Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 72 Song Xiaodao's Evolution

West Mountain was once one of the most important attractions in the Dawei Mountain Range tourist area. There are more than 30 famous temples on the mountain. The most famous Tianlong Temple is well-known throughout the country. There are countless tourists who come here to burn incense and worship Buddha every day. Yeyan

The valley in front of us was originally a commercial gathering place in the scenic area, with hundreds of hotels, resorts, large shopping malls, and various luxury stores...

Now, everything is gone!


The ruins are full of weeds and trees. Standing outside the valley, you can occasionally see zombies wandering in the wasteland.

They are ragged, dead fish eyes, and blue veins are prominent under pale skin. They are all F-level and move quickly.

Zhao Yin rode on Lao Hei's back, holding Song Xiaodao in his arms, closed his eyes and listened, and found that the deeper into the valley, the denser the footsteps of zombies.

It is estimated that at least tens of thousands of zombies gathered here!

"Zhao Yin, there are zombies inside." Song Xiaodao also looked into the valley and lowered his voice and said, "It seems that there are hundreds of them. Do you want to kill them?"

"Not hundreds of them, there are tens of thousands of them in the depths of the valley!" Zhao Yin said.

Song Xiaodao immediately thought of the industrial park when he heard it, and his face turned pale instantly: "Let's go!"

"This is the place I'm looking for." Zhao Yin said in a deep voice.

In his previous life, Zhao Yin captured the flying white tiger for Lin Huafeng here.

But at that time, the flying white tiger had grown up and slaughtered all the zombies nearby. When Zhao Yin came, this place had evolved into a mountain forest with only one flying white tiger entrenched.

"Don't worry, although there are many zombies, we are no longer as strong as before!"

"Do you really want to kill all these zombies?" Song Xiaodao was still afraid.

The scene in the industrial park has left a shadow in her heart.

Zhao Yin took out the E-level corpse crystal and handed it to Song Xiaodao: "Evolve to E-level now, so that you will have more strength in the battle later!"

Song Xiaodao took the corpse crystal and did not dare to say anything more. She crushed it directly in Zhao Yin's arms. A faint white light spread in her palm and quickly penetrated into her body.

Song Xiaodao's body trembled slightly.

The evolver used the corpse crystal to increase the level, which was not like the first time to take the evolution potion.

Soon, Song Xiaodao felt a strong force in her body, and her whole body became lighter, just like she had been carrying hundreds of pounds before, and suddenly put it down.

The whole person was comfortable and relaxed.

After a long while, Song Xiaodao opened his eyes: "Zhao Yin, have I evolved to E-level now?"

Zhao Yin opened the Eye of True Vision.

[Human female: E-level evolver, evolution degree 100/0, strength 29, agility 36, physical strength 23, spirit 19, life countdown: 60102 days]

"Okay, go down and prepare for the battle!" Zhao Yin said, and threw Song Xiaodao off the rat's back, and ordered in his heart: "Monkey, you go and lead the zombies out, remember not to exceed 500 at a time, and the other contracted beasts are ready to fight!"

Even though Zhao Yin's contracted beast group is now strong and his own strength is no longer what it used to be, he still dared not rashly go deep into the valley.

Even if tens of thousands of zombies stand still and let the contracted beasts kill them, it is impossible to kill them all in one breath. Once the energy is exhausted, they can only be snacks for the zombies.

The strategy he formulated is to lead the zombies out of the valley in waves and defeat them one by one.

It is estimated that after obtaining the corpse crystals in the valley, he and the contracted beasts can be promoted to D-level!

The little monkey received the order and immediately activated the giant ability and rushed into the valley quickly.


Several zombies near the outermost edge of the valley immediately spotted the little monkey and roared towards it. The little monkey didn't bother to pay attention at all. Its body turned into a gust of wind and rushed past several zombies in an instant. Then, it ran two or three hundred meters. The roars of the zombies around it became more and more dense, and at least two or three hundred zombies were attracted.

The little monkey turned and ran, followed by two or three hundred zombies, including a tall E-level.

"Get ready!"

Zhao Yin took out the long-handled rat king claw and still sat on Lao Hei's back. The two giant rats and Lao Niu beside him, as well as Song Xiaodao, quickly dispersed and prepared to hunt the zombies.

The little monkey stopped after running to Zhao Yin. Nearly three hundred zombies gathered behind him, roaring and running wildly towards this side.

There were still sparse zombies attracted in the distance.

"Be quiet and kill as soon as possible!" Zhao Yin said, clamping his legs and actively heading towards the zombies rushing out of the valley.

Song Xiaodao and the contracted beasts behind him immediately surrounded the zombies.

Lao Hei approached the zombie that rushed to the front, and Zhao Yin immediately swung the Rat King Claw to cut it, but the next moment, the zombie was cut into two by Lao Hei's claw.

At this time, Lao Hei had already crashed into the zombie group, waving his claws, and all the zombies nearby were slaughtered before they could get close!

Zhao Yin suddenly realized that riding Lao Hei to show off was a mistake.

It would only affect his speed in killing zombies.

So Zhao Yin jumped off the rat's back and took out a machete from the space ring to replace the Rat King Claw. The sharpness of the machete was enough to deal with these zombies, and the attached attribute of 15 points of knife swinging speed could make Zhao Yin kill faster.

As for the thunder ability, it requires energy consumption, so it is completely useless at this time.

At this time, a zombie approached Zhao Yin with stiff steps, but at a very fast speed, and he swung the machete he had just replaced.


A head flew up into the sky, and no one knew where it went.

Then, before he could even look, four or five zombies had already surrounded him. Zhao Yin's speed was five or six times faster than theirs, and he got out of the encirclement on one side. Poof!

Another zombie's head flew up...

At this moment, all the contracted beasts behind him had already rushed into the zombie herd, and in an instant, they began to slaughter. Broken limbs and black blood flew everywhere...

The most terrifying thing was the old cow. Now that it had regained its horns, it clamped its tail tightly to protect its chrysanthemums. With every collision, more than a dozen zombies were smashed to pieces.

The zombie herd fell in groups, and soon became sparse.

Zhao Yin's eyes fell on the tall zombie thirty meters away, and then he swung his sword with all his strength. The three zombies in front of him were instantly cut in half. Zhao Yin stepped on his feet, and his body quickly passed through, and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of the tall zombie.

At this moment, this E-level zombie hadn't figured out what kind of people he was going to face.

Zhao Yin slashed with his sword, and it instinctively raised its hand to catch it. Crack!

One arm was dismembered, and then Zhao Yin kicked it to the ground and slashed off its head.

The difference in strength was too great!

It was basically no different from killing an F-level zombie, just two slashes and one kick!

The zombies behind him had been killed by the contracted beasts, and there were only a few left. Zhao Yin bent down to pick up the head of the E-level zombie, came to a safe place and carefully cut it open, and found an E-level corpse crystal and a star crystal from the brain.

Zhao Yin exerted force with his fingers, and the star crystal was opened.

A white light flashed, and it was a sandwich.

"Not bad, this kind of extraordinary food that can quickly recover from injuries is needed now." Zhao Yin smiled, it's good that it's not Nongfu Spring.

He put it away directly.

The last zombie behind him was swung down by Song Xiaodao's Rat King Claw, and the head and half of the shoulder were chopped off, and the black heart fell on Song Xiaodao.

The little girl's white leather armor was already covered with black blood stains, and her little face was also dirty.

Song Xiaodao didn't have time to feel distressed, and heard Zhao Yindao say: "Collect all the corpse crystals within half an hour, and the little monkey will go and lure the zombies!"

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