When the monkey heard Zhao Yin's instructions, his eyes immediately shone with excitement.

Now it is no longer the timid level 0 mutant beast it was at the beginning!

It hasn't killed many zombies recently, and it has to worry about losing its sense of presence in front of its master.

The little monkey rushed towards the twenty zombies with a mace in hand.

Ho ho ho!

The zombies immediately discovered the little monkey and swarmed towards it.

The two F-class zombies were the fastest, and they got rid of the ordinary zombies behind them in an instant.

It's a pity that what they encountered was an E-level mutant beast.

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The little monkey also roared loudly while running. At the same time, his body expanded rapidly, his heavy armor jingled, his speed suddenly doubled, and his huge figure turned into a strong wind.


An F-class zombie was shot in the head with a stick before it could get close to the little monkey.

The mutilated body splashed with dark brown blood and flew out quickly.

The second F-class zombie had already arrived in front of the little monkey. He opened his mouth to bite it, but the little monkey quickly turned around.


The hem of the heavy armor hit the zombie's face. While it was still dazed, the little monkey hit it hard with a mace.

Three seconds to kill two F-class zombies!

What happened next was simple. The remaining dozen or so ordinary zombies couldn't even get close to the little monkey and were quickly slaughtered.

The little monkey put away the mace and quickly shrank to normal size. He ran back to Zhao Yin and hugged his knees: "Master, the killing is over."

"Good job." Zhao Yin patted the little monkey's head and rewarded him with a chestnut.

Thinking back to a few days ago, when Zhao Yinchu arrived in Nanjiao Village, it took him a lot of effort to kill the two F-class zombies, and he even used a pistol.

"Zhao Yin, I'm going to cut the watermelon." Song Xiaodao said proactively.

In fact, even if she didn't say anything, Zhao Yin would still give instructions. If it was just such a small amount of work, would he still have to do it himself?

She took out her butterfly knife, walked to the nearest corpse of an F-class zombie, reached out and fiddled with the smelly and blackened brain, and soon found an F-class corpse crystal.

Song Xiaodao wiped it clean skillfully, lowered his head and continued to look for Zhao Yin's favorite star crystal.

But after searching for a long time, almost every drop of brain and every piece of skull had been cut open and inspected by Song Xiaodao.

There was actually no trace of the star crystal.

"Zhao Yin, what's wrong, this zombie's star crystal has been stolen!" Song Xiaodao shouted anxiously.

Zhao Yin walked over: "What's going on?"

"I can't find the star crystal." Song Xiaodao felt that he was useless and couldn't do such a small thing well.

Zhao Yin took out his machete, struck it a few times, and then walked to the body of another F-level zombie.

Like Song Xiaodao before, he carefully searched every place, but in the end, there were still only two F-level corpse crystals.

No star crystal!

"Little monkey, are you too strong and the star crystal flew away?" Song Xiaodao looked at the little monkey and complained.

The little monkey was also confused. This was how it used to kill zombies!

Why did it fly away?

Song Xiaodao and Little Monkey were searching nearby.

"No need to look for it." Zhao Yin said and put away the machete.

"Don't you want the star crystal?" Song Xiaodao asked anxiously.

"This is just an ordinary F-level zombie. It has never swallowed star crystals at all." Zhao said.

Counting the time, nearly half a month has passed since the zombie outbreak. Ordinary zombies have evolved to level F and should have appeared a few days ago.

It's just that Zhao Yin and his party didn't encounter them while walking in the mountains and forests.

Nowadays, most of the zombies that have devoured the star crystals should have evolved to E-level, and there may even be D-level among them!

"Can zombies that have not swallowed star crystals evolve?" Song Xiaodao's expression changed.

Zhao Yin said: "Not only can it evolve, but it will continue to evolve."

Although Song Xiaodao didn't know how Zhao Yin knew it, he believed in his words.

Now, although she has become an evolver with Zhao Yin, Song Xiaodao is still a little scared if she is asked to deal with F-class zombies alone.

One can imagine how difficult the situation for ordinary survivors is now.

She couldn't imagine what she would be like if she hadn't met Zhao Yin back then.

Will he be directly eaten by zombies, or will he be sold to some people by Wang Quan, and end up living like that old Qin...

Song Xiaodao didn't dare to think about it anymore.

Suddenly, she threw herself into Zhao Yin's arms and hugged his waist tightly, her little body trembling non-stop.

Zhao Yin was stunned: "What's wrong with you?"

"I...I'm fine." Song Xiaodao said with a pale face: "I just want to hug you, Zhao Yin, can you let me hug you for a while?"

Zhao Yin stood there, feeling the warm little body pressing against him, and he actually had a physical reaction.

He thought about it, but still couldn't push her away.

"Zhao Yin." Song Xiaodao buried his face in front of Zhao Yin: "If one day, I mean if...if one day we encounter danger again, will you leave me and the little monkeys?"

"I will try my best to protect you. If there is a crisis that I cannot handle...I will go alone!" Zhao Yin hesitated slightly and said seriously: "So, you have to become stronger!"

Song Xiaodao slowly raised his head, pouted, looked at Zhao Yin and said, "You can't say something nice, you can just lie to me!"

"Do you like being cheated?" Zhao Yin lowered his head and stared at the little girl's clear eyes with a little bit of ignorance.

Song Xiaodao buried his face in Zhao Yin's chest again: "In fact, I still prefer the honest you. Didn't you say that I will be your woman in seven years? I will marry you when I grow up, so Zhao Yin, you must do your best to protect your fiancée."

Zhao Yin didn't expect this girl to say such a thing.

He raised his hand to push her away from his arms and scolded: "Go to work!"

Song Xiaodao still stood in front of him, opened his eyes and asked: "Zhao Yin, will you marry me in the future?"

Zhao Yin turned around: "Monkey, go and take off her equipment, let her see how much she weighs!"

"You bastard!"

Song Xiaodao screamed immediately, and protected himself with his hands in front of him: "Can't I go to work?"

After that, she went to "cut watermelon" aggrievedly.

After Zhao Yin collected all the corpse crystals, he set off to continue on his way.

Along the way, Song Xiaodao kept his head down and stopped talking.

At some point, the dim sun in the sky disappeared and was slowly covered by dark clouds. Soon, thunder sounded and bean-sized raindrops fell.

The wind was stronger, carrying raindrops, crackling on Zhao Yin's face.


The F Evolver was not ignorant of the cold and heat. Song Xiaodao was shivering with cold, but still did not speak to Zhao Yin.

The two mutant beasts didn't care. The little monkey was having fun in the rain, running a distance and then running back, then running forward and running back again... It seemed that it found this very interesting.

The old cow followed Zhao Yin diligently, taking the opportunity to nibble on the grass by the roadside from time to time, chewing slowly in his mouth.

"Rest here tonight." Zhao Yin said.

He found an open space and threw out the invisible tent. Song Xiaodao quickly got in and took the initiative to make a fire and cook.

Zhao Yin sat by the fire, recalling his past life. After the first rain after the apocalypse, plants all over the world would grow explosively, and the types of mutant crops would increase.

Many survivors who had struggled for a month and a half would also be relieved by this rain.

At the same time, the surviving animals gradually became active, and the jungle was the paradise for animals.

They killed zombies and swallowed star crystals, or captured living creatures to eat meat, and their strength soared rapidly. Many pseudo-mutated beasts would appear...

In short, this rain injected nutrients into this broken world of ruins.

All life except zombies finally had the possibility of survival!

Zhao Yin remembered a lot, and it was already late at night before he knew it.

Suddenly, he heard a burst of hurried footsteps in the sound of rain, approaching rapidly...

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