"Zombie...Zombie King?"

The two young zombies had smart expressions. Although the young men did not have any detection powers, they could still feel the pressure on them.

At least it's grade B or above!

What is it if it’s not the zombie king?

The young man, who had only an evolutionary level of C and had a B-level defensive ability, was trembling all over.

The two young 'zombie kings' were also stunned when they saw the young man.

Immediately afterwards, the three teenagers stared at each other.

The air is frozen!

The corner of the mouth of one of the young men, the 'Zombie King', suddenly showed a smile, and then, his mouth opened, revealing a pair of pitch-black teeth.

"Jie Jie..." Song Xiaojian smiled gloomily: "Good nephew, someone broke into your Master Zhao's back garden and stuffed his head into his butt, Jie Jie...!"

"Master!" Corpse Demon Zhang Jie was instantly furious.

This is my turf, how can I let outsiders get involved?

He suddenly rushed towards the Filipino boy...


In the living space, the first scream sounded in history...

"Master, someone really hid the star crystal secretly, and that boy named Ye Zang tied them all up!"

When Zhao Yin returned to the outside world, the battlefield had already been cleared.

Lao Hei, Xiao Bai, and Bald Dan came to report to Zhao Yin one after another.

Zhao Yin stared and saw a total of seventeen people, tied up with five flowers, kneeling on the previous battlefield.

"Boss, I thought... they were all trustworthy people... I'm sorry, boss, I'm useless." Lu Ling also came to Zhao Yin, lowering her head and not daring to look into his eyes.

Most of the seventeen traitors came from Paradise Base.

At this time, both Lu Ling and Ye Zang understood Zhao Yin's intention of asking them to organize manpower to clean the battlefield.

The boss wanted to take this opportunity to test the loyalty of his subordinates for them.

Even Ye Zang didn't expect that the people he had chosen so carefully would turn out to be three traitors.

One of them is an A-level superpower and one of the people Ye Zang trusts most.

"Have you found out whether it was a temporary act or a spy planted by other forces?" Zhao Yin asked.

"They all only admitted that it was a temporary move." Ye Zang said.

"Then continue the interrogation until the trial comes out!"

After Zhao Yin finished speaking, he walked away.

As for how things will develop in the end, he has no intention of intervening.

Zhao Yin was not giving Lu Ling and Ye Zang a test.

The loyalty and strength of both men are faultless, but their leadership skills are lacking.

If Lu Ling and Ye Zang couldn't even do this kind of thing, then he would have to consider replacing them.

In fact, even if the two companies and the Paradise Base were destroyed, Zhao Yin would not care too much and would reorganize them at worst.

With his current strength, it's easy.

Zhao Yin felt that he had done enough, so he no longer focused on this matter.

He took people back to the paradise base.

"Zhao Yin, all the trophies are here."

Song Xiaodao handed him a space ring, as if he remembered something, and said: "When I saw the carp just now, it had evolved to S level, while the herring was still C level!"

Zhao Yin nodded and examined the space ring.

[1,059,687 D-level corpse crystals, 4,825,866 C-level corpse crystals, and 12,438 B-level corpse crystals]

【Star Crystal 34215】

Zhao Yin looked at the mountains of corpse crystals and star crystals in front of him. Even he felt shocked.

If you don't count the last auction, this is the first time that Zhao Yin has obtained so many corpse crystals.

The harvest of star crystals broke the record in history.

Zhao Yin immediately made arrangements.

All the corpse crystals are converted into S-level, which is enough for Zhao Yin to promote six contract beasts to S-level, and there are still about 7 A-level corpse crystals left!

Among the real mutant beasts, only Xiao Ming, Tu Lu, and Tu Lao are still A-level!

Zhao Yin chose Shu Liu, Shu Yi, and Tu Yi!

"You are the first mutant beasts to follow me. Although your strength is slightly weaker than the macaque that has unlocked B-level potential, the first place to be promoted still belongs to you!"

Zhao Yin looked at the eight vultures and six giant rats with a kind expression on his face.

"Don't worry, I will promote you to the top one by one. One day, even the real mutant beasts from the outside world will have to bow to you when they see you."

"Just because your master is the beast god, just because your master... is called Zhao Yin!"

Every word from Zhao Yin's mouth is the truth to the contracted beast.

Six giant rats and eight vultures were all prostrate on the ground.

Their whole bodies were shaking with excitement, and their eyes were filled with enthusiasm.

"Master, Shu Liu Yuan, I will always fight for you!"

"Master, I wish to die for you forever!"

"Master, I wish to protect the sky above you with my life forever!"

"Master, Shu Er is also willing!" "Master, Tu Ba is also willing..."

Zhao Yin expressed his concern for a group of rats and bald men that he had not paid attention to for a long time, and waved his hand.

"Promote when it's time to be promoted, and rest when it's time to rest."

"Yes! Master!"

"Yes! Master..."

With the voices of gratitude and loyalty echoing in confusion again, the contracted beasts slowly dispersed.

As for the two Vulture King and Xiao Ming, it goes without saying that after Zhao Yin rewarded them with corpse crystals, they were flattered.

Soon, the little monkey and other mutant beasts who had farted after finishing their work also joined in.

Zhao Yin, in a state of excitement, called four girls and prepared to open the star crystal overnight.

At this time, he suddenly remembered that because Winnie had no fighting ability, he had not taken her out of the life space for a long time.

"You drive first, I'll come later."

The next moment, Zhao Yin disappeared from the place.

The four girls stared at the mountains of star crystals in front of them, regardless of whether Zhao Yin was there or not, and immediately started to drive happily...

When Zhao Yin returned to the life space, he heard a stranger's groan.

When he got closer, he saw a thin young man whose head was stuffed into his pants by the zombie demon Zhang Jie.

Song Xiaojian, who was on the side, stretched his body and tied the young man tightly in this weird posture.


When Corpse Demon Zhang Jie saw Zhao Yin arriving, he immediately trembled, quickly took out Annihilation, and continued to squeeze: "Master!"

He seemed afraid that Zhao Yin would be angry.

Song Xiaojian was not as concerned as Zhang Jie, and shouted hoarsely: "Brother-in-law, Master Zhao, come quickly, we have caught a spy sent by the Philippines!"

Zhao Yin immediately knew what was going on.

In fact, he deliberately used the ancestral privileges of the portal to adjust the portals for the three countries so that they could only enter but not exit. Wasn't he just trying to fish?

"Good job. Someone will definitely break in in the future. You two will stay here and catch one!"

After Zhao Yin finished speaking, he waved his hand, and the mithril mountain in the distance suddenly squirmed. Then, one hundred thousand kilograms of mithril turned into silver gold elements and flew over at extremely high speed.

Then, in front of Zhao Yin, chains solidified into arm-thick chains.

Thousands of them!

"Use this lock from now on!"

Zhao Yin pointed to a pile of mithril chains and then said: "My dear grandson, you will keep all their space rings. Hand them over when you see them."


Corpse Demon Zhang Jie saw that he did not blame himself, but instead entrusted him with such a glorious and great task, and he immediately became inspired.

"Master Zhao, I can also keep the space ring!" Song Xiaojian immediately recommended himself.

"I can't trust you!"

After Zhao Yin finished speaking, he bent down and took off the space ring from the young man's finger, and left without looking back.

He didn't mention how to deal with these 'prisoners' specifically. Corpse Demon Zhang Jie asked in confusion. Song Xiaojian suppressed his anger and deliberately didn't ask.

"My dear grandnephew, take out his head and hang it upside down on the chestnut tree. I want to see him vomiting while standing upside down!"

Zhao Yin checked the space ring in his hand and found that there were only tens of thousands of D-level corpse crystals, a dozen pieces of extraordinary food, some food and 'junk' equipment.

Zhao Yin, who was used to eating big fish and meat, suddenly felt bored.

"No matter how small an ant's legs are, they are still meat!"

Zhao Yin collected all the supplies and then disappeared from the place.

When he reappeared, he was thirty kilometers away from the oasis.

The place is deserted.

On the black and gray ground, there stood a beautiful girl in the distance. She was dressed in a nurse's uniform. Her back was thin and graceful, and she was in a daze.

"Winnie." Zhao Yin called.

Winnie immediately turned around and saw Zhao Yin's big, clear eyes, and her smile turned into crescent moons.


Her voice was very clingy, and she immediately rushed towards Zhao Yin.

Zhao Yin opened his arms, took his contracted beast into his arms, and gently rubbed her hair.

"Why come here?" he asked in a low voice.

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen Winnie at the oasis.

"Master, I...I remembered something recently." Winnie looked up at him.

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