With Song Xiaodao's eyesight, he could already see the familiar aunts and the rat skin packages they carried.

"Humph, those dried meats were smoked by Niuniu and I after we cut trees hard. They are so bold to steal our things!"

Song Xiaodao's eyebrows were raised, and his little face was full of anger.

Zhao Yin instantly caught the figures of Gao Feng and other four evolvers in the center of the team.

[Human male, F-level evolver, evolution degree 100/94.76: strength 17, agility 16, physical strength 15, spirit 17, life countdown: 19953 days]

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→𝟿𝟼sʜᴜ.ɴᴇᴛ

[Human male, F-level evolver, evolution degree 100/1.01: strength 15, agility 16, physical strength 14, spirit 16, talent B-level shooting, life countdown: 18953 days]

[Human male...]

All four are F-level evolvers!

Zhao Yin didn't know whether this camp had good luck or bad luck, as it actually opened four bottles of F-level evolution potions in a short time.

But the weapons in their hands were still F-level, and they didn't even open a piece of extraordinary clothing.

You know, Zhao Yin had opened so many star crystals and got a lot of things, but he only opened two bottles of F-level evolution potions.

But luck is hard to explain!

The four F-level evolvers were just chickens and dogs in Zhao Yin's eyes, but they dared to steal his things.

"Zhao Yin, I'm going to kill them!" Song Xiaodao said.

Zhao Yin thought of something, shook his head, and then jumped directly from Lao Hei's back, turned around and said to Song Xiaodao and the three contracted beasts: "You wait here, I'll go and see."

"Zhao Yin, don't kill people?" Song Xiaodao widened his eyes, feeling that Zhao Yin seemed to have changed.

When did he become so kind?

"I, Zhao Yin, may not have principles, but I have my own rules!"

Zhao Yin continued, "All the traitors must die, but these survivors have worked for me for a few days. Even if they have no merit, they have worked hard. If someone is just coerced, I will spare their lives!"

After saying this, Zhao Yin put away all the weapons on his body, took off his rat skin armor, and changed into a ragged ordinary set of clothes.

Only the dog head hat was left to save his life at any time.

At this time, he looked like a defeated deserter, slowly heading towards Gao Feng's team.

"It's the boss... How did he become like this?"

"What boss? The kid surnamed Zhao must have been killed by zombies and all the mutants. He deserves it!"

"Even if he wasn't so embarrassed, Brother Gao Feng would have killed him!"

The aunties walking in front of the team immediately recognized Zhao Yin. Everyone was shocked at first, and then, seeing his embarrassed appearance, they all started to ridicule him.

In the past in the cave, they had only seen Zhao Yin let the mutants kill people, but had never seen him do it himself.

So in their opinion, even if Zhao Yin is an evolver, Gao Feng and the other four evolvers can completely crush him.

The wind blew, lifting the rags on Zhao Yin's pants, revealing his white thighs. He lowered his head and seemed to have not noticed the team at all.

"Brother Gao Feng, that person is Zhao Yin!"

The voice finally reached the center of the team, and a young and strong woman pointed at the embarrassed young man in front.

Gao Feng narrowed his eyes, stared at it, and then laughed: "I thought that the strong man who could control so many mutant beasts had three heads and six arms, but it turned out to be this thing."

The other three evolvers had shown fear when they heard Zhao Yin's name before, and now they all saw Zhao Yin's "embarrassment".

All of them laughed immediately, and the survivors on the side laughed along with them.

"I don't know what adventure this kid had that allowed him to drive those mutant beasts. Now he's the only one left. It's so unlucky that we bumped into him!"

"Haha, he used to have so many mutant beasts, but he didn't even get a piece of extraordinary equipment. He must be a fool!"

"He may not even be an evolver. He didn't notice us at such a close distance."


At this time, Zhao Yin finally looked up, then paused and looked at the crowd approaching calmly.

"What are you doing? Why did you bring my supplies here?" Zhao Yin asked.

"What do you mean your supplies? These supplies are now Brother Gao Feng's. Zhao Yin, you dare to come back!" An old lady was full of resentment, changing her humbleness in the past.

"Zhao Yin, you are about to die, do you know that?"

"You have been dominating the cave for so long, but I didn't expect that you would have this day, haha..."

The bad roots of human nature always like to see people who are high and mighty fall from the altar.

In the end times, whoever has the power can grab more resources. In Zhao Yin's opinion, this is natural, and anyone would do the same.

He did not kill these people. Although he took away the crispy ear vegetables and fish, he gave them rat bones as compensation.

Zhao Yin is not a good person, but he does not think he is so evil.

"What about Wu Xuegui? Did he betray me too?" Zhao Yin asked.

"Wu Xuegui, he died a long time ago. He was killed by Brother Gao Feng. That bastard was in cahoots with you and should have died a long time ago!" An old lady gloated.

Zhao Yin's eyes were cold. In the entire cave, the only person he recognized was Wu Xuegui.

Although he was a stupid and dumb old cripple, there were too few people like him, even fewer than the giant pandas before the end of the world!

If there is still hope in this world, Zhao Yin can be missing, but people like Wu Xuegui cannot be missing.

At this time, Gao Feng led three evolvers and walked over in a grand manner. The survivors took the initiative to make way for him.

"Hey, kid, your name is Zhao Yin, right? All these supplies belong to me now." Gao Feng stood not far from Zhao Yin.

"Since I have met you, don't say I didn't give you a chance. Kneel down and kowtow to me three times. How about I take you into the camp!"

In his opinion, although Zhao Yin is a waste, his ability to tame those mutant beasts is very worth exploring.

Zhao Yin turned his eyes and looked at Gao Feng calmly: "I will also give you a chance. Kneel down and kowtow three times, cut off an arm, and I will give you one minute to escape."

"What did you say?"

Gao Feng was stunned, and then laughed: "Haha... kid, I think you are scared crazy by the zombies!"

Zhao Yin's eyes suddenly became sharp, sweeping across all the survivors: "You all still have a chance. Now who is willing to go back to the cave with me, come behind me, I will give you ten seconds to consider!"

"Ten... nine... eight...!"

Zhao Yin counted the seconds loudly directly.

None of the survivors moved, and they all stood there and looked at Zhao Yin sarcastically.

"Boy, you are bluffing here!" An evolver said impatiently, stepped forward, and slapped Zhao Yin in the face.


The next moment, everyone saw Zhao Yin's figure shaking, and the evolver's head suddenly shattered.

The brain matter flew everywhere along with the white skull, and along with the bright red blood, it splashed Gao Feng and others.

Everyone was stunned, and they didn't expect that an evolver would die like this!

Gao Feng and the remaining two evolvers all broke out in cold sweats in an instant!

They didn't even see how Zhao Yin made his move, it was too fast!

At this moment, they finally understood that Zhao Yin was at least an E-level evolver, and might even be... D-level!

"Don't... Brother, I'm blind...!"

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