Chapter 330: Warehouse expansion is too big! It’s so worth it! (2/3)


In the cave warehouse, bursts of roars came from the entrance.

After a while, Jiang Cheng sat cross-legged on the roof of the LV5 armored vehicle and entered the first floor of the cave warehouse.


The moment he entered, Jiang Cheng’s eyes widened.

It can be said that stunned is not enough to express his shock at this time!



Incredibly large!

Endless view!

It’s really a sight to behold!

The cave in a small hill is now under the complicated renovation, but the space inside is completely contrary to common sense!

Compared with the last modification, the violation is even more exaggerated!

To put it simply, after the previous modification reached the LV5 level, it can hold the materials of the entire Xishan City, so now, according to Jiang Cheng’s observation.

In today’s space, so many materials in a hundred Xishan City can be easily packed!

You can imagine how big this cave warehouse is!

Just don’t exaggerate!

Not only that, with his observation, not only the first floor has expanded so much, but even the negative first floor, second floor, and third floor have expanded!

And, again, a few more layers!

Now adding up and down, there are already as many as nine floors!

Nine floors!

The amount of materials that can be loaded, Jiang Cheng can no longer imagine! 900


It’s so worth it!

Let’s not talk about those outside, let’s just say that this cave warehouse is already worth the two rough five million points!!

“With this warehouse, you don’t have to worry about running out of place to store the materials you collect in the future!

Coupled with the “strong and invincible defense, the safety of materials has also been guaranteed to the greatest extent!

Jiang Cheng sighed one after another.

At the same time, Jiang Cheng’s heart was completely let go. The renovation of the cave warehouse did not disappoint him at all. After that, he visited the cave a few times and thought about how to make good use of these warehouses in the future.

Before long, a decision was made.

Separate food warehouses, fresh-keeping warehouses, and freezer warehouses!

Each occupies a floor!

For example, the granary on the negative floor stores all kinds of rice noodles.

The daily necessities on the negative second floor were moved to the fourth floor, and the oil warehouse was moved to the fifth floor.

The negative second floor is a fresh-keeping warehouse used to store vegetables such as fruits and vegetables.

The negative third floor is to store meat, seafood, etc. that need to be frozen, and it is a frozen warehouse!

In the future, there will be more and more materials collected!

It is definitely not enough to store three categories in one layer at the same time.

Now (ajac) Now that the warehouse has become larger and the number of layers has increased, it is better to store them all separately.

Of course, it’s not too much trouble to do this, just tell the system directly, consume tens of thousands of points, transfer and modify it, and that’s it.

“In this case, in the future, this base will be handed over to Jarvis and Hong later to manage it. Even if we don’t come back, it will be completely fine to be a manager.”

After doing all this, Jiang Cheng clapped his hands and nodded with satisfaction.

“By the way, there are also bullet and shell manufacturing equipment, which is also considered as base equipment. I don’t know if it has been modified conventionally.”

Just as Jiang Cheng was about to call Jarvis back to the police villa, he suddenly thought of the problem of manufacturing equipment, and looked at the warehouse on the first floor where the manufacturing equipment was stored.

Just walked over.

“Lying, lying in the trough?”

And when he opened the warehouse door, he was shocked again!

Today’s manufacturing equipment, not only have all become bright, the output has increased, and even the number of production robots has also changed!


The number has doubled!

From one hundred to two hundred!

And because they were all converted to LV10, their energy has also changed!

Five minutes of charging is enough to run for a week!

Plus, their fragile bodies have grown a lot stronger!

And the weight of the objects that can be carried has also become heavier!

Equivalent to the strength has also increased!

Strong! Too strong!

These production robots are also more practical and can help more!

Jiang Cheng thought about it this way, and he also had a plan to take some with him when he left the base.

On their way to Changhe City, they also have to clean up all the supplies along the way!

Now that he has a robot, he naturally doesn’t want to do it himself.

Not only is it a waste of time, but it is also a waste of energy.

“Jarvis, go back to the police villa, and prepare with the red queen, we will set off at noon!

Since then, it can be considered to visit the entire base, Jiang Cheng directly instructed Jarvis.

“Okay, sir!”

Jarvis agreed and started the LV5 armored vehicle to turn around and leave the cave warehouse. At the same time, he also started to prepare for Jiang Cheng and the others before hooking their hair.

These preparations were also agreed with Jarvis before Jiang Cheng.

Lightly loaded, with only ten transport aircraft, five Falconer tanks, ten infantry fighting vehicles, two black armored fighting vehicles, and one armored transport vehicle.

For ammunition supplies, bring the amount of three transport aircraft cabins, and for gasoline, bring the amount of one.

Also, these tanks and armored vehicles, Jiang Cheng is not ready to be all on the ground!

He planned to leave only two Falcons to open the way, three infantry chariots to support, one black armored chariot to follow, and the others to be placed in the cabin of the transport plane that silently followed in the clouds.

After all, this time the distance is long and there are too many vehicles, which makes it inconvenient and inflexible to move.

It’s better to wait until Changhe City to put down these tanks and armored vehicles.

Anyway, this way, the three women will not have any threat according to the results of Jarvis’ investigation, so there is no need to be all on the ground.

What’s more, even if there is a special situation, the transport plane can land immediately under Jarvis’ control to provide support.

Now what Jarvis and the Red Queen have to do is to fill him up with all the tanks and armored vehicles, including the transport aircraft, and fill them with fuel and ammunition, and transport all the negotiated materials to the transport aircraft.

In the villa, the three girls had finished their training, chatted in the kitchen, and sat up for lunch.

When he came back, lunch was almost done.

Jiang Cheng looked at the time, it was nine forty-seven.

“Hey, brunch, it’s time to rhyme after eating.

Nodding his head, he has no opinion on this.

“Welcome? How is it, is there any problem with the warehouse?” Liu Yuqing asked with a smile when she saw him coming back.

“No problem, and I’m very pleasantly surprised, you’ll find out before you cut your hair later.

Jiang Cheng smiled mysteriously.

“Very surprised?” His words aroused the curiosity of the three girls, “Could it be that something extraordinary happened in the warehouse?”

Although the entire base has been upgraded to level 10, the change in appearance is not significant. Therefore, they did not realize that the current base has become an invincible fortress, which is also normal.

Their expressions did not meet Jiang Cheng’s expectations at all.

“Then later, after lunch, you must go and see!” The three girls immediately decided,

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