Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 368 How could it be worse than Daxia?

Zhou Dandan is just used to using the Star Chaser Crossbow, and her recent thoughts have been on the research of the magic cannon, and she doesn't have a deep understanding of her own powers!

At this moment, with the addition of Zhou Dandan, Ning Yue's pressure was relieved a lot.

But the temperature in the maze continued to rise.

It has gradually surpassed the flame temperature of the little monkey.

Zhao Yin didn't care to check the treasure box anymore. At this time, every breath of air was like swallowing a ball of fire.

"Zhou Dandan, put your light shield on the first layer to weaken the sunlight!"

"Monkey, put your flame on the second level and do your best to control the temperature!"

"Ning Yue, put your ice element at the end to reduce the temperature as much as possible!" Zhao Yin ordered loudly.

Three layers of superpower shields instantly adjusted the order.

By operating in this way, you can see the effect immediately.

The temperature rise within the shield finally slowed down, but it did not stop.

Zhao Yin's eyes fell on Yu Feixing.

"Lord Beast God, you can't kill enemies here. Without the blessing of blood, my blood-clothed superpower won't have much effect." Yu Feixing said nervously.

"Go back. I will give you the compensation you deserve later!" Zhao Yin said straight to the point.

After entering the second trial field, Yu Feixing lost its effect.

It is even more impossible for Zhao Yin to expose his life space in front of him.

Yu Feixing was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly.

At this time, he also understood that even if the Jizhou Military Region was able to enter the second trial field, it would not last long.

This time he came in with Zhao Yin and didn't provide any value.

If the beast god gives it, it is out of love.

If you don't give it, that's your duty.

There is nothing to feel wronged about!

"Lord Beast God, then I... won't delay your fortune here!"

"I wish you all the best, Lord Beast God, and a bountiful harvest!"

After saying that, Yu Feixing did not hesitate any longer.

He activated the blood-clothed ability and wrapped himself all over,

He walked out of the three-series ability shield and stepped into the portal.

The next moment, his figure disappeared.

At the same time, Zhao Yin had already taken action as quickly as possible to collect the contracted beast into the life space.

In the end, only Little Monkey, Ning Yue, Zhou Dandan, and Xiao Ming were still working hard to collect mithril.

The three-series energy shield shrinks extremely quickly.

At this time, only three people and two beasts are being protected, the consumption is slowing down, and the effect is increasing...

The temperature emitted by the nine-wheeled sun seemed to have reached its limit.

Although the temperature inside the shield is unbearably hot, it is not fatal!

Zhao Yin breathed a sigh of relief.

He took matters into his own hands, followed Xiao Ming, and took over Song Xiaodao's previous mission.

Collect the mithril bricks into the life space.

"Master, it's so... so hot!"

Not long after, Xiao Ming's voice came to Zhao Yin's heart.

Everyone noticed that even though Xiao Ming kept eating extraordinary food, his golden tiger body was still wet.

Sweat dripped like spring water.

Metal elements are conductors of heat!

Compared with Zhao Yin and the little monkey, Xiao Ming is more difficult to withstand high temperatures.

Zhao Yin gritted his teeth and took out something!

[Puffs: Grade F, a variety of extraordinary food, replenishing physical strength and resisting high temperatures. Remarks: Contains clean extraordinary energy and heat dissipation elements]

This is the rare and extraordinary food that was obtained in the unknown space.

There was only two hundred yuan in total, and Zhao Yin had been reluctant to use it.

But at this time, if Xiao Ming couldn't hold on, this trial would be over!

"Eat, work hard when you're full!"

Zhao Yin stuffed a piece of puff into Xiao Ming's mouth.

After Xiao Ming finished eating the puffs, he immediately became energetic: "Master, I feel okay again, I can still work for three days and three nights!"

"When things here are over, I will reward you well!" Zhao Yin patted the tiger's head.


Xiao Ming was encouraged, and his whole body became furious. After gathering momentum, the movement of the metal elements instantly became 30% faster than before!

Zhao Yin smacked his lips.

At this time, his face had already been burned by the flames and turned red.

This is especially true for Zhou Dandan and Ning Yue.

Only the little monkey has rough skin and thick flesh, but he is still very relaxed.

"The puffs are only 200 yuan, which is only enough for Xiao Ming to consume. Please drink more water. Thank you for your hard work!"

Zhao Yin took out the Nongfu Spring to replenish water for the two girls and the little monkey.

At this time, ordinary water will evaporate immediately if you take it out.

When the two girls saw Zhao Yin's chapped lips, Ning Yue said, "It's not hard at all to be able to contribute to this team."

"Master, Dandan is also a useful person now!" Zhou Dandan also said.

Nowadays, Zhou Dandan seems to be much more cheerful. She took a sip of Nongfu Spring and smiled sweetly at Zhao Yin.

Zhao Yin nodded, tenderness rising in his heart.

Having these girls around him can always dispel loneliness for him no matter what environment he is in.

Not to mention Ning Yue and Song Xiaodao, the two sisters Zhou Dandan have also gone through many tests and are people he can trust.

Soon, Xiao Ming collected all the extraordinary mithril in this section of the maze.

Zhao Yin came to the treasure box again and reached out to open it!

[Evolution Potion: Grade E...]

A hundred bottles!

[Evolution Potion: Grade D...]

Also a hundred bottles!

Yu Feixing mentioned before that the treasure chest they opened three months ago contained only one hundred bottles of F-level evolution potion!

Not only did the number of potions in the second level double, the level of the potions also jumped directly to D level!

At this time, Zhao Yin was fully alert.

"If this rule is followed, are there three levels of evolution potions in the treasure chest of the third level, namely 100 bottles of C-level, 100 bottles of B-level, and 100 bottles of A-level?"

Just thinking about it, Zhao Yin felt his heartbeat speed up a lot!

You know, today's C-level evolution potion is still the dream of most evolvers.

And above B-level, even Zhao Yin has never seen a bottle!

"Xiao Ming, can it be faster?"

"Master, my superpower has been opened to the limit!"

Zhao Yin could only follow Xiao Ming helplessly.

While collecting mithril bricks, he watched his extraordinary food being consumed rapidly.

Blood was dripping in his heart!


Two days later!

Fili finally collected the last piece of mithril of the first trial.

The next moment, the whole maze shook!

In the huge energy shield above his head, extraordinary energy surged wildly, and then formed a portal.

"Long live Lord Fili!"

"Long live Lord Fili!"

"Long live Lord Fili!"

The more than one hundred superpowers who followed Fili cheered immediately.

Fatigue flashed in Fili's bright eyes. It seemed that she had long been accustomed to this kind of enthusiasm.

She took out a piece of compressed biscuit, took a bite, and then frowned.

"Strange, why is there no broadcast?"

Everyone heard this and remembered that there was a broadcast after the Daxia man named Zhao Yin passed the level.

Everyone suddenly became quiet.

After waiting for a long time, there was still no broadcast.

"Lord Fili, is your reward still there?" Someone asked cautiously.

Fili checked the space bracelet and nodded: "The mithril is still there."

The portal appeared, and the reward was not taken back!

It means that the level is completed!

"But why is there no broadcast?"

Everyone inexplicably felt that they were discriminated against!

It seems that only the first person to pass the level can attract the broadcast.

People behind are not eligible!

At this moment, the majestic voice came from all directions.

"No. 108 Low-level Extraordinary Civilization...!"

Before the broadcast was finished, more than a hundred psychics behind Fili were all excited.

"I knew that the SSS-level psychics of the Great Philippine Maid Country could not be inferior to the Daxia people?"

"Lady Fili just came a step late, otherwise, how could the Daxia people get ahead?"

"Wait until we enter the second level, let the Daxia people see that the Philippine Maid Country is no longer a Wuxia Amon!"

However, the majestic voice seemed to be deliberately teasing them.

After a group of psychics in the Philippine Maid Country were excited, the broadcast continued.

"Human trialists Zhao Yin, Ning Yue, and Zhou Dandan passed the second trial field of the gold system and can enter the third trial of the gold system..."

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