The old cow lost its one eye and just grunted. It was already numb from the pain and gasped weakly to convey Zhao Yin's heartfelt voice.

"Master, Lao Niu, Lao Niu may not be able to follow you anymore."

It is completely blind, and the triangle formation can no longer be defended!

Just when Zhao Yin thought he had reached a dead end, he suddenly heard an exclamation from Song Xiaodao, who was more than 400 meters away.

"Ah... help, such a big mouse... Zhao Yin, Zhao Yin, where are you...!"

He looked back and vaguely saw a giant black rat the size of a white-haired rat king standing there in front of the invisibility tent in the rain, frantically attacking the invisibility tent.

The gray rats controlled by Zhao Yin previously had all their heads crushed!

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Eleven smaller giant rats, guarding the big black rats, were also attacking the invisible tent.

[Rat King: D-level mutant beast, strength 75, agility 87, physical strength 58, defense 84, spirit 10, bloodline talent: earth escape]

Another rat king!

Zhao Yin's heart suddenly sank to the bottom!

Even a white rat king couldn't handle it, and here comes another D-class!

The only good thing is that this Black Rat King's superpower is not a combat type.

If you are facing a little monkey, you can completely crush it with double combat abilities.

However, with the White Rat King here, Zhao Yin could only think about it!

The current situation has made matters worse, and the road back has been blocked.

At this time, there is no way to resolve the immediate crisis.

Zhao Yin thought that he would die in the end of the world, but he never thought that it would be so soon.

These two rat kings relied on the supply of countless subordinates to reach D level in just half a month. Even the resources provided by Zhao Yin for the two beasts were incomparable.

Zhao Yin never thought that he would meet them at this time!


Zhao Yin was desperate, and the ferocity in his heart was aroused. He shouted at the little monkey: "No more formation, go and kill the black rat king for me. Since the white rat king wants us to die, I will die." Kill it husband before!"

After saying this, Zhao Yin picked up the machete and rushed towards the White Rat King.

The little monkey also had determination in his eyes. He glanced at the seriously injured and dying old cow beside him, and took off his tattered heavy armor.

Its dual abilities were activated to the extreme, and it rushed towards the black rat king.

The White Rat King was stunned when he saw Zhao Yin actually charging towards him.

Is this human being actively seeking death?

Suddenly, it saw the little monkey's behavior and immediately understood something. Panic flashed in the mouse's eyes. It had just experienced the strength of this E-level monkey. The opponent had dual combat powers, which was definitely better than the Black Rat King!


The White Rat King immediately warned the Black Rat King, and then made a quick decision, giving up Zhao Yin and quickly chasing the little monkey.

"Cao Nima, why are you running away!" Zhao Yin threw the machete hard.


The machete made a sound of cutting through the air, but unfortunately it could not keep up with the speed of the White Rat King and flew nearly a hundred meters and inserted into a huge boulder.

The White Rat King didn't even look back, and instantly appeared behind the little monkey, claws suddenly grabbing at its back.

The little monkey also knew that he couldn't dodge the blow, so he simply let the sharp claws fall on his body, and his heavy armor was immediately torn off along with a piece of monkey skin.

The little monkey's figure also used the force of the impact to rush forward quickly, crossing three hundred meters in the blink of an eye, and was not far from the Black Rat King.

Zhao Yin hesitated slightly, turned around immediately, gave up on the little monkey again, and ran away wildly.

If he leaves here, he can survive alone.

How the little monkey would die, and whether Song Xiaodao in the tent would eventually be surrounded... Zhao Yin didn't want to think about it.

In the apocalypse, everyone has only one goal, and survival is the only way to go!

Along the way, thousands of thoughts flashed through Zhao Yin's mind. He also felt guilty and reluctant, but they were quickly forgotten by him.

Only surviving yourself is the most important thing.

But...but does it really make sense to live like this?

Zhao Yin's steps were a little slow, but he quickly gave his answer.

Of course it makes sense!

Keep the green hills and don’t worry about running out of firewood.

He will have more contract beasts and more women in the future!

He is the owner of the contract, and he will definitely come to avenge the little monkeys and the Rat King in the future!

Little did he know that eight minutes had passed and the side effects of the glutinous rice wine gradually appeared, affecting Zhao Yin's confused thoughts.

His head gradually became dizzy, and the belief he had just established in his heart was wavering again.

Zhao Yin thought of the little monkey in his previous life who died fighting for Lin Tianfeng. The little monkey in this life died for himself. Isn't it too unlucky?

He thought of Song Xiaodao again. He failed to protect her in his previous life and let her die like this in this life.

And Lao Niu, from beginning to end, did not get any cultivation from him, and even before his death he felt guilty for not protecting his master.

Zhao Yin's eyes slowly turned red, and something that had long been extinct, which seemed to be called conscience, slowly revived in his heart.

His killing intent gradually boiled, and the alcohol filled his chest. At this moment, Zhao Yin seemed to be afraid of nothing!

"Just die!" Zhao Yin roared: "If you die in the bird's nest, you will not die for tens of thousands of years!"

He turned around suddenly and rushed back the way he had come.

The previous group of ordinary gray rats had lost the thorn balls on their bodies, and they all gathered outside the bushes to wait for the Rat King's order.

When they saw Zhao Yin rushing towards them, all the gray rats started chirping.

The two rat kings were going all out to deal with the little monkeys and completely forgot about these gray rats.

A sniper rifle appeared in Zhao Yin's hand. With red eyes, he shot wildly, reloaded, and shot again...

Every shot kills a squirrel!

The discipline of the gray rats is beyond imagination. Even if they see their companions being killed, they will still stay where they are without the order of the Rat King.

Soon, Zhao Yin fired all the sniper bullets, and only thirty or forty gray rats were left, chirping uneasily.

"I'm going to kill you if I call you paralyzed!"

At this time, the little monkey's skin was completely broken, and its left arm was broken. It still waved the mace tenaciously, forcing the Black Rat King not to come near at all.

Only the White Rat King can use his speed to make the little monkey lose a large amount of flesh and blood with every attack.

In fact, the White Rat King could have killed the little monkey long ago.

But it just wants to kill little by little, because of the cruel and vicious nature of rats.

Finally, the White Rat King found Zhao Yin. At this time, he was holding an ox horn and killed only a few gray rats in the group.


The White Rat King immediately became furious.

Those gray rats are the source of resource supply for the two rat kings.

There were actually very few left dead.

It also gave up the little monkey and rushed towards Zhao Yin. Zhao Yin's actions several times had made it completely furious, and it completely lost its mind at this time.

At this time, Zhao Yin still had no idea that the effect of glutinous rice wine was only in the last minute, and the thoughts in his mind were already a mess.

Killing intent took over the entire body.


The horn in his hand penetrated the head of the last squirrel, and when he pulled it out, the brains came out.

Zhao Yin continued to search for the next squirrel like a machine, only to find that there was no one left...

The White Rat King was about to approach Zhao Yin, but before he could reach out his sharp claws, Zhao Yin suddenly turned around and stared at the White Rat King with blood-red eyes.

The White Rat King was stunned. This human being was not afraid when he saw it at this time. His eyes were like staring at his prey.

Inexplicably, the White Rat King suddenly became frightened, so he swung his claws a little slower.

It tore a large piece of flesh on Zhao Yin's shoulder, but Zhao Yin took advantage of the situation and hugged the forelimb.

The White Rat King subconsciously wanted to withdraw his claws, but he felt Zhao Yin's strength was amazing. The horn on his right hand suddenly thrust out, and the powerful force immediately penetrated the Rat King's forelimbs!


This was the first time since the end of the world that the White Rat King was so seriously injured. It was so painful that it screamed like an ordinary mouse. In anger, it penetrated Zhao Yin's chest with one claw.

Zhao Yin's sternum was cut open, and his heart was exposed and beating loudly.

But he didn't feel it at all. The horn in his hand was still pierced into the forelimbs of the White Rat King, tightly controlling its figure. His other hand grabbed the White Rat King's scalp, pressed it to his crotch, and the next moment, he pulled it out. The horns were stabbed again, poof!

The white rat king's neck was pierced by the horns!

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