Zhao Yin immediately called the old cow to him, and solemnly put on the first piece of equipment for him.

"Old Niu, I once said that I would make you one of the most powerful mutant beasts after the end of the world!"

"Now this is just the beginning. From now on, as long as you work hard for me, there will be more equipment waiting for you!"

"In the future, I will find a cow for you to make you so awesome!"

Zhao Yin said seriously.

The old cow was moved to tears, and said in his heart: "The old cow is willing to die for his master!"

Zhao Yin gave the saddle to Lao Hei earlier, and Lao Niu was still a little sad.

After all, it was the cow that followed Zhao Yin first.

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At this time, the gloom in his heart was swept away, and all that was left was endless admiration and gratitude for his master.

Zhao Yin patted Lao Niu's head: "Go to rest early and kill a few more zombies for me to see tomorrow morning!"

After saying that, without waiting for Lao Niu's reaction, he grabbed the yellow peach and started eating it.

Agility increased a bit.

Immediately afterwards, he took out the sharp claws left by all six giant rats, and used a rat king claw to cut them according to the proportion of the arrow...

That night, Zhao Yin did not sleep. At dawn, one hundred arrows were made.

Zhao Yin ate the canned beef in the space ring, and his strength increased a little.

By this time, everyone had finished their breakfast.

"Today, with Zhuge Liannu, the monkey's strength has returned to its peak. Lao Niu has added new equipment to attract more zombies at a time, just seven hundred, and faster!" Zhao Yin then ordered the little monkey to attract the monsters.

The little monkey immediately turned around and ran towards the valley.

Twenty minutes later, a massive group of seven hundred zombies ran out following the little monkey.

Zhao Yin took a quick look and saw three E-class ones inside!

Three more star crystals!

He immediately took out the Zhuge Liannu and aimed at the corpses. After they entered the shooting range, he continuously pulled the trigger with his finger.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

Arrows pierced the air one after another, falling into the corpses like meteors.

Each one stabbed into the zombie's head accurately.

In the blink of an eye, a large group of corpses fell down at the front.

After Zhao Yin shot all the arrows, Lao Niu's terrifying figure turned into an afterimage, and he couldn't wait to be the first to rush into the group of corpses.


Forty or fifty zombies were directly smashed into pieces. Lao Niu had already rushed into the center of the group of corpses. At this time, the impact force was exhausted. It directly activated the iron armor ability, turned around suddenly, and a dozen zombies that had just come up around it were killed. It bounced off.

Terrible power surged through the group of corpses, with severed limbs and arms flying around. No zombie could break through the old cow's defense. At this time, the whole cow seemed to have turned into a meat grinder.

Zhao Yin was stunned for a moment, not expecting that Lao Niu's strength had actually increased so much.

The main thing is that the helmet adds the most needed speed to it. It is not as simple as one plus one equals two!

When the little monkey turned back and rushed towards the group of corpses, the old cow had already killed half of the zombies, and it was stunned.

I accidentally let this cow steal the spotlight. No, the little monkey has to keep his position as the pioneer officer!

The next moment, the little monkey activated both powers, holding a rat claw in one hand, and transformed into a whirlwind, truly becoming a meat grinder!

At this time, Lao Hei and two giant rats rushed into the group of corpses.

Then, before the three mice had time to kill a few zombies, they discovered that not a single corpse was left in the group of corpses around them.

The last half of the zombies were almost all killed by the old cow and the little monkey in less than a minute!

It's so fast!

Zhao Yin was excited: "Song Xiaodao, immediately bring people forward to get the corpse crystals, and take out the star crystals from the heads of the three E-class zombies first. In addition, have people pull out the arrows, be careful not to damage them!" "

Song Xiaodao and his people arrived quickly, commanding a group of aunts: "Quick, pull out the arrows first. We won't be able to collect all the corpse crystals in twenty minutes. Don't even eat at noon!"

A group of aunts speeded up when they heard that they had no food to eat.

The arrows were pulled out one by one and handed to Zhao Yin along with the three star crystals and corpse crystals.

Zhao Yin put the corpse crystal and star crystal into the space ring, grabbed a handful of arrows and approached the Zhuge Liannu in his hand.

There was a whooshing sound, and they were all sucked into the arrow compartment in the crossbow.

Auto-loading special effects!

Theoretically, as long as Zhao Yin has enough arrows, he can fire continuously.

It's just that making arrows is a technical job that requires professional carpenters. Zhao Yin doesn't know how to make it. He can only try to figure it out slowly in the future, or directly find professional survivors!

Twenty minutes later, the aunts handed all the corpse crystals to Song Xiaodao, and then retreated under the leadership of Wu Xuegui, while Lao Hei entered the valley to lure the zombies.

"You can go faster and try to attract a thousand zombies at a time!" Zhao Yin warned.

Lao Hei's voice came from his heart: "I understand, Master."

Twenty-five minutes later, Lao Hei ran out of the valley. There were probably more than a thousand corpses behind him, including two E-class!

The same routine was repeated again. Zhao Yin fired a wave of arrows first, and after killing a hundred zombies, the contracted beasts began to charge!

Zhao Yin also personally followed up with the Rat King Claw.

With the addition of Zhao Yin, all the contracted beasts worked hard. Even Lao Hei didn't want to lose his limelight to the monkey and Lao Niu. After all, it was a D-level rat king, so it was like a chicken blood. The body turned into an afterimage and charged fiercely!

More than a thousand zombies were quickly dispatched.

Enter the process of Song Xiaodao leading people to collect corpse crystals again...


After a morning, Zhao Yin killed 7529 F-level zombies and 19 E-level zombies!

All the contracted beasts began to get tired again.

The aunts responsible for collecting corpse crystals were also sweating profusely, and many of them were panting heavily.

Zhao Yin ordered to stop cooking. In order to let the aunts replenish their physical strength, he deliberately took out 200 chestnuts and gave them to Wu Xuegui.

The easiest one in this team is Song Xiaodao.

Her task is to kill the missed zombies.

But after a morning, all the contracted beasts are desperately killing, and there is not a single zombie that missed her.

So, Song Xiaodao was naturally arranged by Zhao Yin to cook.

After eating and drinking, Zhao Yin took out 10,000 F-level corpse crystals: "Monkey, immediately promote to D-level, I will increase the speed of killing zombies in the afternoon!"

The little monkey didn't expect that after the master had enough corpse crystals, the first person he thought of was himself, and he looked at the pile of corpse crystals in front of him excitedly.

"Master, the little monkey will do his best to kill zombies for you, even if it's Pi Yanzi...!"

"Stop!" Zhao Yin hurriedly asked it to stop: "Hurry up and get promoted."

After saying that, Zhao Yin's eyes fell on the other contracted beasts: "Don't worry, come one by one, sooner or later it will be your turn!"

The little monkey grabbed the corpse crystals and absorbed them. When there were more than a hundred left, its body suddenly shook.

Then, it felt the powerful force in its body, and it could no longer suppress it!

At this moment, a terrible momentum rose from the little monkey. All the contracted beasts and Song Xiaodao looked over and were shocked.


The thin monkey grew to nearly three meters tall in the blink of an eye, with muscles bulging all over his body, his eyes turned golden, and the fangs in his big mouth became sharper!

Its size is much larger than when it was at level E!

Zhao Yin didn't feel surprised. Before the death of this monkey in the previous life, it had grown to level B, and its size was even larger at that time...


Then, the little monkey activated its second ability, frenzy!

Its hair grew again, turning dark gold, and its height rose by half a meter again, reaching about four meters, which was not much less than the size of the old cow!

However, this was not over yet. Then the little monkey let out another painful roar, and the next moment, it suddenly spurted out a mouthful of scorching flames. The table that Zhao Yin had worked hard to make in front of him was only stained with a few sparks and was instantly burned to ashes. Even the pots and bowls on it were melted by the fire!

"Third ability?"

Zhao Yin almost forgot that the little monkey also had a fire ability!

Can it only be used when it reaches D level?

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