Chapter 363: What a surprise, another all-nighter! (Plus)

“Let let…”

“The police are blocking the way!”

“Good lesson, it’s another all-nighter…”

In the former hotel, now in the battle command center, people come and go in the lobby, counting items of data.

For example, the reconnaissance team sent out today has investigated which areas and what materials have been discovered.

Another example is how many zombies were eliminated by the combat team sent out today, and which areas of materials were brought back, all need to be counted.

After all, they are part of the underworld. There are more than 100 teams in the 50-person combat team alone, and the investigation team is even more alert.

Of course, if they hadn’t exchanged the communication equipment and monitor monitors from the Ministry of War, they wouldn’t be able to contact Waiyun’s reconnaissance team and combat team.

As for this combat command center, they also imitated the Changhe Military Department and transformed Yun, otherwise it would be too difficult to manage if there were too many people.

The squads of field reconnaissance and search for supplies were not able to notify the contact at the first time.

Therefore, this combat command center has almost become the standard of the middle and above forces in Changhe City!

09 “What’s the matter? The combat team sent to the northern suburbs of Sanjiang District has not been contacted yet?”

When the patrol team outside noticed the situation of Wang Qiang and the two combat teams, a dark-skinned and burly person in charge in a command room with more than 50 people in the combat command center also noticed .

“No, Brother Wu!”

Looking at Wu Ming, a professional thug who had been with him for more than ten years, who had just put down his communicator, he didn’t even dare to ask questions.

Of course, if this was put a month ago, he would not have put the other party in his eyes at all.

This Wu Ming started playing in his teens and was a professional thug. Now in his thirties, he is not too young, and he has many injuries on his body. Basically, he will be abandoned by his superiors.

But now that the apocalypse has arrived, the opponent, with his ruthless skills, was reused by the superiors and obtained a set of exoskeleton armor, and with years of experience as a professional thug, he quickly mastered this exoskeleton armor.

Today, he is in charge of more than 20 reconnaissance teams and more than 10 combat teams, and he has become the top of their forces.

It is no exaggeration to say that today’s Wu Ming can make life worse than death with the touch of a finger!

How could anyone dare to offend?

“It’s been four hours since I lost contact! It’s been four full hours! What did you give me in these four hours? No? Then what do I raise you for?

Wu Ming’s forehead burst into blue veins, staring at the other party with wide eyes, suppressing the anger and anxiety in his heart, and cursed.

But in fact, his heart was already bleeding.

That’s two teams of combat teams, fifty sets of exoskeleton armor!

How can he afford such a loss? How can he explain it?

“Check! Keep checking! If you die, contact me! If you can’t contact them, check their tracks for me!”


More than fifty people in the command room wiped away their cold sweat and immediately agreed.

At this moment, a younger brother’s eyes lit up and he stood up, “Brother Wu, Boss Qian and the others have been traced! The last place to appear is to go to the farm in the northern suburbs of Sanjiang District! 39

“North Suburb Farm?

Wu Ming frowned. He remembered that in the morning, a nearby reconnaissance team was dispatched to the farm first, but the combat team also went to the farm? There is no news yet?

“Did you meet the other two forces?”

Wu Ming thought so, the more he felt right, and immediately ordered,

Immediately “dispatch a team of reconnaissance teams, and go to the northern suburbs farm overnight to check the situation. If people from the other two forces are found, immediately send five additional teams of combat teams to go to support! 33

After speaking, Wu Ming thought for a while, and ordered again, “Also! Continue to send people tomorrow to make a noise for the other two forces! At the same time, speed up the corpse tide, and together with other groups, take them down!

“Understood, Brother Wu!” More than fifty people immediately agreed.

“Brother Wu, what about my reward?” The younger brother, who had just detected the traces of the two combat teams, bit his head, squeezed out a smile, and asked.


However, the answer to him was a bullet!

Wu Ming was shot directly in the head by a shot, and he couldn’t rest his eyes!

This scene directly turned the faces of everyone in the command room white.

They knew that Wu Ming had a bad temper, but they didn’t expect to be so moody.


Wu Ming turned a blind eye to this, put away his gun and walked to the body of the younger brother whose head was shot, spit at his body, and cursed, “It took more than four hours, and after finding their traces, they are so embarrassed to follow me. Want a reward?”

After he finished speaking, he looked at the other people in the command room, “You guys work hard, if you want to inquire about this situation again, he will be your fate! Do you understand?


All the younger brothers agreed, daring not to say more, and hurriedly bowed their heads and started working hard, for fear that the next bullet would land on their heads.

Seeing this scene, Wu Ming enjoyed it very much, but he didn’t take a second glance and left here after slamming the door.

He has to report to the top.



Sanjiang District, Beijiao Farm Base.

Compared to the dark and ugly atmosphere on the side of the black forces, there is harmony here.

On the balcony of the police villa, Jiang Cheng and his four daughters, who had finished their dinner, were blowing the night wind and enjoying the coolness on the balcony.

Song Feixue, who was lying on the wooden reclining chair, was slightly in a daze. At this time, she suddenly felt that nothing happened!

It seems that there are no terrifying zombies, there is no doomsday, there is no ugly survivor force, nothing has happened, and it’s back to the world before the apocalypse!

Especially seeing Jiang Cheng leaning on the balcony railing with a bottle of beer and drinking, it feels even more unreal.

After all, in half a day, too many things that can be called miracles have happened to the other party!

There are also three women who are drinking tea and lying next to them. When searching for supplies, they show the power, speed, and neural response that are hooked far beyond ordinary people. They are all dreamlike, only seen in anime movies!

“Could it be… is this really a dream?” Song Feixue muttered to herself, “If it is really a dream, I hope this dream lasts a little longer, a little longer…”

At this moment, a voice told her that this was not a dream!

“Why are you in a daze? Sister Feixue?”

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