After Lao Hei left, Zhao Yin slashed off the head of a dead zombie with his knife, sat on it as a bench, took out a cigarette and bit it between his teeth, and lit the lighter with a snap.

"Hiss!" Zhao Yin took a deep breath.

In the darkness, the fireworks flickered, reflecting the outline of his face, with beads of sweat rolling down, and his eyes dark and deep.

"Zhao Yin, do you want to cut watermelon?" Song Xiaodao asked.

She came in with Zhao Yin, and she had never killed a zombie, so she remembered her old profession.

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Zhao Yin shook his head: "No, kill the zombie king, and let Wu Xuegui and others come in to collect."

The battle is not over yet, try to save energy.

Zhao Yin had only one B-level non-combat ability in his previous life, and he was able to survive the last seven years of the apocalypse, which was related to his caution.

How many powerful people with abilities have capsized in the gutter by accident, Zhao Yin has seen countless of them.

Soon, a big hole suddenly appeared on the ground, and Lao Hei's figure quickly emerged from it. Then, the big hole rippled like water waves and disappeared in front of his eyes in the blink of an eye.

It was the first time that Zhao Yin saw the earth escape ability, and a wave of fluctuations rose in his heart.

Fortunately, Lao Hei was concerned about the White Rat King at the time, otherwise if it escaped, it would attack at any time with this ability, and Zhao Yin didn't know what the consequences would be!

"How is it, did you find the zombie king?" Zhao Yin asked.

"Master, I saw a big zombie. If there is really a zombie king in the cave, I think that's it." Lao Hei said in his heart.

It can only judge by its size and cannot detect detailed information.

All contracted beasts are now in tune with Zhao Yin and are familiar with his measurement units. Lao Hei continued in his heart.

"The hall is about 5,000 square meters, with 1,429 zombies in it, 16 of which are E-level zombies. The big zombie is alone in a cave, as if guarding something. It discovered me as soon as I approached, so I had to come back to report to the master!"

"Guarding something?" Zhao Yin was in a trance.

No wonder he killed so many zombies in the past three days, but the zombie king did not appear. Even if it felt the crisis, it did not take the initiative to attack but chose to hide here.

Zhao Yin asked again: "Can you see how big it is?"

"It's about the same as the monkey after opening the first superpower!" Lao Hei's heart was solemn.

When facing the zombie king, Lao Hei felt the crisis.

Zhao Yin frowned and thought, if the little monkey just opened the giant superpower, his height would reach nearly three meters now!

Generally, an ordinary zombie of three meters in height is at least C-level, but when the zombie king is at D-level, it can grow to three meters!

D-level zombie king?

Zhao Yin heaved a sigh of relief and looked back at the three contracted beasts of the same D level. With their current abilities, they could crush the zombie kings of the same level if they fought at the same time!

However, Zhao Yin still took out something.

[Beast trapping net: Grade B, type of extraordinary auxiliary equipment, toughness 280, effect of capturing and trapping, additional effects: changing size, camouflage]

The star crystal with the SS-level space pendant in the zombie king's body was coveted by Zhao Yin in his previous life, and he would never allow any mistakes to happen.

If he could take down the zombie king more easily, he would not want the contracted beasts to get hurt. There were not many chestnut leaves left now, and the healing potion and sandwich bread could not be wasted easily.

Zhao Yin stuffed the beast trapping net into the rat skin armor and stood up from the zombie head.

Zhao Yin said in a deep voice: "Enter the hall, kill the zombie king, and take the treasure!"


All the contracted beasts were shocked and quickly surrounded Zhao Yin and Song Xiaodao in the center. The old cow led the way, the little monkey and the old black were on the left and right, and the rat five and rat six followed behind.

The team of two people and five beasts quickly rushed into the hall.

The remaining one kilometer of the passage was not blocked by zombies, and it took a few minutes to pass through. At this time, all the zombies in the hall had gathered, and a huge zombie with a height of three meters stood in the center of the zombie group.

From the face, it looked like a young man under 30 years old in life, but the muscles on his face had deformed his facial features, his skin was a sky blue, and veins crawled all over his face.

Its dead fish-like eyes stared at the entrance of the hall, with cruel, cold, bloodthirsty eyes... and wisdom at the same time.

Its clothes had long been torn and hung on its body like rags, no different from naked fruit.

As soon as Zhao Yin walked into the hall, he heard a deafening corpse roar!


Roar! Roar! Roar!

The zombie king roared, shaking the cave hall, with gravel and dirt falling from the top, and then more than a thousand zombies roared and rushed towards Zhao Yin and his party.

At the same time, Zhao Yin also opened the Eye of True Vision.

[Male zombie, D-level, evolution degree 100/99, strength 220, agility 140, defense 195, spirit 15, awakened ability: stone skin]

It almost evolved to C-level, and its attributes and level ratio are even more outrageous than the zombie king killed by Zhao Yin last time!

The key is that this zombie king has actually awakened its ability.

The last zombie king was only on the verge of awakening, and only showed the ability of rapidity when he was dying, but it was a pity that he was killed by Zhao Yin before he fully awakened.

"Kill, go straight to the zombie king!"

Zhao Yin's voice was transmitted.


The little monkey, who had been maintaining the ability to grow gigantic, quickly went into a frenzy. Then, a layer of flames spread from his hands, quickly wrapping around the two Rat King Claws in his hands. His body turned into a whirlwind and rushed into the group of zombies.

The old cow, who was standing at the front of the team, was slower, and now he also activated his dual abilities, and rushed to the opposite side with a bang.

Although Lao Hei did not have combat abilities, after being equipped with the golden saddle, his speed had already caught up with the little monkey who was still E-level at the beginning. With the unique Rat King Claw, his strength was definitely not comparable to that of ordinary mutant beasts. After he rushed into the zombie group, more than a dozen zombies were cut into pieces in an instant...

Zhao Yin followed closely behind the three contracted beasts, shooting rapidly with the Zhuge Crossbow in his hand. After killing more than a hundred zombies, he immediately changed to the Rat King Claw and harvested frantically...

Song Xiaodao and the two giant rats could only follow behind Zhao Yin. There were not many zombies that were missed in front. Otherwise, they would ensure that Zhao Yin would not be attacked by zombies from behind.

Soon, the little monkey with a clear goal had rushed into the center of the zombie group. When he was less than ten meters away from the zombie king, he suddenly accelerated and chopped!

The zombie king did not seem to expect that the enemy was so strong. Pieces of stone skin quickly emerged on his body, covering his whole body in the blink of an eye.


The little monkey was much faster than it, and one of its claws slashed at the zombie king's neck, but it only cut through a layer of stone armor and was stuck half an inch into the flesh.

The zombie king's body was also knocked crooked by the huge impact.

It stretched out its hand and punched the little monkey, but before the fist fell, a giant that was even bigger than its body hit it.

With a loud bang, the zombie king was knocked out and hit the stone wall 50 meters away.

It was a pity that the zombie king's stone armor ability was not broken by the old cow's helmet. He quickly climbed up, and the wound on his neck cut by the little monkey burst into flames, and the smell of burning rotten flesh spread.

The zombie king raised his hand to put out the flames, his face full of anger, and stepped quickly towards the little monkey.

At this moment, Zhao Yin had arrived, raised his hand, and there was a loud bang.

A thunderbolt struck the zombie king's head.

The entire cave hall was illuminated as if it were daytime.

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