Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 365 Crazy harvest of S-level mithril

Of course Yu Feixing has opinions!

You leave the treasure alone without looking for it, but here you destroy the wall?

What if something happens?

Who knows what kind of crisis this maze hides!

What's the use of extraordinary metal? You don't know how to build equipment. How can you build a wall with it?

This huge maze is worth hundreds of millions per ton. How long will it take to dismantle it?

Of course, Yu Feixing didn't dare to say a word.


A bright smile like a chrysanthemum bloomed on his face: "No objection, Lord Beast God, please excuse me. I'm just curious."

Zhao Yin nodded and stopped looking at Yu Feixing.

At this moment, Xiao Ming's voice suddenly came from his heart.

"Master, these walls are sandwiched, so we can't collect them all!"


Zhao Yin was slightly startled and quickly stepped forward to check.

At this time, Xiao Ming slowly put away the golden light on his body, suddenly revealing the golden wall.

Sure enough, the core of the wall, like the shield above the head, was formed by an energy.

This energy is like the bones that form a wall, with a defense power of 50,000 points!

With Zhao Yin's current ability, he cannot destroy or peel off...

The S-level mithril that Xiao Ming collected previously was just a thin layer poured outside the energy wall!

"It's over!"

Yu Feixing looked ugly.

His previous guesses were, in the final analysis, just guesses!

It was because he thought too simply!

"Lord Beast God, we...even if we have this Tiger Master, I'm afraid we won't be able to enter the depths of the maze!"

Only Zhao Yin knew that this maze was actually an SSS-level treasure, and it would be strange if it could be broken down so easily.

What really makes Zhao Yin unhappy is how much less extraordinary metal will be collected?

However, Zhao Yin quickly calmed down.

Even if there is only a thin layer on the wall, if the entire maze is searched, it will still be a huge number!

If he can get so much extraordinary metal, Zhao Yin no longer cares about what else is in the depths of the maze!

"Xiao Ming, continue!" Zhao Yin ordered directly.

"Yes, Master!"

After Xiao Ming responded to his inner voice, he walked towards the wall on the right and activated his superpower again...

Pieces of mithril are peeled off from the wall, and then formed into mithril bricks.

Song Xiaodao quickly collected the space ring...

"Zhao Yin, we have harvested 100,000 kilograms of mithril!"

"Zhao Yin, we have harvested 200,000 kilograms...!"

Song Xiaodao looked back from time to time and shouted happily to Zhao Yin.

Every time, Zhao Yin's heart beats.

Even if you don't build magic cannons for the future, if you build them all into arrows, they will definitely be powerful!

If you encounter a group of self-exploding corpses of less than 200,000, you can kill them all with a single Star Chaser Crossbow!

All contracted beasts felt the joy in their master's heart and ran excitedly, treating the maze as their amusement park.

Several macaques imitated Ning Yue's usual appearance, shaking their heads and twisting their tails, and danced.

The entire team is in an atmosphere full of happiness.

As time passed, two hours later.

"Zhao Yin, we have harvested 800,000 kilograms, and my space ring can no longer hold it!"

Song Xiaodao ran towards Zhao Yin happily.

Zhao Yin took the space ring, entered the beast's golden house, and threw all the mithril he harvested into the life space.

Immediately afterwards, he emptied all the water stored in his space bracelet and handed it to Song Xiaodao.

"Use this to pretend!"

The joy still continues.

Soon, Zhao Yin's mithril reserves accumulated to one million...1.3 million...1.5 million!

Xiao Ming, Zhao Yin and others have already turned the corner three times and entered the maze completely.

Behind Zhao Yin, only a transparent energy shield remains on the maze wall. He can see the maze on the opposite side, and he doesn't know how deep it is vertically and horizontally...

At this time, a fork in the road suddenly appeared ahead.

"Master Beast God, take the left intersection, that's the right way." Yu Feixing finally reminded him.

Zhao Yin looked at Xiao Ming, who had entered the fork on the right.

"Don't disturb Xiao Ming!"

When Yu Feixing heard this, he immediately stopped talking. He had completely understood.

I'm afraid Zhao Yin has long since given up the idea of ​​treasure hunting.

I looked at the time and saw that half a day had passed. I wonder how long it would take to finish searching the entire maze?

Nowadays, the Jizhou Military Region is full of waste and is waiting to be renovated. The next sea of ​​corpses has formed. I don’t know when it will come. It may be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow...

Time was very urgent for Yu Feixing.

He thought wildly for a while, if Zhao Yin only obtained these extraordinary metals in the maze, then the reward given to him would not be too much.

But at this time, he could only wait patiently...

After Xiao Ming collected the corridor on the right, he finally came to the right road.

From the corner of Zhao Yin's eye, he suddenly saw a metal box over one meter high at the corner.

[Gold Essence Treasure Box: Strong 6000, temporarily manufactured by the Eighth Battlefield Red Armor Army, used for treasure storage, effect: can be used to store items, without engraved runes, can be disassembled to produce SS-level extraordinary metal gold essence! Remarks: Used for alloy smelting, extraordinary equipment, props, and construction manufacturing]

If it is not engraved with runes, it is not considered equipment.

Can SS-level extraordinary gold essence be dismantled?

"Lord Beast God, this is the metal box we used to hold the evolution potion when we got it!"

Yu Feixing saw something and explained: "At that time, this box contained a hundred bottles of potions. At that time, I only had an A-level space ring, and I had to store other supplies, so I left it."

"There are four more boxes of the same kind ahead. There may be more in the deeper part of the maze!"

Zhao Yin was shocked when he heard this.

SS-level gold essence is completely different from S-level mithril. It is much more powerful when made into a magic cannon.

Estimated from the visual, this box weighs at least 5,000 kilograms, which means that two such boxes can be used to build an SS-level metal magic cannon!

Zhao Yin personally stepped forward and waved to put the box away.

"Xiao Ming, speed up! Drink iced black tea, compressed biscuits and two kinds of wine. I have unlimited supply!"

"Understood, master!"

Xiao Ming got the supply of extraordinary food, and his speed more than doubled...

Yu Feixing was delighted to see that Zhao Yin finally became interested in other supplies in the maze.

After the joy, he sighed again and again.

It's true that the emperor is not anxious, but the eunuch is anxious!

At this time, Zhao Yin saw that at the corner where the box was before, there stood a space portal.

"Master Beast God, this is the portal I mentioned before. As long as you step in, you can return immediately."


At the same time.

South of Daxia, in the endless sea, the Luzon Islands.

Before the end of the world, there was a small country called the Philippine Maid Country that always liked to jump around.

At this moment, in the unknown jungle, a huge space portal was suspended there out of thin air.

More than a dozen psychics were standing in front of the portal, waiting anxiously.

"I've been waiting for three days! Why hasn't Master Fili arrived yet?"

"Could it be that the master encountered some crisis?"

"Master Fili is the only SSS-level gold-type psychic in the Philippine Maid Country. He is invincible. What can go wrong?"

A group of people were talking.

An insider explained: "I heard that the military recently got a blueprint for making extraordinary weapons and asked Lady Fili to help make it. It should be almost time!"

Just then, footsteps were heard in the distance in the jungle.

Everyone looked back and showed joy.

"Lady Fili!"

"The master is here!"

"Welcome, Lady Fili!"

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