Chapter 373 : Eating hot pot and watching the show, all destroyed! (1/3)

At 11:34 noon, the sky above Sanjiang District.

In the clouds!

Just when the health club forces, the security forces, and the corpse tide attracted by the black forces, as well as the few remaining helicopter squads, were killing each other.

The mastermind who controls everything is sitting in the conference room of the LV5 armored vehicle, eating hot pot with four beauties.

“After making preparations, these two forces’ defense forces are still very good.”

“After the two forces got the news, it took only two hours to arrange everything, and also arranged an ambush. The efficiency is very high.”

“There are a lot of people around. I saw that many of the traps they set up were modified by themselves using explosives exchanged from official forces.

“Unfortunately, they are all ugly scum.

“This sneak attack by the black forces is a complete waste.”

“Not only that, the people they sent out to attract zombies, I’m afraid they won’t be able to go back. 99

“That’s for sure 09. After all, the military strength of these two forces should not be underestimated.”

“Yeah, even the anti-aircraft guns are here.”

Looking at the high-definition footage captured by Jarvis using a drone, the four women were eating hot pot and talking.

“Speaking of which, the people sent by the black forces are stupid enough. Just based on a sentence simulated by Jarvis, I don’t believe it without the slightest suspicion.”

“This also indirectly shows how terrifying the black forces are over the rule of the younger brothers.”

“Sure enough, Lingxian, your hot pot base is the best! Even the white soup is very fresh.” Song Feixue picked up a shrimp, and when she ate it, she felt extremely happy.

“Of course, this white soup is made from seafood.

“Look! The helicopter team on the health club’s side can’t hold on anymore! 17

At this moment, Liu Yuqing, who had been paying attention to the screen, stopped his movements and said aloud.

In the next moment, all eyes, including Jiang Cheng, looked over.

“Dammit, where did you get so many flying zombies all of a sudden!

The leader of the combat team, standing at the door of the helicopter, controlled the machine gun on the exoskeleton armor, and shot the flying zombies that tried to get close to them.

“Boss, no way! If we continue like this, we and the only three remaining teams will explain it here!”

The younger brother on the side is similar to him, while stabilizing his body and preventing himself from being used by the helicopter when dodging cannonballs, while also using the machine gun that comes with the exoskeleton armor to suppress the flying zombies.

“Fuck, the gunfire of these bastards is getting more and more fierce, and the flying zombies are gathering more and more, if we want to continue like this, we must finish the game together!

“Or we will fight with them! It’s a big deal!

“You think it’s beautiful. When people are in the building, if you bump into them, you will destroy the building at most. Even a person can’t be killed!”

“Then what should we do? We can’t just wait to die like this, right?” 99

“Police! Listen to me!

The squad leader had a dark face, grabbed the general walkie-talkie, and shouted to the other three squads, “Everyone, fight back immediately! When you run out of rockets, just jump up to the nearest high-rise building and fight them in hand-to-hand combat! 39

When the other three teams heard the words, they were stunned and hesitated.

But the current situation is also here, and there is no way to escape.

“Grass! Fight with them!”

“You can’t escape anyway, it’s better to kill a few more before you die!”

“Rush! Brothers!

With the decision, Ben avoided the cannonballs, and the flying zombies, slowly pulled up the three helicopters, suddenly turned around, and headed straight for the nearest building.

at the same time,


chi chi chi-

The two cannons mounted on the three armed helicopters, and the two seven-coupled rocket launchers, sputtered sparks, as if they didn’t need money, sprayed machine cannonballs and rockets one by one, desperately launching the final counterattack. .

For a time, the people in the target building were really suppressed by them, and they dared not show up again.

Of course, there are also some, and quite a few, who fail to dodge and are directly swept away by machine shells or killed by rockets.

But compared to the power of the fitness club, it is a bit insignificant.

“Turn around! Let’s go!”

Seeing the three squads, they followed his orders and launched a desperate counterattack, which not only attracted most of the flying zombies, but also attracted the firepower of the fitness forces.

The team leader who ordered, without any hesitation, immediately seized the opportunity, increased the speed of the helicopter, and quickly escaped from here.

Jiang Cheng and the others, who had completely seen this scene, were immediately disgusted.

“Let the companions attract firepower to kill, and just turn around and run away, but it is very Fuge’s style of mixing with the black forces. 93

“Being so decisive is something I didn’t expect.”

“But from another angle, if they really let them escape from this ferocious artillery fire, it would be considered a skill. 99

“I just saw that they couldn’t hold on anymore, I thought they were going to die, but I didn’t expect to keep such a hand.”

“For sure, the forces in Changhe City should not be underestimated. Let’s just say that these 927 forces, with their people and military strength, can’t resist the tide of millions of corpses at all, but because of the people in the forces, they are transformed and transformed. Explosives and a lot of traps were set up, and they really stopped them!”

Besides, “The gangster forces, one of the six major survivor forces in Changhe City, have a strong military force and a hundred rhymes. Just by sending so many 600 exoskeleton armored soldiers, they almost succeeded in sneak attacking these two forces.

“These two forces seem to be very weak, but when they join forces, they can compete with the black forces.

“So, you can’t underestimate it!” Zhao Zhirou pointed at the screen and said again, “Look, this group of people thought they could escape, but in fact someone has been staring at them for a long time.”

Hearing this, Jiang Cheng smiled, but didn’t say much, and followed the three girls to look over again.

bang one by one

At this very moment, the people of the health club who had been eyeing this helicopter for a long time, just after it flew a few hundred meters, focused a round of fire and bombed it!

At the same time, several other helicopter squads did not escape the fate of being set on fire.

When they finished shooting the bullets and were about to jump out of the helicopter for close combat, a torrential rain of bullets came.

So far, 300 members of the gangster forces and 15 helicopter squads have been sent to the health club’s side.


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