Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 83: The Mummy in the Secret Room

Zhao Yin couldn't come back to his senses for a long time. What kind of luck is this?

I haven't heard of S-level supernatural potions in my previous life!

"Zhao Yin, speak up, what on earth is this?" Song Xiaodao asked anxiously.

"Supernatural potion, wind system!"

Zhao Yin tried to make his voice calmer: "And it's S-level!"

Song Xiaodao's excited face flushed: "Really, you didn't lie to me?"

She herself didn't believe that supernatural powers really came out!

Zhao Yin calmed down. If this bottle of potion was in the hands of others, he would definitely kill people and take the treasure without hesitation.

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But since it was something promised to Song Xiaodao, he would give it to her even if it was an SSS-level supernatural power!

"I'll keep it for you first, and use it when you go back to the invisible tent!" Zhao Yin said, and took the supernatural potion and put it into the space ring.

The first time to develop supernatural powers hidden in the genes, except for the SSS-level, other supernatural powers need to go through a painful process.

The time required is relatively long.

Only the top SSS-level superpowers are an exception!

The current situation is obviously not suitable for Song Xiaodao to absorb immediately.

"Zhao Yin, let you use it. I... I don't want it anymore!" Song Xiaodao bit his lower lip and said as if he had made up his mind.

"Don't want it anymore?"

Zhao Yin was stunned and asked, "Didn't you always want to become a superpower?"

"You saved my life. I have been eating and drinking for free by your side for so long, but I have never brought you any benefits. This bottle of potion is S-level, and you need it too."

Song Xiaodao smiled: "Zhao Yin, I'll give it to you, just as I pay for your food!"

Zhao Yin looked at the tender little face in front of him, and an indescribable taste emerged in his heart.

Finally, this little girl and the Song Xiaodao in Zhao Yin's previous life gradually overlapped.

Zhao Yin shook his head: "I have SSS-level superpowers, except for SSS-level ones, they are not worthy of me!"

How can SSS-level superpowers be so easy to get?

There are not many in the whole world!

Every strong man who gets it will not easily reveal any information about his own superpowers.

At this time, a huge roar resounded in the hall!


The ground under his feet and the stone wall above his head were all shaken slightly.

The paralysis on the zombie king's body has disappeared, and he is struggling desperately.

But Zhao Yin just looked back and ignored him.

With the toughness of the hunting net, it can't break free anyway.

The five contracted beasts have come to the end of killing the zombies.

After the last zombie was smashed by the old cow, the contracted beasts walked back to Zhao Yin.

Song Xiaodao wanted to say something else, but Zhao Yin interrupted: "Song Xiaodao, ride Lao Hei to inform Wu Xuegui and ask him to bring people in to collect the corpse crystals immediately. Monkey, old cow, rat five, rat six, follow me to kill the zombie king!"

At this time, the zombie king has become a living target, but it is still not easy to kill it. First, its energy must be exhausted.

Only when the zombie king loses the stone armor superpower can the rat king claws slowly cut!

After saying that, Song Xiaodao climbed onto the golden saddle on Lao Hei's back and rushed out of the cave. Zhao Yin led the four contracted beasts towards the zombie king.

"Attack, all of you, consume its energy as soon as possible!" Zhao Yin said.

The four contracted beasts attacked immediately.

At this time, the battle was over. The old cow and the little monkey no longer saved their energy. They went all out for every attack. The sharp claws of the two giant rats also left a string of sparks on the zombie king.

Zhao Yin also took out the rat king claw and chopped forward.

Aoao... roar!

The zombie king wailed in fear. It had wisdom that was not inferior to that of humans, and seemed to beg for mercy.

"Don't stop, kill it until it's dead!" Zhao Yin ordered loudly.

What he wanted was the star crystal in the zombie king's body. What's the use of it begging for mercy?

Not to mention that Zhao Yin couldn't contract zombies, even if it was a contracted beast, Zhao Yin would definitely kill it for the sake of that SS-level treasure!

At this time, if the zombie king wanted to survive, he could only desperately activate the stone armor ability, and his energy was rapidly consumed.

As time passed, the hideous stone armor slowly became thinner and finally disappeared.


The little monkey slashed the wound on the zombie king's neck with a knife, instantly expanding the wound by several millimeters, and a trace of black blood stained the rat king's claws.

Zhao Yin's heart was shocked, and he realized that the zombie king's ability could not support it.

"All contracted beasts retreat, monkey, continue to aim at the wound and cut it for me!" Zhao Yin retracted the rat king's claws and took a step back.

The old cow and the two giant rats did not move forward, only the little monkey waved the rat king's claws.



As the wound expanded, a large amount of blood flowed as the knife chopped down.

After another half an hour of chopping, finally, the zombie king howled, and with a click, the head rolled out of the trap.

But its head was still not dead, and its big mouth opened and closed, as if it wanted to bite people.

If we only talk about the abnormal defense of the zombie king, the stone armor ability has reached the A level, and after the stone armor disappears, it is enough to match the defense of ordinary B-level zombies!

When it evolved to C level, it sacrificed the evolution of strength and agility, and piled up its defense to a terrifying level, which is also good enough.

Zhao Yin picked up the head of the zombie king, grabbed the hair and held it in his hand, and slapped it twice: "Why is it so hard?"

At the same time, he was relieved that this zombie king was finally no longer a threat.

Next, Zhao Yin put away the hunting net and led the contracted beasts out of the cave.

Leave the cleaning of the battlefield to the survivors.

The head of this zombie king is the hardest. It is unknown how long it will take for the little monkey to cut it to get the star crystal.

The cave was full of corpse stench, and Zhao Yin did not want to stay here any longer.

Suddenly, his steps paused, and he remembered that Lao Hei had discovered that the zombie king was alone in a cave room.

"Was it guarding some treasure at that time?" Zhao Yin's heart moved.

Looking back, he soon saw a cave entrance not far from where the zombie king had just been killed.

It seemed to be artificially opened, and the entrance of the cave was an upright oval, winding and unable to see what was inside.

"Go in and take a look!" Zhao Yin turned and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

The contracted beasts hurriedly followed.

At this time, the head of the zombie king in Zhao Yin's hand suddenly looked hideous, and his mouth bit hard.

The teeth clashed violently, as if they did not want Zhao Yin to get close to it.

"This cave has been occupied by me, including all the treasures and you, they are all my personal belongings!" Zhao Yin raised his hand and slapped the zombie king's face twice.

Soon, he entered the cave.

It was cleaner than expected, as if the zombie king had been deliberately keeping it clean before.

A zombie, actually also cares about hygiene?

Zhao Yin was puzzled, and walked through a winding passage of more than ten meters, and entered a cave room. Then, he was slightly stunned.

There were no treasures as imagined. The cave room was only more than 20 square meters, and there was a wooden bed in the innermost part.

Two corpses, one big and one small, sat on the edge of the bed, their faces were dry.

They were not zombies, but real corpses.

They seemed to have been specially treated and did not decay.

It was vaguely recognizable that they were a mother and daughter. The little girl's body could only be judged to be about five or six years old. The older female corpse had already dried up to the point where her age could not be seen!

They definitely did not die after the apocalypse.

Otherwise, they would have become zombies!

Judging from the degree of dry skin, they had been dead for at least seven or eight months.

In an instant, Zhao Yin understood something.

He lowered his head to look at the zombie king's head in his hand.

Its dead fish-like eyes were full of pleading.

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