Chapter 327: The time of nuclear baptism is confirmed! Jiang Cheng of one-on-two! (2/3)

“After a busy day, after seeing the baby, I also went to rest.

– After drinking the beer on the coffee table, Jiang Cheng got up and went up to the second floor.


And as soon as he entered his bedroom, he found something wrong…

“Two figures?”

Jiang Cheng was slightly surprised, but he immediately reacted, hehe smiled, closed the door with his backhand, and threw himself on it.

The latter half of the night, 2:09!

When the four of Jiang Cheng had fallen asleep.

On the island of your garden, in the battle building, Zhou Jianjun, including nearly a hundred civilian staff under his command, was still very busy and did not stop.

Zhou Jianjun has already submitted all the materials.

In the past few days, the “Nine Zero Zero” situation that the several teams that were sent to Xishan City to investigate the situation were all killed by that mysterious force.

The Eight Great Masters characterize it as a vicious force, and Xishan City has also been successfully included in the list of cities for nuclear baptism.

But at this time, his subordinates suddenly reported that an extremely powerful energy reaction that was suspected to be a nuclear explosion broke out in Xishan City.

“Damn, things always happen at such critical times!”

Zhou Jianjun didn’t want to rhyme any more moths at this time. He could only make everyone act to find out what was going on in Xishan City, and why such a strong energy response would erupt at such a late hour.


More than an hour has passed, and nearly a hundred busy civilians have tried every means, including satellites, but nothing has come of it.

Zhou Jianjun, who came to dodge the steps, became even more worried, worried about what kind of moth he would really catch!

“Have you detected it? The huge energy response from Xishan City just now, what is going on?”

This is already Zhou Jianjun’s tenth inquiry.

There are no exceptions to the results obtained, “Report to the general, and no abnormality has been found for the time being! 22

“big eater!”

Zhou Jianjun’s face darkened, he cursed, and he didn’t expect any more results.

After picking up his temples, he turned around and prepared to go back to rest. These days, because he collected more information about Xishan City, so that he could be included in the nuclear baptism list, he did not rest well.

Anyway, he has already done what he should do, and the people he sent have also sacrificed because of the mysterious force.

He also has no right to continue to dispatch personnel, and then go to Xishan City to investigate.

Now that this incident has happened again, it can only be left to fate.

beep one by one

However, before he could push open the door of the combat command room, the door opened from the outside!

Immediately afterwards, a sergeant rushed in.

“General! The eight commanders have set the time for this nuclear baptism!

Set “Have?”

Zhou Jianjun originally planned to reprimand him, but when he heard the news, his face suddenly became happy, and he immediately asked, “When?”

“Just three days later at noon.

“Okay! At noon three days later, very good! Hahaha.. See how you can escape nuclear baptism with your great ability! 22

Zhou Jianjun suddenly laughed.

It was the only good news he had heard these days!

Of course, it is also the news he has been waiting for for a long time!

In this way, what kind of moths are irrelevant! You can also relax, and you don’t need to worry about anything.

However, it stands to reason that the city under its jurisdiction has been nuclear baptized, which is not something to be happy about.

But Xishan City is different to him!

There, let him feel a threat!

Especially these days, every time a soldier is sent over, he will die without even seeing the other person.

It confirmed his suspicions even more!

Moreover, he concluded that there is at least an 80% chance that the Military Department of Xishan City was the work of this mysterious group!

Although it sounds absurd, a survivor force can actually destroy the military force of Xishan City?

It seems impossible no matter what!

But they can’t, but they can use zombies!

The earliest satellite detection, the information that the Ministry of War was occupied by millions of zombies, did not just prove this?

Therefore, he attaches great importance to the situation in Xishan City!

Since the other party did not give him a chance to negotiate at all, then there is nothing to say, direct nuclear baptism!

Immediately, Zhou Jianjun also canceled the plan to rest, and immediately came to the spirit, and issued a series of instructions to his subordinates, asking them to make preparations before the arrival of nuclear baptism!

The next day, 7:35am.

New Town 0…

Near the military base, scattered zombies are roaring like headless flies, wandering aimlessly.

After a night of cleaning in Xishan City, there were not many zombies visible in various urban areas, whether in the streets, in the wilderness, or in shadowed buildings.

Because of this, the Dark Spear, who had been working on the wall of the military base for so many days and had almost never stopped, finally had a chance to rest.

Inside the military base, the early morning sunlight poured in through the dome, illuminating the ground with a golden hue.

From the trees, the singing of birds can be heard from time to time, adding a bit of excitement to the huge base.

At the same time, the knowledge of the end of Xia, not far behind, is the final swan song of Faqin.

However, these things didn’t affect Jiang Cheng, who was lying on the bed lazily in the police villa.

Last night’s World War II was extremely anxious, especially when the two joined forces, he was almost at a disadvantage.

Fortunately, his physical strength far surpassed the two of them, which eventually made them physically defeated.

But winning is winning, and it also makes him consume a lot.

Sleeping till now, I have no intention of getting up at all.

Until his stomach began to protest, and accompanied by the smell of breakfast, he drifted from the first floor, which then made him wake up.

“Sir, the date of nuclear baptism over there has been decided!”

When he got up, washed briefly, and went downstairs, Jarvis’ voice suddenly passed 0.2.

With sleepy eyes and not fully awake, Jiang Cheng suddenly woke up, his eyes narrowed, “When?

“Noon in three days!”

Jarvis immediately reported the information captured last night to Xiao Qinlai.

“That’s the noon of the fourth day…”

Jiang Cheng wiped his chin, then smiled,

“Then don’t worry, you can rest here for two days before rhyming.”

Exactly, he plans to upgrade all the military bases to LV10 in the past two days before leaving.

After all, excluding the points, all his dignities are here, if there is something wrong, the half month in Xishan City will be considered a waste of work.

Anyway, he now has a lot of points, so he doesn’t have to worry about these consumptions at all.

“Okay, sir.

Jarvis naturally had no opinion, and after agreeing, he did not speak any more.

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