Chapter 376: The tide of millions of corpses is not so easy to deal with! (Plus)


As the helicopter squad was all destroyed, the members of the security forces immediately began to concentrate on dealing with the remaining corpse tide.

At a glance, the sea of ​​zombies surged wildly.

The roaring and roaring resounded non-stop.

The blood-red eyes flickered like flames, and under the control of the wolf-level zombies, they all went crazy, including the evolutionary zombies, which quickly surged past.

Although their firepower is ferocious, they cannot cause too much damage to evolved zombies or even wolf-level zombies.

“You can’t go on like this! 9)

“How is the preparation at the base?

“Captain, the preparations are over there, tell us that we can retreat at any time!”

“That’s it, all the remaining exoskeleton armored warriors, follow me into the corpse tide, and others will cover us!”

Looking at the corpse tide that was getting closer, the captain heard that they could retreat at any time, so there was nothing to worry about. He prepared to use the exoskeleton armor to finally consume a wave of corpse tide and retreat immediately.

“Understood, Captain!

The remaining more than 400 exoskeleton armored warriors naturally have no opinion.

As for ordinary combat members, there is not much to say.

After agreeing through the communicator, the commander-in-chief did not hesitate to jump into the corpse tide with his feet.

“Haha, go! Kill a wolf-level and talk about it!”

“My goal is to evolve zombies! Kill at least ten of them!


“Then I’ll kill ordinary zombies, anyway, this is as simple as chopping melons and vegetables.

For a time, more than 400 exoskeleton soldiers followed the captain, jumped out of the factory building, and rushed into the corpse tide.

“Ho ho… woo woo…”


Their arrival immediately made the nearby zombies even more excited, all roaring and rushing towards them.

puff puff

The exoskeleton armored warriors of the security forces are not vegetarians.

With their nerve reflexes exceeding that of ordinary people, in just half a month, they were very proficient in using the exoskeleton armor. Facing the oncoming zombies, they were very calm. Harvest them!


da da da one by one

On the roof of the factory building, the attack of the combat members never stopped. While covering the exoskeleton armored soldiers, they tried their best to block the approaching footsteps of the corpse tide.

Under such a tacit understanding, the pace of the corpse tide has once again slowed down.

At the same time, in the corpse tide, with the influx of more than 400 exoskeleton armored warriors, a large number of ordinary zombies and evolved zombies were harvested by them, cut into pieces, and their heads were shot.

It’s just that the number of corpses was too large after all, so that this situation did not last long.

“Not good! There are zombies overturning the wall here!

Just as the exoskeleton armored soldiers were fighting happily under the cover of the combat members on the roof of the factory building, the three-meter-high fence of the steel factory collapsed suddenly, revealing a gap.

“Ho ho… woo woo…”


In an instant, a large number of zombies poured in frantically, and directly came to the bottom of the factory building and stacked Luohan Mountain.

“Quick! Stop them!”

“Throw the grenades! The police let them pile up!”

“Be careful of the evolutionary zombies inside! Focus on the fire and drop the evolutionary zombies first!”

With the opening of thistle, the balance was suddenly broken, and in other places, zombies were pushed to the fence, invaded the steel plant, and approached their workshop.

“Almost! Everyone! Get in the car and retreat immediately!

In the corpse tide, the commander-in-chief who had just cooperated with a hundred exoskeleton warriors to kill a wolf-level zombie, noticed the situation on the other side of the factory building, and immediately took the rhyme communicator and shouted an order.


The more than 400 soldiers who rushed into the corpse tide with him heard the voice of the commander-in-chief in the earphones, and immediately retreated without fighting.

The people on the roof of the factory building, while resisting the zombies stacking Luohan Mountain, also began to provide cover for their retreat.

But the effect is minimal.

After all, the balance was broken, and the influx of zombies increased. In a short while, several defensive evolution zombies with powerful defenses rushed to the roof with ferocious firepower.

“Qingqing… woo woo…

Da da da

“dammit, is this zombie made of iron? It can’t be beat! 99

“Retreat, use grenades to blow up the roof in front of you! The police let them approach!

Even so, the security forces did not give up, and while desperately resisting with machine guns, they stepped back.

0.. Ask for flowers..

Bang one

As the deafening explosion sounded, the roof of the factory building didn’t have much thickness, and it collapsed directly, causing the zombies that climbed up to fall directly.

But the surprise came again!

Not only that section of the roof collapsed, but the surrounding area began to collapse together.

“Come on!”

The combat member’s complexion changed, and he immediately gave up to continue the attack, greeted his teammates, turned his head and left.

puff puff

On the other side, the soldiers in exoskeleton armor successfully retreated to the factory building under the cover of combat members, and quickly helped to clean up the zombies that rushed to the roof.

At the same time, the commander-in-chief picked up the general walkie-talkie and ordered again, “Leave the rest to us, and the ordinary combat members will immediately retreat by car!


“To understanding!”

“Be careful, Captain! 99

“We are waiting for you at the base.

When the ordinary combat members heard it, they were a little moved, but without any delay, they agreed directly, and quickly turned back and withdrew.

Looking at the back of the steel mill, there are large trucks that can seat at least thirty or forty people.

There are also a lot of them, like forty or fifty!

“Qingqing… oh oh…”


However, as they retreated, the pressure on the exoskeleton armored warriors suddenly increased sharply, but fortunately, they also arranged backhands.

Seeing that the ordinary combat members were almost retreating, they immediately activated all the miniature missiles on their shoulders, blowing up all the roofs, preventing the zombies from chasing from the roofs.

Then, with the speed of the exoskeleton armor surpassing ordinary people, he quickly left the roof and withdrew.

And the zombies want to chase from the ground, but it is not so easy!

The aisles and main roads between the factory building and the factory room are all blocked by a tire wall of fifteen meters, which is almost as high as the factory building!

Make them impossible to break through for a while!

But even if they break through, there is still a new round of traps waiting for them, so that they can’t catch up with the exoskeleton armored warriors who can use them for several streets!


After a while, more than 100 people died.

Only the remaining three hundred exoskeleton armored warriors successfully boarded more than ten large trucks, left here with a roar, and completed the retreat! Two,

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