Chapter 379 : Is this…is the gap? (3/3)

puff puff-

“His uncle, these millions of zombies are really tough enough. After killing them for so long, there are still three or four million.”

On the fence of the security forces, the combat members who were madly shooting zombies with machine guns, watched the corpse tide that did not seem to decrease in number after more than an hour, and yelled.

“Be content, it’s already calculated, if we weren’t well prepared, we set up enough traps, and we had enough firearms and ammunition, we would have been torn to pieces by the corpse tide long ago.

“The boss is still thoughtful, and has a lot of experience in dealing with the corpse tide. Now that millions of zombies are almost wiped out by us, I have never seen it before, how dare I think that it is so majestic today.

“I just don’t know when I will be able to clean up these zombies.”

Anyway, “It’s a matter of time, take your time.

“What do you know? I mean, at this rate, it would be bad if it was cleaned up at night.

“Yeah, when there is too much movement and it attracts more zombies, it will be bad.

“If only someone could help us.”

Want to eat “Well, everyone is in danger in the end, who has time to take care of us? What’s more, who is free to go into this muddy water? 17

“Of course it’s official. If our forces are overrun by zombies, the survivors we rescued may also be in danger. Although it is on the river, zombies on land can’t get through, but there are still flying zombies. ..”


Of course, they also want the official forces to help, but the officials of Changhe City…

Do they really care about their lives?

Just as they were about to refute, a roar suddenly came from a distance, and the sound was still expanding!

“What is that? Looks like a transporter?”

For a time, several members of the difficult security forces on the fence were attracted, and when Fang Lu heard the roar, the three small black dots quickly enlarged, and guessed.

“Is it a transport plane? Is it an enemy or a friend? Or a passing”?

“I haven’t heard of any faction in Sanjiang District that has exchanged for a transport plane? And it’s still such a large transport plane?”

“Could it be that the black forces just exchanged it? I learned that the helicopter team was destroyed, and support came? 99

“That’s even more impossible, even if the exchange was not that fast, and it was really supportive, it wouldn’t come so late. Looking at the speed of this transport plane, at least three or four hundred kilometers per hour is very easy. Sanjiang District is like this. Big, not even half an hour.

“Look at the flying party, or did it come straight to us? I’m a motherfucker, can’t I really be an enemy?”

“No way, so far we are still active in our own area, but we have never offended such a big force. The only one who has grudges is the fitness club in Nancheng, but how can they have the ability to exchange transport planes? ?”

“It could only be passing by.

“I don’t think it can be ruled out that the government sent people to help us, and this kind of transport aircraft is currently the most powerful.

“If that’s the case, that’s fine.

Hearing the panic and chatter of the younger brothers because of the transport plane’s hook, Kang Chao frowned.

If they pass by or help them, it’s easy to say, if they come to get in trouble or help them, they have to guard against it.

Immediately without any hesitation, he directly picked up the general intercom, “Everyone is on alert! Be careful of the transport plane!

“No problem, boss!”

“Don’t worry, boss, the anti-aircraft guns are ready! If there is an enemy, strike back immediately!

“My anti-aircraft guns are also ready!”

Kang Chao’s words were quickly responded by the captains of the various squads, who made him nod his head and followed suit.

It’s just that the next scene made them unexpected.

It can also be said that what they most hoped to happen has really happened!

The transport plane came over them, just when they thought they were going to attack them, and they were ready to fight back.

The next second, they found that the transport plane slowly hovered, and in their shocked eyes, a hidden machine turret and cannon were revealed!

All of a sudden, everyone’s faces changed dramatically, cold sweat wet their backs, but before they could make the next move, the attack of the transport plane had already arrived!

But not to them!

It was a surprise to discover that all the attacks were against the corpse tide!

In other words, these three large transport planes are here to help them!


This made them ignore the question of where the machine turret and cannon came from, and excitedly followed the three transport planes to deal with the corpse tide!

||| Haha! Great! It really helped us! Let me just say, the official forces will not be so ruthless!!

“How do you know it’s an official force?”

“Aren’t you talking nonsense? As I said earlier, in the end, everyone is in danger. Except for the official forces, who has time to take care of you?”

“That’s right, not to mention which force in Changhe City can help us with Yun’s three large transport planes at once?”

The point is, we don’t have such friendship with any forces!

“Nonsense! Concentrate on cleaning up zombies!”

When Kang Chao heard this, he couldn’t bear it any longer. He got angry and cursed at the people around him.

But just after he finished saying this, an exclamation came from beside him, “I f*ck, what the hell?

Kang Chao didn’t know why, so he followed his younger brother’s gaze, and the next second, he was stunned.

The younger brother on the side was even more amazed, “This, what is the cleanup speed? Can the combat power of this transport plane still be made by (Nuohao Zhao) people?

Above their heads, three large transport planes hovered, and after revealing a machine turret and a cannon, they directly transformed into zombie terminators.


bang bang bang one

If the shells fall into the corpse tide in the sprinkler room without money, they are like boulders falling into the calm lake surface, instantly stirring up the capping waves!

Almost 30,000 zombies were wiped out in one face-to-face!

Among them, the evolutionary zombies with strong defenses and bullets that cannot be penetrated by the machine shells are like paper paste, they are instantly smashed and exploded! The dead can’t die again!

There were also two wolf-level zombies that could not even be hit by heavy weapons such as rockets, mortars, cannons, etc., but they were equally vulnerable in front of the cannons!

Let the security forces be dumbfounded,

“Is this the difference?

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