Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 370: Meeting on a narrow road

At this moment, Fili has also entered the second trial field.

Behind her, there are still a hundred superpowers waving flags and shouting.

"This second level is exactly the same as the first level, and it is not easier than the first level!"

The group of people who said that the second level was easier felt slapped in the face.

They are still very unconvinced.

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"Maybe, the thickness of the mithril on the maze wall here is smaller and easier to collect!"

"Even if it is the same difficulty as the first level, it does not mean that the Daxia people are stronger than Lord Fili, it only means that he came earlier!"

Everyone looked at Fili expectantly, hoping that she would take action to collect the mithril as soon as possible and surpass the Daxia people.

At this moment, Fili's eyes fell on the treasure chest at the corner in front.

She stepped out her slender and round long legs and approached quickly...

The next moment, hum!

The sky changed rapidly, as if it had opened the prelude, nine round suns slowly appeared, and the high temperature rose rapidly.

Due to the heat conduction of the gold-based superpower, Fili's hair was covered with green smoke.

She quickly took off the gold-based superpower equipment on her body and shouted loudly.

"High temperature, the difficulty of this level is high temperature!"

At this moment, everyone's face changed drastically. Every second of temperature increase was a terrifying progress!

In a moment, many people's skin was burned with blisters, and they screamed in pain.

The crowd was in chaos in an instant.

"Why... why is it like this?"

"Shouldn't the second level be easy to pass?"

"How did the Daxia people do it?"

"Damn, there must be a bug, they must be biased towards the Daxia people!"

Some people still didn't forget to compete with the Daxia people.

Only Fili, with an unwilling look on her face, shouted loudly: "Who has the ice-based superpower, come and cool me down!"

In fact, there was no need for Fili to remind her, as several people had already opened the ice-based superpower shield.

They were originally just protecting themselves, and after hearing Fili's words, they could only walk towards her.

"Lord Fili, please collect the mithril as soon as possible. We are afraid we can't hold on for much longer." A B-level ice-type psychic spoke up.

Their ice-type psychic level is too low, and the highest is only A-level!

Fili waved her hand and took out a large amount of iced black tea and compressed biscuits: "Use extraordinary food!"

"Thank you, Lord Fili!"

Several ice-type psychics showed their gratitude.

They quickly ate the extraordinary food, and after the attributes were blessed, the layers of ice-type psychic shields became more and more solid.

But the nine suns were too scary, and the temperature was still rising rapidly.


The top layer of shield above Fili's head suddenly shattered.

"Not good!"

One of the B-level ice-type psychics turned pale instantly.

That was because the temperature was too high, and the ice-type psychic was also melted. He suffered a backlash from the psychic power, and white smoke instantly rose from his skin.

Then, large pieces of skin and flesh fell off the psychic's body...

"Take the healing potion!"

"Quick, give him the healing potion!"

Fili urged loudly. She didn't care about the life and death of a low-level psychic, but she needed them to pass the level at this time.

Someone hurriedly took out the healing potion and poured it into the psychic's mouth.

But it was useless. At this time, the terrible high temperature had entered the psychic's internal organs and spread to his limbs. All the organs and bones in his body were burning.

In a moment, a B-level ice psychic was burned to ashes due to the backlash of the psychic power!

And then, bang!

The second ice psychic shield was broken, and another person's face turned pale, and then the skin all over his body began to turn red and smoke...

"Save me... Lady Fili, save me...!" The man stretched out his hand to Fili weakly and tremblingly.

This time, no one was willing to take out the healing potion to save a person who was destined to die.

At this moment, more than a hundred evolvers had already turned around and fled towards the space gate.

Some people were ignited by the high temperature halfway through their run, and like a fireball, they continued to surge towards the portal at a high speed.

Some people fell directly, and no one rescued them, and they soon turned into a pool of ashes.

Only a few ice-type psychics were still struggling to support the ice-type light shield to protect Fili there.

"My lord, if we don't leave now, we will all be unable to leave!" Someone spoke.

They no longer cared about their fear of Fili.

If they were not worried about Fili's revenge afterwards, they would have left long ago.

Fili sighed in her heart. Since the arrival of the nine suns, two ice-type psychics had died tragically in less than two minutes.

Even if she took extraordinary food, it didn't have much effect.

And the trend of rising temperatures still did not stop.

Fili knew that she could not pass the second level at all.

She gritted her teeth and said unwillingly: "Let's all teleport back!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she was the first to rush to the portal.

Several ice-type psychics ran after her...

After Fili entered the portal, the scenery in front of her changed rapidly, and the next moment, she felt a sense of relief.

The high temperature disappeared, and her whole body was cool.

Besides the several ice-type psychics, there were more than 40 psychics from the Philippine servant country, all of whom were swallowing healing potions to recover from their injuries.

As for the 60 psychics who did not enter the portal, it is estimated that they will never appear again.

Fili did not care about these at all, and looked back around.

Immediately afterwards, she was stunned.

"Didn't you say that if you step into the teleportation gate, you can be teleported back? Where is this place?"

At this moment, everyone realized that the jungle before them was not before they entered the maze.

Instead it was a dilapidated hall.

The air was filled with a smell of decay, and the light was dim.

At this moment, everyone felt a thump in their hearts and became alert.

This hall is very large, covering an area of ​​thousands of square meters. The roof is full of holes, unknown light shines down, and even the floor tiles are in tatters.

A series of dilapidated statues stand around the hall. They all look like humans. They are wearing blood-colored armor. They have been around for who knows how many years. They are missing arms and legs.

"Where is this and how do we get back?"

From another location, Jin Taisui finally collected the mithril from the first trial field.

There is also a portal coming down.

"Entering this portal will start the second trial. Will there be any crisis?" Jin Taisui frowned and said.

As a B-level evolver and SSS-level metal superpower, he suddenly had a vague feeling.

It seems that this maze is not as safe as imagined.

"You'll find out when you go in!" The expression on Commander Du's face looked very excited.

After waiting for so long, I was finally able to enter the second trial.

Jin Taisui didn't think much about it anymore. He came here and wanted to go in and take a look after all.

More than a hundred supernatural beings wearing the military uniforms of the Bangzi Kingdom followed Jin Taisui and Commander Du into the portal.

Soon, screams and roars resounded throughout the second trial.

Like a group of people from the Philippines, they also encountered the most terrifying trial in their lives...

At the cost of more than thirty people dying, Jin Taisui and others escaped behind the portal.

The same thing appeared in a dilapidated hall.

Feili felt the power of space teleportation and looked back. The next moment, she saw a group of people from Bangzi Country.

The two groups of people looked at each other and became nervous...

However, no one found it.

At this moment, in an inconspicuous corner of the hall, under a three-meter-high dilapidated statue, which is also the cool part of the statue, there is a strong man hiding.

It was Yu Feixing who was teleported from the second trial!

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