There are several smaller caves near this cave, and survivors will take refuge in them after the apocalypse.

After the meteorite rain stopped, Yangshan and his group killed several men in the cave in order to search for supplies, and then captured the women and tortured them.

They were all strong young men, and with their humanity depleted, those women could not withstand the torment, and most of them died soon after.

But there were also a few women who fled to a large cave five kilometers away.

After Luo Qiang, the boss of Yangshan, found out, he prepared to take possession of the place, but before he could get close, he was beaten back by a retired soldier leading hundreds of young men.

Only then did the boss of Yangshan know that there were seven to eight hundred survivors gathered in the cave.

The two leading veterans knew how to make homemade firearms.

The gun in Yangshan's hand was picked up from a corpse on the opposite side during the battle between the two parties.

Luo Qiang has been thinking about the materials in the cave.

Being able to feed seven or eight hundred people is so coveted, but it's a pity that there has never been a chance.

Just last night, when a few boys went out to look for supplies, they caught a survivor in a large cave. After interrogation, they learned that three days ago, the leading veteran took all the young men out, saying that they were going to make a batch of The meat came back to replenish everyone's health, but it never came back.

When Luo Qiang was preparing to take people to the big cave this morning, he found smoke coming from the forest where Zhao Yin was, so he ordered the monkeys and others to go check...

So Zhao Yin came!

"Brother, those things were all done by the boss in the past... No, it was all done by Luo Qiang and the others. I am just a janitor. It really has nothing to do with me. Please... wuwu...!"

After Yangshan finished speaking, he started to cry.

"I don't care what you did, but if your people eat my dried meat, you have to pay for it!" Zhao Yin said.

Yangshan looked at Zhao Yin in astonishment, and saw that there was no regret or anger on the other person's face. He was as calm as if he heard someone else eating and going to the toilet.

The man in front of him was different from most people he had ever seen. He seemed to be even less human than them!

Yangshan's heart trembled: ", just ask for anything you want. As long as there is something here, just take it."

At this point he just wants to survive.

As for what Luo Qiang would do with him when he came back and found out that he had lost his supplies, he couldn't care so much anymore.

"Then it depends on what you can get!" Zhao Yin breathed out the smoke.

When Yangshan heard this, he immediately stayed there. There was nothing to eat in the cave these days, only the tattered daily necessities and some clothes that Luo Qiang and his men had looted.

He looked at the dried meat and roasted bones carried by the seven big rats behind Zhao Yin, then looked at the white animal skins worn by Zhao Yin and Song Xiaodao, and the mountains of supplies on the backs of the old cows...

How can people see those rags?

"Brother, there is water. There is a small pool in the cave. You can take it as you like!" Yangshan could only say bravely.

"It rained three days ago. Do you think I'm short of water?"

Zhao Yin finally became impatient and said loudly: "Whoever can come up with supplies that satisfy me will survive today!"

Among the group of people who fell to the ground, the few who had not killed the little monkeys were wailing, but after hearing this, they all became quiet.

"Brother, please spare us, there are still a lot of clothes in the cave!"

"Brother, I know that Luo Qiang also hid two fishes. Although they are a little stale, they are still edible!"

"Brother, there are still two ounces of salt and half a barrel of vegetable oil in the kitchen...!"

Several people spoke one after another, as if they were playing a quiz game, but none of them caught Zhao Yin's attention.

Zhao Yin turned to look at Song Xiaodao: "These people are worthless, kill them!"

Song Xiaodao understood, and walked towards the few people at the end with the King Rat Claw, gently waved the King Rat Claw, and a human head was cut off immediately.

With the sharpness of the rat king's claws, an ordinary knife blade cannot cut tofu so quickly.

Song Xiaodao immediately narrowed her eyes happily, feeling that it was much easier to use than the broken Tang knife. Then, with continuous swings, she quickly cut several people into pieces.

Seeing this, Zhao Yin was very pleased that the child had finally grown up.

Killing people is much easier!

Finally, Song Xiaodao walked towards Yangshan and said to Zhao Yin: "Please give in, I will spray blood all over you."

Zhao Yin took a step back and shook the dust off the white rat skin on his body.

Although they will get dirty sooner or later, new clothes will stay clean day after day.

"Wait, I...I remembered, there is something else...!" Yangshan suddenly shouted.

Song Xiaodao's rat king claw had already been swung down. The next moment, his eyes blurred. Zhao Yin grabbed her slender wrist and said to Yang Shan in a cold voice: "You'd better not lie to me!"

Yangshan felt as if he was looking into the eyes of the God of Death.

These are perverted monsters and perverted little girls, and the man in front of them is the boss of the perverts, an old pervert!

He was beating a drum in his heart, but in fact he didn't know if that thing would be appreciated by the other party.

", please come with me."

After saying that, Yangshan stood up, stepped on the steaming blood tremblingly, and walked into the cave.

Zhao Yin did not follow, but told Song Xiaodao: "You and the little monkey go in."

Song Xiaodao rolled his eyes. He is an E-level evolver. He can kill everyone here casually. Does he need to be so cautious?

Zhao Yin stood there and watched Song Xiaodao and the little monkey walking into the cave.

There were only cigarette butts left in the cigarette in his hand. He threw it on the ground and crushed it with the sole of his shoe.

Soon, Yang Shan came out, holding a tattered cloth package in his hand, with Little Monkey and Song Xiaodao following closely behind him.

"Brother, the things are here." Yang Shan forced a smile and handed the package to Zhao Yin.

"Open." Zhao Yin whispered.

Yangshan immediately understood that the other party was worried that he had set a trap, so he quickly placed the package on the ground and opened it layer by layer.

Layer after layer was opened, and the packages the size of a human head became smaller and smaller.

In the end, nothing was left but the size of a walnut, wrapped in a layer of toilet paper.

Zhao Yin slowly frowned, and Yangshan's legs swayed.

In the end, he didn't dare to peel off the layer of toilet paper: "Big, big brother, this is the only thing I can do...!"

"Open!" Zhao Yin urged.

Yangshan could only bite the bullet and open the toilet paper, exposing a blood-red crystal to the sun.

Zhao Yin's eyes narrowed.

A piece of star crystal!

"I picked this up in front of the cave when the meteorite rain came, and it was sandwiched among the meteorites!"

Yang Shan was afraid that Zhao Yin would not believe it, so he said sincerely: "I saw it fall from the sky with my own eyes. It is definitely not a handicraft!"

"You don't know what this is?" Zhao Yin asked and directly grabbed the star crystal in his hand.

"Brother, although I don't know the function of this thing, Luo Qiang said it must be an amazing treasure. Maybe the end of the world is related to this thing!" Yangshan said earnestly.

Zhao Yin nodded slightly when he heard this.

They don't know the secret of the Star Crystal yet.

After thinking for a while, Zhao Yin asked again: "Do you know where the cave is?"

The man named Luo Qiang was able to control a group of people at the beginning of the end of the world, and he was ruthless and vicious. Zhao Yin would not rest assured if he was not killed.

Yang Shan nodded quickly: "I know, if brother wants to go, I will lead the way for you!"

"lead the way!"

Zhao Yin led the team directly towards the big cave. On the way, he pinched open the star crystal.

A bottle of iced tea came out!

If he could have given the little monkey a bottle of iced black tea with doubled attributes when he was dealing with the rats the day before yesterday, Zhao Yin might have had a white rat king contracted beast!

It's a pity that time cannot be turned back.

At this time, five kilometers away, outside a huge natural cave, Xie Leshan was lying on a wall made of rocks, shouting at some thirty men with weapons below.

"Boss Luo, last time you knelt down and begged, our royal team let you go. Now where do you have the courage to risk your death?"

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