.

Several high-level executives glanced at each other with gloomy expressions on their faces, and said nothing more.

But in his heart, he had already greeted Wu Mingquan over and over again, and at the same time he didn’t look down on him at all.

In their eyes, Wu Ming was just a reckless man who could fight, and the orders he gave were unreasonable.

Among them, there are also people who are popular, but they turn their heads and report to the boss.


0. Ask for flowers 0.


In the boss’s office, a gunshot rang out, and there was no follow-up.

Zhuang Hu, the top leader of the black forces, is in his thirties, and rarely shows up. General things are left to Wu Ming, who has followed him for thirteen years, and is also his most trusted Wu Ming.

Zhuang Hu’s room is dark and big, and his style is full of ugliness!

The room is divided into five areas, one is an area with various chain punishment tools, one is an entertainment area, one is an office area, one is a bedroom, and the other is equivalent to a prison cell!

In the punishment area, it can be clearly seen that there are three women who are all wounded and dying, bound by chains and suffering some punishment.

The entertainment area can be said to be even more ugly, not only are there women who are controlled in special poses, but also… female zombies are controlled!

They had teeth pulled, jaws fixed, and limbs…

The office area and bedroom are normal, but there are also many scenes in this situation!

The last cell, the most ugly, can no longer be described in words!

And this is Zhuang Hu’s room!

“Scared, it’s the most annoying to enter the room without knocking on the door to disturb me, it’s not polite at all. 9

Zhuang Hu lifted his clothes from a female zombie, put away his gun, and spit at the dead high-rise.

Today, he was in a very good mood originally, because of two thorns in his eyes, he was about to be removed, and he was about to become the emperor of the Sanjiang District!

At that time, he can grab more toys and unlock more new ways to play.

But in the end, the two forces not only were not destroyed, but also attracted a large number of corpses, and they attacked!

How can he endure this?

He notified Wu Ming directly, without any nonsense from the police, just an order, he would definitely resist, and give him the two forces to destroy.

After the command, he wanted to continue playing with his toys.

But at this time, the high-level officials who came to him to complain didn’t knock on the door and broke in directly.

His interest disappeared in an instant!

That result, of course, has only one word.

Die! Two,

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