"Zhao Yin, what did you hear?" Song Xiaodao asked curiously.

"I heard a stupid pig with a pack of wolves, like... like someone from before."

Zhao Yin sighed: "Human! Once you stand at a high place, you are easily blinded by power. What you hear every day is flattery, and what you see is difficult to distinguish between true and false."

"Someone? Is he your friend?" Song Xiaodao asked.

Zhao Yin pondered for a moment, nodded and said, "That's right!"

"You actually make friends with that kind of fool!" Song Xiaodao said contemptuously: "Huh! Fool!"

Zhao Yin frowned and said, "That's very stupid!"



At this time, outside the wall.

"Boss, they are really having internal strife. What should we do next?" a younger brother asked.

Everything that was happening inside the wall was heard by Luo Qiang and others.

Luo Qiang smiled and shouted loudly into the wall: "People inside the wall, listen, I have more than 300 brothers who will come soon, with guns and cannons, and the cave will definitely not be able to defend it. If Xie Jinshan is going to die, you all are going to die too. The men will be made into dried meat, and the women will play first and then kill them!"

The group of people inside the wall were immediately frightened when they heard this, and many old men were trembling all over.

Having lived in a peaceful society for most of their lives, and being protected by guards even after the apocalypse, they never thought that they would be here today!

"What, there are three hundred more people? It's over!"

"There are also cannons. How can we old guys hold on?"

"It's over, Xie Jinshan, it was you who harmed us!"

"If Team Wang hadn't injured Wang Qiang back then, would he have been so cruel to us?"


Suddenly, all the elders pointed their fingers at Xie Jinshan.

Xie Jinshan's face turned red and he shouted: "Fart, don't listen to him, it's all a bluff. As long as everyone works together, we can still defend the cave like last time!"

However, no one listened to him at all.

The old men were still spitting like stars, drowning out Xie Jinshan's voice.

At this time, Luo Qiang shouted outside the wall again.

"People inside, listen, I just want to kill Xie Jinshan. If anyone dares to resist with him, and the wall is breached later, don't blame me, Luo Qiang, for my evil intentions!"

"I'll give you a chance. Whoever can get Xie Jinshan's head will be rewarded with thirty kilograms of food and allowed to join my team!"

Inside the wall, the elders started making noise again.

"Thirty pounds of food, join his team?"

"Team Wang and the others can't come back. Even if they can block the attack this time, what about next time? How long can we old people last in the apocalypse?"

"Joining Luo Qiang's team and following those young people is the only way to survive!"

"Team Xie, you pushed Brother Luo too hard. You are not leaving no room for him, but you are leaving no room for ourselves!"

Zhao Yin was already three hundred meters away and heard everything clearly. He did not choose to appear immediately, as if he was watching a good show.

This is human nature. Once faced with a crisis, many people will choose to sacrifice others in exchange for their own interests.

Confusing right and wrong, being ungrateful, he can do anything and say anything.

In despair, these men can no longer distinguish between right and wrong, and they only want to idealize things.

Someone took advantage of Xie Jinshan's unpreparedness, picked up a stone on the ground, and suddenly hit his head from behind.


Xie Jinshan felt his eyes go dark. He stumbled forward and touched his head. His hands were covered with blood.

He turned around in disbelief and looked at the old man who hit him: "You...really want to kill me?"

He thought that he would spare no effort to protect this group of people.

Creating better living conditions for them, even eating the same as them, can change your sincerity.

He believes that the mission of a soldier is to protect the country and the people in times of crisis, in exchange for glory and admiration!

But why is this so?

Don’t these people have any brains?

Xie Jinshan slowly fell down and fell in the middle of the crowd who were protecting him with his own hands. He stared at the sky with wide eyes. At this moment, it seemed as if there was an invisible voice breaking in his heart.

That's faith!

It wasn't that he didn't have the strength to stand up, but that he was heartbroken.

Zhao Yin sighed, never underestimate the greed and ignorance of human nature.

In his previous life, Zhao Yin, wasn't he the same as Xie Jinshan?

At this time, Luo Qiang heard the internal strife inside, with sarcasm on his face, and yelled: "Why don't you open the door?"

The thick wooden door was slowly opened by several uncles working together.

Many uncles took the initiative to greet Luo Qiang, all with flattering looks on their faces.

"Welcome Brother Luo!"

"Brother Luo, you will be our leader from now on, please take good care of us."

"Please invite Brother Luo in quickly!"

Luo Qiang took big steps and walked forward with a smile on his face.


He suddenly waved the homemade iron bow in his hand and instantly knocked the first man who came up to him to the ground.


Luo Qiang spit out thick phlegm and ordered loudly: "Kill them all!"

"These old guys can't even do any work, leaving them can only waste food."


Although there are only about thirty young men behind him, everyone is carrying a weapon. Facing a group of selfish old men is like chopping melons and vegetables.

The key is that when the elders saw Luo Qiang's sudden rebellion, they immediately dispersed. Many people fled into the cave immediately, and they were basically a mess.

Zhao Yin walked out of the forest with a cigarette in his mouth and squinted at the wall in front of the cave. It was already a purgatory on earth.

"Old Niu, you are here to guard the supplies. Song Xiaodao, Monkey, Lao Hei, Rat One, Rat Two... put down the supplies where they are and go and do some exercise!"

After Zhao Yin finished speaking, he spit out the cigarette butt in his mouth and took out the machete.


He chopped off the head of Yang Shan next to him with a knife. Blood spurted out, and before the headless body fell down, Zhao Yin rushed forward.

It's been a long time since he did it himself.

It was rare to face a group of ordinary survivors, and Zhao Yin had to stretch his arms and legs.


The light of the sword flashed, and one of Luo Qiang's younger brothers was split in half by Zhao Yin. The rain of blood rose into the sky. Before it could stain Zhao Yin's white rat leather armor, his figure flashed past and rushed down. One person, and then, poof!

Another person's head was chopped off.

At this time, the little monkey and seven giant rats also rushed into the crowd, followed by Song Xiaodao. In the blink of an eye, most of the crowd was slaughtered.

No matter it is the group of uncles or Luo Qiang's people, whoever encounters the contracted beast will die without any resistance!

Luo Qiang looked back and his face turned pale instantly.

He has never seen such a big monkey, even more terrifying than an orangutan!

I have never seen such a big mouse!

And such a scary little girl.

Luo Qiang took his last look and saw a tall young man walking towards him. The weapon in his hand was dripping with blood. He quickly said: "Brother, don't...!"


Zhao Yin swung his knife and chopped off Luo Qiang's head!

Don't bother to listen to the other party's nonsense, they are all going to be killed anyway.

Isn't it just for the pleasure of this knife that I ran so far?

After Zhao Yin finished killing Luo Qiang, he looked back and saw that outside the wall, the ground was full of steaming corpses. Except for a few contract beasts and Song Xiaodao, dozens of uncles all died in the hands of the contract beasts.

"Monkey, Xiao Dao, go and help Lao Hei and the others carry the supplies into the cave."

After Zhao Yin finished his instructions, he walked into the wall alone.

Suddenly, a weak voice came: "Brother...brother, wait."

Zhao Yin looked around and saw Xie Jinshan lying on the ground.

At this time, there was a big hole in the back of his head, and blood was pouring out. There was a sharpened stick stuck in his waist, and he was leaning on the wall, curling up one leg and looking at Zhao Yin weakly.

Zhao Yin frowned. He once admired such sacrificial soldiers.

But now is the end of the world, and it would be foolish to sacrifice for others.

However, although Zhao Yin does not think that he is a good person, he does not think that he should kill indiscriminately. Just like he takes a bath whenever he has a chance and likes to keep his clothes clean for a few days, just to remind himself that he is still a good person. one person!

Even after the end of the world, he will always be alone.

"Don't expect me to save you, there's nothing I can do." Zhao Yin said.

Hearing this, Xie Jinshan smiled bitterly: "No, I'm not...I'm not asking you to save me."

Zhao Yin was stunned when he heard this.

"Please...please don't kill those people in the cave. You...whatever you want, you can go to Lao Wu. He is responsible for keeping the supplies."

"You tried your best to protect them, but they wanted you dead, and then you told me not to kill anyone?"

"It's not easy for anyone. They just want to live. What's wrong...it's not them that's wrong, it's this damn apocalypse!"

Xie Jinshan slowly raised his head and looked at the dim sunlight, his lips trembling: "How great would it be if...if...there wasn't that meteor shower...?"

Zhao Yin didn't know how this person's brain grew, so he said calmly: "A person like you should have been killed by a meteorite in the first place."

"Then did you promise me?" Xie Jinshan asked.

"Why should I promise you?"

Zhao Yin was too lazy to pay attention to him anymore and walked forward.

Soon, Song Xiaodao followed Zhao Yin with the contracted beasts and the supplies on their backs, and walked into the cave together.

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